Policy for maintaining george.riseup.net ---------------------------------------- Riseup graciously provided the MonkeySphere project with a vserver for testing and public documentation. This is known as george.riseup.net, for those who are curious about the MonkeySphere. george will be maintained as a debian lenny machine, with minimal packages from experimental as needed for installing and running what we build elsewhere. george will host 3 public-facing services: an ssh daemon on port 22, an http service on port 80, and an OpenPGP keyserver (the HKP protocol) on port 11371. Administration of george is a shared responsibility across the core members of the MonkeySphere development team. Administrators will log changes in their git repositories, in doc/george/changelog (a peer of this policy file). monkeysphere packages installed on george will use unique, tagged version numbers so we know what we're running. We will try to keep the installation as minimal as possible while still allowing for comfortable day-to-day administration. We will use aptitude for package management where possible. Outstanding questions: Who should have superuser access? Who should get regular user accounts?