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**Bernie Innocenti** \\ Linux and Firmware Engineer Boston Greater Area \\ email: **bernie**@**codewiz**.**org** \\ [[https://gitlab.com/berniecodewiz | GitLab]] | [[https://github.com/codewiz | GitHub]] | [[https://www.linkedin.com/in/codewiz | LinkedIn]] \\ Website: [[https://www.codewiz.org/ | www.codewiz.org]] \\ Latest version of this resume: [[https://www.codewiz.org/resume | www.codewiz.org/resume]] === Objectives === My primary interests are system programming, drivers, firmware, sensors, robotics, hard real-time systems, compilers, machine learning, distributed systems, low-latency networking, computer graphics, education technology. Anything related to science, technology, aerospace and electronics is likely to interest me, //especially// if it's not already listed below. === Summary === * Senior Firmware Engineer, Starship Avionics & Sensor Development, [[https://www.spacex.com/ | SpaceX]] * Senior Software Engineer, Android Networking, [[https://careers.google.com/locations/tokyo/ | Google Japan]] * Senior Software Engineer, Search Infrastructure, [[https://careers.google.com/locations/cambridge/ | Google]] * Co-founder, [[https://www.sugarlabs.org/ | Sugar Labs Foundation]] (education non-profit) * OS Developer, [[http://www.paraguayeduca.org/ | Paraguay Educa]], [[OneLaptopPerChild | One Laptop Per Child]] * CTO & Co-Founder, [[https://www.develer.com/en/ | Develer]] (embedded systems / Linux engineering firm) * Open-source contributor ([[https://gcc.gnu.org/ | GCC]], [[https://www.kernel.org/ | Linux kernel]] and various others) === Skills === * **Programming Languages**: C++23, Rust, C, Java, Go * **Dynamic/Scripting Languages**: Python, Java****Script, Type****Script, Bash, Perl, PHP, Lua * **Assembly**: x86, ARM, m68k, 6502, Z80 * **Microcontrollers and DSPs**: NXP i.MX RT (ARM), Coldfire, M68705, TMS320 * **Other Languages**: HTML, CSS, GLSL, SQL, LaTeX * **Natural Languages**: Italian (native), English (excellent), Spanish (fluent), Japanese (JLPT N3-N4) * **Operating Systems**: Linux (Red Hat, Fedora, Arch, Ubuntu, Debian, uClinux), Android, macOS, Solaris, NetBSD, AmigaOS, Windows * **Development Tools**: GCC (contributor), Clang, Visual Studio Code, GNU make, ninja, bazel * **Execution domains**: realtime, event-driven, async/await, multithreading, client/server, GPU offload * **Frameworks and APIs**: POSIX, Web****Assembly, Qt, OpenGL, Win32, Protobufs * **Version Control**: Git (self-hosted, [[https://gitlab.com/berniecodewiz | GitLab]] and [[https://github.com/codewiz | GitHub]]), Perforce, Subversion * **Network Protocols**: HTTP, QUIC, TLS, IPv6, TCP, UDP, DNS, DNSSEC, DHCP, TFTP, BGP * **Sysadmin**: KVM, Docker, Puppet, Google Cloud, systemd, Nagios, Grafana === Work Experience === ==== Senior Firmware Engineer, SpaceX (Sep 2021 ~ Apr 2024) ==== * Sensor Development: Design firmware for navigation and propulsion * Starship Avionics: Co-maintainer of firmware framework * Test engineering: Build Linux-based testbeds and CI pipelines for sensors ==== Senior Software Engineer, Google (Sep 2011 ~ Sep 2021) ==== * Android Core Networking: Lead developer of the [[https://source.android.com/devices/architecture/modular-system/dns-resolver | DNS resolver]], including monitoring and experiments system * Google Search Infrastructure: Develop features for high-throughput, high-availability, distributed web serving for billions of files * [[https://amp.dev/ | Accelerated Mobile Pages]]: Tech lead of global CDN for news sites integrated with Google Search * Instructor of advanced C++ and Linux programming courses for Tokyo and Taipei offices * Conduct system design interviews, mentor new employees and host interns ==== Senior Systems Administrator, Free Software Foundation (Oct 2010 ~ Sep 2011) ==== * Develop and consolidate infrastructure comprising approx. 