{{SystemShockLogoAlpha.png}}\\ ##CONNECT 4194304/TCP80##\\ ##Press LMB twice to edit this page##\\ ##Guest login enabled (hit RETURN at the password prompt)##
== Availability == === Telnet access === For your nostalgic needs, sometimes System Shock BBS can still be reached: [[telnet://shock.codewiz.org:6502]]. Only one telnet user at a time for now, sorry. New users should sendsend email to the [[SysOp]] to speedup account validation. Oh, and do not even //attempt// to use Echomail, as we don't poll our hub any longer. If you don't like this new policy, go on and file a formal complaint to our FidoNet NEC ;-) TODO: multiple ##telser.device## lines coming soo!!!111oneone FIXME: any suggestions for a good BBS-ANSI terminal with telnet support for Linux? [[ZModem]] support would be very useful. === File archives === No ratio, leech as you please! But it is not funny without seeing the descriptions in the File Areas. * http://pub.codewiz.org/systemshock/ * ftp://pub.codewiz.org/pub/codewiz/systemshock/ === Web presence === The [[http://codewiz.org/oldsites/systemshock|original System Shock website]] is online again! == BBS Summit 2009 Mar 29 == {{Pictures/amiga/SystemShockBBS/SystemShockSummit2009.jpg|T2B/L2R: Stefano "aleph" Fedrigo, Massimo "mostro" Santoro, Sonia "ladyblue" Conte, Fabio "fby" Barzagli, Bernardo "bernie" Innocenti|maxwidth=800}} === Presentations === * Login session, Massimo Santoro ([[Pictures/amiga/SystemShockBBS/Screenshots|Slides]]) * I Frattali, Bernie Innocenti (Scala MM 400) * L'Alternanza delle Ideologie, Fabio Barzagli (Scala MM 400) === Agenda === || 1500 || **Registration** || || 1530 || Breve ascolto radioanimati.it || || 1600 || Bootstrap Amiga 4000 dopo 10 anni di inattivita' || || 1630 || Team Alpha: setup ingresso composito Cinergy || Team Beta: missione recupero Microvitec || || 1700 || **Coffee break** || || 1730 || Agganciamento componenti (external SCSI tank) || || 1745 || Debug cavo SCSI2 difettoso || || 1800 || Sequenza di boot completata (champagne) || || 1815 || Recupero passwords e login nella BBS || || 1830 || Connessione audio passthrough su Linux con pulseaudio || || 1900 || [[Pictures/amiga/SystemShockBBS/Screenshots|Screenshots]] e foto di gruppo || || 1930 || Ascolto sezione moduli BBS || Team Beta: PizzaMan || || 2000 || **Social dinner (sponsored by Aurora)** || || 2100 || Setup TCP/IP || Ascolto [[http://fby.codewiz.org/fby2/music.html|Moduli FBY]] and [[http://fby.codewiz.org/fby/modulescollection.html|oldest modules]]|| || 2130 || Setup server NFS su Amiga (failed) || Milky Tracker su Linux || || 2200 || Setup client NFS su Amiga || || 2300 || Setup SSHv1 client su Amiga || || 2400 || Inizio recupero dati da BBS (in progress) || === Participants === || ||**Point**||** Attended **|| || [[User/Bernie|bernie]] ||1 || V || || fby ||9 || V || || mostro ||21 || V || || rasky ||33 || || || nevez ||? || || || steak ||12 || || || mad ||13 || || || woody ||? || || || lobo ||? || || || gerardoperillo ||24 || || || ladyblue ||xy || new entry || || vic ||22 || ringamb || || aleph ||¿ || V || {{http://www.paternostro.org/~ugo/images/Pianeta_Amiga/lores17.jpg|System Shock BBS @ PianetaAmiga}}