[[ meta title="debian packaging postinst script clobbers gpg.conf settings in /var/lib/monkeysphere" ]] Do we want to allow the system administrator to make adjustments to the `gpg.conf` config files found in `/var/lib/monkeysphere`? At the moment, there are two such files: * `/var/lib/monkeysphere/gnupg-authentication/gpg.conf` * `/var/lib/monkeysphere/gnupg-host/gpg.conf` In the debian postinst scripts (`debian/monkeysphere.postinst`), the contents of those files are overwritten on every upgrade/reinstall, effectively clobbering any changes made by the local admin. Maybe we *do* want to do this clobbering, though. Stuff in `/var` is generally not expected to be modified by hand. I see two possible resolutions to this: * when we clobber those files, include a comment along the lines of: # do not make changes to this file! It is overwritten on each upgrade! * Avoid clobbering the files, and treat them as config files. the latter approach suggests that they should be more properly stored in `/etc/`, though. This would give us all the conf-file tracking apparatus, which is nice. If we do want to do that, I guess we'd symlink to them from the monkeysphere-specific `$GNUPGHOME`s in `/var/lib/monkeysphere`, since `gpg` does not seem to allow for overriding the location of the `gpg.conf` independent of `$GNUPGHOME`.