4 # This file is part of BeRTOS.
6 # Bertos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9 # (at your option) any later version.
11 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 # GNU General Public License for more details.
16 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
20 # As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
21 # library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate
22 # templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
23 # this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
24 # file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
25 # the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
26 # invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
27 # the GNU General Public License.
29 # Copyright 2008 Develer S.r.l. (http://www.develer.com/)
33 # Author: Lorenzo Berni <duplo@develer.com>
39 from BWizardPage import *
40 import BToolchainSearch
42 import qvariant_converter
46 class BToolchainPage(BWizardPage):
48 Page of the wizard that permits to choose the toolchain to use for the
53 BWizardPage.__init__(self, UI_LOCATION + "/toolchain_select.ui")
54 self.setTitle(self.tr("Select toolchain"))
55 self._validation_process = None
56 self._valid_items = []
58 ## Overloaded QWizardPage methods. ##
62 Overload of the QWizard isComplete method.
64 if self.pageContent.toolchainList.currentRow() != -1:
65 self.setProjectInfo("TOOLCHAIN",
66 qvariant_converter.getStringDict(self.pageContent.toolchainList.currentItem().data(Qt.UserRole)))
73 ## Overloaded BWizardPage methods. ##
77 Sets up the user interface.
79 self.pageContent.infoLabel.setVisible(False)
81 def connectSignals(self):
83 Connects the signals with the related slots.
85 self.connect(self.pageContent.toolchainList, SIGNAL("itemSelectionChanged()"), self.selectionChanged)
86 self.connect(self.pageContent.addButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.addToolchain)
87 self.connect(self.pageContent.removeButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.removeToolchain)
88 self.connect(self.pageContent.searchButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.searchToolchain)
89 self.connect(self.pageContent.checkButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.validateAllToolchains)
93 Overload of the BWizard reloadData method.
97 self._populateToolchainList()
98 if len(self._valid_items) == 1:
99 self.pageContent.toolchainList.setCurrentItem(self._valid_items[0])
105 def selectionChanged(self):
107 Slot called when the user click on an entry of the toolchain list.
109 if self.pageContent.toolchainList.currentRow() != -1:
110 infos = collections.defaultdict(lambda: unicode("not defined"))
111 infos.update(qvariant_converter.getStringDict(self.pageContent.toolchainList.currentItem().data(Qt.UserRole)))
112 self.pageContent.infoLabel.setText("GCC " + infos["version"] + " (" + infos["build"] + ")\nTarget: " + infos["target"] + "\nPath: " + os.path.normpath(infos["path"]))
113 self.pageContent.infoLabel.setVisible(True)
114 if self.isDefaultToolchain(infos):
115 self.disableRemoveButton()
117 self.enableRemoveButton()
118 self.emit(SIGNAL("completeChanged()"))
120 def addToolchain(self):
122 Slot called when the user adds manually a toolchain.
124 sel_toolchain = unicode(QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, self.tr("Choose the toolchain"), ""))
125 if sel_toolchain != "":
126 item = QListWidgetItem(sel_toolchain)
127 item.setData(Qt.UserRole, qvariant_converter.convertStringDict({"path": sel_toolchain}))
128 self.pageContent.toolchainList.addItem(item)
129 toolchains = self.toolchains()
130 toolchains[sel_toolchain] = False
131 self.setToolchains(toolchains)
133 def removeToolchain(self):
135 Slot called when the user removes manually a toolchain.
137 if self.pageContent.toolchainList.currentRow() != -1:
138 item = self.pageContent.toolchainList.takeItem(self.pageContent.toolchainList.currentRow())
139 toolchain = qvariant_converter.getStringDict(item.data(Qt.UserRole))["path"]
140 toolchains = self.toolchains()
141 del toolchains[toolchain]
142 self.setToolchains(toolchains)
144 def searchToolchain(self):
146 Slot called when the user clicks on the 'search' button. It opens the
147 toolchain search dialog.
149 search = BToolchainSearch.BToolchainSearch()
150 self.connect(search, SIGNAL("accepted()"), self._search)
153 def validateAllToolchains(self):
155 Slot called when the user clicks on the validate button. It starts the
156 toolchain validation procedure for all the toolchains.