100 virtual machines and 50 domains * Maintain project hosting and collaboration services for the GNU Project ==== Co-founder, Sugar Labs (May 2008 ~ present) === * Lead of the [[https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Infrastructure_Team/Resources | Infrastructure Team]] * Member of the Sugar Labs Oversight Board (2008 ~ 2011) * Fundraising, partnerships and organization of events ==== OS Developer, Paraguay Educa (Jan 2010 ~ Aug 2010) ==== * Coordinate engineering team to develop new features for [[https://sugarlabs.org/ | Sugar Learning Environment]] * Build, test and release OS updates for 4600 laptops deployed in rural schools * Organize computer programming and "hacking" workshops for students ==== Volunteer at One Laptop Per Child (May 2007 ~ Apr 2008) ==== * In-house maintainer of the X11 windowing system and graphics drivers * Input drivers, keyboard layouts and i18n * Platform development, packaging, release engineering ==== CTO, Co-founder at Develer (Nov 2002 ~ Apr 2007) ==== * Designer of [[http://bertos.org/|BeRTOS]], a modular, open-source RTOS for 8bit and 16bit microcontrollers. * Built team of highly skilled Linux and firmware engineers * Wrote firmware for embedded systems and DSPs (over a dozen different architectures) * Created project hosting and remote collaboration infrastructure * Business development and customer relationships ==== Freelance (2000 ~ 2009) ==== * **Telecom Italia Labs**: Design and implement compiler & interpreter of an object-oriented configuration language for a network simulator * **Selex Communications**: Design and develop DSP modem firmware for Air Traffic Control radios * **Gilbarco Veeder-Root**: Internal training of 200h for 45 engineer on Embedded Linux, OOP and C++ ==== Instructor for European Fund's engineering courses ==== * [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DLab | DLab]]: Multimedia programmer course (600h for 20 participants). My students designed a [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/dlab/files/Starshocks/0.5%20beta/ | 2D game engine]] from scratch * [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/gfactory/ | GFactory]]: Videogame development course of 450h for selected 15 participants * PAW (Web Application Programmer): 300h for 15 participants * Workshop on GIS Systems in Iannina, Greece (30h for 15 participants) ==== Co-founder and CTO, Sirius SRL ==== * Firmware and power control for laser hair removal * Created company's IT infrastructure and Internet presence ==== Firmware engineer, SEAC R&D laboratories ==== * Control software for clinical analyzer robot with 18 stepper motors * Software, firmware and driver development for laboratory instruments: photometers, incubators, hematology === Education === * Diploma in Mathematics, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering (Firenze, Italy) * Undergraduate student of Software Engineering (Università degli Studi di Firenze) * Undergraduate courses of Education Technology and Mathematics (Harvard Extension School) * Personal research in compilers, algorithms, operating systems, network protocols, 3D graphics === Personal Projects / Volunteer Activity === * [[https://gitlab.com/berniecodewiz/mandelwow | Mandelwow]], a 3D fractal demo written in Rust and OpenGL * [[https://www.codewiz.org/wiki/CorebootX230 | Coreboot hacking]] on Thinkpad laptops * [[GeekiGeeki]], a wiki engine backed by Git, powering this website * [[http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Bernie | Fedora developer]] * [[https://launchpad.net/~codewiz/+archive/ppa | Ubuntu packager]] * GCC maintainer (mostly m68k backend) * Minor contributions to the Linux kernel * Co-maintainer of [[http://bdm.sourceforge.net | Background Debug Module]] driver for Freescale Coldfire series * [[https://www.netbsd.org/ | NetBSD]] developer * Sysop of [[SystemShockBBS]], a FidoNET technology BBS