== Oneiric desktop paper cuts == === Indicators === # oneiric regression, confirmed on precise: where has the displays idicator gone?? # oneiric regression, confirmed on precise: When the control panel is already open but hidden behind other windows or on a different virtual desktop, clicking on "Sound Settings" or "Bluetooth Settings" does not bring it to the foreground, thus confusing users. # Why can't the desktop remember that I don't want mirrored displays when I connect my laptop to the docking station? # oneiric regression: When I connect a DisplayPort monitor, sometimes the audio switches to it (but sometimes it doesn't, I couldn't figure out why). The output setting is buried deep into Control Panel / Sound Settings / Hardware / Profile, so it took me a while to figure out what had happened the first time. # oneiric regression: Similar to previous bug: sometimes when I switch on the DisplayPort output I get no sound, no matter how I set the Profile in Sound Settings. The only way to make it work is turn off the external monitor and turn it on again. # oneiric regression: no workspace previews in the panel. There's indicator-workspaces on Launchpad ([[https://launchpad.net/~geod/+archive/ppa-geod]]), but it doesn't start automatically at login. # oneiric regression: Same for the system load indicator: it does not start automatically at login. # oneiric regression: Tray icons, including the bluetooth icon and the KTorrent icon, sometimes disappears from the panel. The icons can still be seen by opening the unity-2d-panel. # oneiric regression, FIXED: menus of GTK3 applications appear in the window itself rather than in the Unity panel === Window management === # oneiric regression, fixed on precise: windows often open with the title bars hidden by the top panel and you can only drag them out with alt+click. # oneiric regression: dragging windows around becomes slow and jerky after some time. OpenGL acceleration works fine, it seems like a compiz issue with the intel driver. I can easily reprodiuce this on a Thinkpad X201 (Arrandale), but it's a lot harder to trigger on a X220 (Sandybridge). # oneiric regression: when I switch workspaces, sometimes focus goes to a window hidden behind another full-screen window. In general, compiz does not remember which window had focus in each workspace. # long-time issue, confirmed on precise: When the video mode changes, full-screen windows often get shuffled on different workspaces and don't come back to their original locations when the resolution changes back. This is particularly annoying when plugging/unplugging monitors. # oneiric regression, confirmed in precise: the "Desktop Cube" plugin of Compiz makes the display flicker briefly every time I switch workspace. This happens both with a Thinkpad X201 (Arrandale) and X200s (GM45). # If I drag an icon around in Nautilus, I can often make Compiz hang. Restarting Unity from the console often cures the problem. # While dragging icons or other objects, I can only switch workspaces by going to the left edge. It doesn't work on the right. This happens with both "Desktop Wall" and "Desktop Cube". === Session management === # oneiric regression, confirmed on precise: There's no longer a way to save the X session? Before, it was working only for half of my applications, but it would still save some time after a reboot. # oneiric regression: Switch User Account locks my current session and then it doesn't bring up the login screen. (I'm running gdm, not lightdm) === Unity Dock === # oneiric regression, fixed in precise: the search bar often takes several seconds to show up when invoked with the keyboard. # There's a "Workspace Switcher" on the dock that doesn't do anything when I click on it. It's totally dead and I cannot even remove it. I have 4 virtual desktops and the Desktop Wall plugin is enabled. # fixed in oneiric: There's also a trashcan icon on my dock that brings up a new tab in browser! # long-time issue, confirmed in precise: Notification OSDs won't go away by clicking on them. They just become more transparent when hovering the mouse. I can reproduce it every time by typing "notify-send foo" in a terminal. # fixed in oneiric: I can't configure the key to switch focus to the launcher to Super alone. I had to resort to Super-space, which is not comfortable for me. # If I edit preferences in ccsm, sometimes Unity does not pick them up until I restart it. === Applications === # oneiric regression: The Gnome Control Center (aka System Settings) often closes when clicking on icons. I suspect it's simply crashing. # Evolution 3: the (webkit based) mail preview pane sometimes "crashes". It remains blank or garbled and there's no way to restore it until I restart the application. # Evolution 3: forgets my Google account password every time I start it. Works with other IMAP accounts. # Evolution 3: my Google calendars no longer show up (no errors are displayed). The CalDAV calendars still work. # Evolution 3: sometimes Evolution just stops polling for email until I restart it # Evolution 3: sometimes Evolution hangs during shutdown until I kill it from the terminal # Evolution 3: this might sound like a rant, but due to many other stability issues with Evolution, my email experience has become really miserable in Oneiric. === Hardware support === # Wifi becomes incredibly slow after a few minutes of use (like, 1-2kb/s). This is a an Intel iwlagn 6250. I tried all kernels all the way to 3.2 with no improvement. The only workaround I could find is disabling 802.11n support. * Likely this bug: http://marc.info/?l=linux-kernel&m=131914553920614&w=2 # My jWin bluetooth headphones stop working if I don't play anything for 30 seconds. Afterwards, sound applications hang until I disconnect the bluetooth device. * Fixed in kernel 3.2 # The Bluetooth headphones don't get automatically reconnected when I turn them on. Clicking on Connect in the control panel seems to work for one second, then it fails. The only way to reconnect is removing the device and then paring it again. * https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/437649 * confirmed on precise # Sometimes, when switching monitors on/off the DisplayPort output starts to flicker. Looks like a double-buffering issue. * I've not seen this in a while, maybe fixed === Upgrade issues === # Unbootable machine: after upgrading to Oneiric, the machine became unbootable due to an incomplete /run migration. There's a bug in Launchpad, but it's not getting any attention. # Unbootable machine: my home is dm-crypt encrypted, alghough not with luks. After upgrading to Oneiric, it was no longer being mounted because mount thought it was of type minixfs. WTF?? To fix this, I had to pass '-n nominix' to blkid in /lib/cryptsetup/checks/un_blkid. This filtering was present in an earlier version of cryptsetup, but it has been removed in 2:1.1.3-1. # Unbootable machine: On my x200s, something goes wrong when initramfs tries to switch to the root filesystem. Due to a race with udev, some files cannot be deleted in the tmpfs. * https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/155689 * https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/613273 * FIXED: incomplete /run migration # Unbootable machine: Something was also broken with X and lightdm, but I have forgotten the details and how I fixed it. # Apport no longer starts when something crashes in my unity session. It works for newly created users.