158 QApplication.instance().setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor)
159 for i in range(self.pageContent.toolchainList.count()):
160 self.validateToolchain(i)
161 QApplication.instance().restoreOverrideCursor()
165 def _populateToolchainList(self):
167 Fills the toolchain list with the toolchains stored in the QSettings.
169 toolchains = self.toolchains()
171 import winreg_importer
172 stored_toolchains = winreg_importer.getBertosToolchains()
173 for toolchain in stored_toolchains:
174 toolchains[toolchain] = True
175 sel_toolchain = self.projectInfo("TOOLCHAIN")
176 for key, value in toolchains.items():
177 if os.path.exists(key):
178 item = QListWidgetItem(key)
179 item.setData(Qt.UserRole, qvariant_converter.convertStringDict({"path": key}))
180 self.pageContent.toolchainList.addItem(item)
181 if sel_toolchain and sel_toolchain["path"] == key:
182 self.pageContent.toolchainList.setCurrentItem(item)
184 self.validateToolchain(self.pageContent.toolchainList.row(item))
186 def currentToolchain(self):
187 selected_toolchain = qvariant_converter.getStringDict(self.pageContent.toolchainList.currentItem().data(Qt.UserRole))
188 return selected_toolchain
190 def _clearList(self):
192 Removes all the toolchain from the list.
194 self.pageContent.toolchainList.clear()
198 Searches for toolchains in the stored directories, and stores them in the
201 dir_list = self.searchDirList()
202 if self.pathSearch():
203 dir_list += [element for element in bertos_utils.getSystemPath()]
204 toolchain_list = bertos_utils.findToolchains(dir_list)
205 stored_toolchains = self.toolchains()
206 for element in toolchain_list:
207 if not element in stored_toolchains:
208 item = QListWidgetItem(element)
209 item.setData(Qt.UserRole, qvariant_converter.convertStringDict({"path": element}))
210 self.pageContent.toolchainList.addItem(item)
211 stored_toolchains[element] = False
212 self.setToolchains(stored_toolchains)
213 self.showMessage(self.tr("Toolchain search result."), self.tr("%1 toolchains founded").arg(len(stored_toolchains)))
215 def _validItem(self, index, infos):
217 Sets the item at index as a valid item and associates the given info to it.
219 item = self.pageContent.toolchainList.item(index)
220 new_data = qvariant_converter.getStringDict(self.pageContent.toolchainList.item(index).data(Qt.UserRole))
221 new_data.update(infos)
222 item.setData(Qt.UserRole, qvariant_converter.convertStringDict(new_data))
223 needed = self.projectInfo("CPU_INFOS")
224 if "target" in infos and infos["target"].find(needed["TOOLCHAIN"]) != -1:
225 item.setIcon(QIcon(":/images/ok.png"))
226 self._valid_items.append(item)
228 item.setIcon(QIcon(":/images/warning.png"))
229 if "version" in infos and "target" in infos:
230 item.setText("GCC " + infos["version"] + " - " + infos["target"].strip())
232 def _invalidItem(self, index):
234 Sets the item at index as an invalid item.
236 item = self.pageContent.toolchainList.item(index)
237 item.setIcon(QIcon(":/images/error.png"))
239 def validateToolchain(self, i):
241 Toolchain validation procedure.
243 filename = qvariant_converter.getStringDict(self.pageContent.toolchainList.item(i).data(Qt.UserRole))["path"]
246 # Check for the other tools of the toolchain
247 for tool in TOOLCHAIN_ITEMS:
248 if os.path.exists(filename.replace("gcc", tool)):
253 # Try to retrieve the informations about the toolchain only for the valid toolchains
255 self._validation_process = QProcess()
256 self._validation_process.start(filename, ["-v"])
257 self._validation_process.waitForStarted(1000)
258 if self._validation_process.waitForFinished(200):
259 description = unicode(self._validation_process.readAllStandardError())
260 info = bertos_utils.getToolchainInfo(description)
264 self._validation_process.kill()
265 # Add the item in the list with the appropriate associate data.
267 self._validItem(i, info)
270 toolchains = self.toolchains()
271 toolchains[filename] = True
272 self.setToolchains(toolchains)
274 def isDefaultToolchain(self, toolchain):
276 Returns True if the given toolchain is one of the default toolchains.
279 import winreg_importer
280 stored_toolchains = winreg_importer.getBertosToolchains()
281 if toolchain["path"] in stored_toolchains:
285 def disableRemoveButton(self):
287 Disable the remove button.
289 self.pageContent.removeButton.setEnabled(False)
291 def enableRemoveButton(self):
293 Enable the remove button.
295 self.pageContent.removeButton.setEnabled(True)
297 def currentItem(self):
298 return self.pageContent.toolchainList.currentItem()