/* * This document is automatically processed by Doxygen (http://www.doxygen.org/). * Don't remove special formatting tags. */ /*! \mainpage \section overview Overview BeRTOS is a real-time operating system designed for building applications for embedded systems, like reference boards, test boards, or custom boards. It has a modular structure: its components can be used in very different environments, from 8-bit processor to Linux and Win32 hosted application (for debug purpose), using a wide range of compilers. \section history History and Motivation BeRTOS was born as a collection of useful, highly optimized and fine-tuned libraries for embedded systems. Each library had its own scope and could be used singularly in a project, though they were also meant to cooperate to build the whole underlying software layer commonly called "operating system". We have grown it following our guidelines: simplicity and beauty. These guidelines made it possible to evolve it in a full-featured real time operating system, with more modularity than many other embedded OSes, without giving up reliability and performace. To achieve the highest possible reusability, most BeRTOS components are designed for fine-grained modularity and minimal external dependencies. Most non-essential features can be configured out for application with small memory footprint requirements. \section features Features - multitasking kernel with IPC, semaphores, priority levels; - a comprehensive set of generic drivers for a wide range of devices, which can be easily customized to the actual hardware: timer, serial, adc, ntc, pwm, stepper motors, dc motors, lcd, keyboards, buzzer, eeprom; - full graphic subsystem for simple displays, with font support, bitmaps, clipping, text formatting, interactive menus; - simple console with command parser; - readline-like support for command history; - entropy generator and random numbers generator optimized for embedded systems; - checksumming and hashing functions (CRC, MD2); - full hash-table implementation with double-hashing collision resolution; - XMODEM protocol implementation; - RLE compression algorithm; \section structure Directory Structure The modules are sorted in subdirectories by their category: - app/ : demo applications; - bertos/algo/ : algorithms; - bertos/cfg/ : configuration stuff; - bertos/drv/ : hardware drivers; - bertos/dt/ : experimental object oriented gui toolkit; - bertos/emul/ : Qt-based emulator framework for embedded applications; - bertos/fonts/ : fonts; - bertos/fs/ : file system related stuff; - bertos/gfx/ : general purpose graphics routines; - bertos/gui/ : widgets for simple displays; - bertos/hw/ : hardware-specific declarations; - bertos/icons/ : conversion tool from image TXT format to LCD bitmap; - bertos/kern/ : multitasking kernel; - bertos/mware/ : algorithms, other standalone code; - bertos/struct/ : containers and other data structures; - bertos/os/ : OS-abstraction layers for hosted environments; - doc/ : documentation; The top-level directory contains a few support headers that are meant to be usable by any C/C++ embedded or hosted application. See the \ref dev_status page for information about the various drivers. \section license License BeRTOS is provided under the term of the GNU General Public License (see LICENSE.GPL) with following exception: \verbatim As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. \endverbatim */