Overview ======== DevLib is a collection of small reusable components designed by Develer for internal use in many embedded and portable applications. These source files are intended to be shared between very different environments, from 8bit processors to Linux and Win32 hosted applications, using a wide range of compilers. DevLib is not strictly a library or a portability layer. It's also definitely not an OS, altough some of its components can be combined together to form a multitasking kernel with some IPC functionality. Scope (or lack thereof) ======================= There is no consistent scope or design guide-line for the components of DevLib, altough there is a common coding and documentation style. Every piece of code that looks useful for more than one application may end up here, regardless of compatibility and fitness with other modules. Most of DevLib is written in C, but some services intended for higher level, OS-hosted applications are written in C++. Some modules are dependant on others to avoid code duplication, but most of the times you can configure out features you don't need. Redistribution ============== DevLib is a collection of independent works originally written by several different contributors. Unless otherwise noted, all material is provided under the terms of the GPL (see LICENSE.GPL). Alternatively, when parts of DevLib are included in projects developed by Develer, said parts are subject to the same licensing terms covering the specific project, with the exception of clauses granting exclusive rights.