Add a revoker to the host's OpenPGP key. The key ID will be loaded
from the keyserver. A file may be loaded instead of pulling the key
from the keyserver by specifying the path to the file as the argument,
-or by specifying `-` to load from stdin. `o' may be be used in place
+or by specifying `-` to load from stdin. `r+' may be be used in place
of `add-revoker'.
.B revoke-key
-Revoke the host's OpenPGP key. This will ask you a series of
-questions, and then generate a key revocation certificate on standard
-out. If you publish this revocation certificate to the public
-keyservers, your host key will be permanently revoked. `r' may be
-used in place of `revoke-key'.
+Generate (with the option to publish) a revocation certificate for the
+host's OpenPGP key. If such a certificate is published, your host key
+will be permanently revoked. This subcommand will ask you a series of
+questions, and then generate a key revocation certificate, sending it
+to stdout. If you explicitly tell it to publish the revocation
+certificate immediately, it will send it to the public keyservers.
.B publish-key
Publish the host's OpenPGP key to the keyserver. `p' may be used in
import-key (i) FILE [NAME[:PORT]] import existing ssh key to gpg
show-key (s) output all host key information
+ publish-key (p) publish host key to keyserver
set-expire (e) [EXPIRE] set host key expiration
add-hostname (n+) NAME[:PORT] add hostname user ID to host key
revoke-hostname (n-) NAME[:PORT] revoke hostname user ID
- add-revoker (o) [KEYID|FILE] add a revoker to the host key
- revoke-key (r) revoke host key
- publish-key (p) publish host key to keyserver
+ add-revoker (r+) [KEYID|FILE] add a revoker to the host key
+ revoke-key generate and/or publish revocation
+ certificate for host key
version (v) show version number
help (h,?) this help
revoke_hostname "$@"
- 'add-revoker'|'o')
+ 'add-revoker'|'r+')
source "${MHSHAREDIR}/add_revoker"
add_revoker "$@"
- 'revoke-key'|'r')
+ 'revoke-key')
source "${MHSHAREDIR}/revoke_key"
# Coming in here, we expect $HOST_FINGERPRINT to be set, and we
# believe that there is in fact a key.
+ if [ "$PROMPT" = "false" ] ; then
+ publish=N
+ else
+ cat <<EOF >&2
+This will generate a revocation certificate for your host key
+(fingerprint: $HOST_FINGERPRINT) and
+dump the certificate to standard output.
+It can also directly publish the new revocation certificate
+to the public keyservers via $KEYSERVER if you want it to.
+Publishing this certificate will IMMEDIATELY and PERMANENTLY revoke
+your host key!
+ read -p "Publish the certificate after generation? (y/n/Q) " publish
+ if ! [ "${publish/y/Y}" = 'Y' -o "${publish/n/N}" = 'N' ] ; then
+ failure "aborting at user request"
+ fi
+ fi
# our current implementation is very simple: we just want to
# generate the revocation certificate on stdout. This provides
# for the two most likely (but hopefully not common) scenarios:
# transcribe from the terminal.
# Alternately, an admin might want to publish the revocation
- # certificate immediately. here's a quick way to do this:
+ # certificate immediately, which we can help them do as well.
+ if [ "$PROMPT" = 'false' ] ; then
+ local revoke_commands="y
+Monkeysphere host key revocation (no prompting) $(date '+%F_%T')
- # tmp=$(mktemp -d)
- # export GNUPGHOME="$tmp"
- # gpg --import < /var/lib/monkeysphere/
- # monkeysphere-host revoke-key | gpg --import
- # gpg --keyserver --send $(hostname -f)
+ revcert=$(GNUPGHOME="$GNUPGHOME_HOST" gpg_host --command-fd 0 --armor --gen-revoke "0x${HOST_FINGERPRINT}!" <<<"$revoke_commands" ) \
+ || failure "Failed to generate revocation certificate!"
+ else
# note: we're not using the gpg_host function because we actually
# want to use gpg's UI in this case, so we want to omit --no-tty
+ revcert=$(GNUPGHOME="$GNUPGHOME_HOST" gpg --no-greeting --quiet --armor --gen-revoke "0x${HOST_FINGERPRINT}!") \
+ || failure "Failed to generate revocation certificate!"
+ fi
+ # if you run gpg --gen-revoke but cancel it or quit in the middle,
+ # it returns success, but emits no revocation certificate:
+ if ! [ "$revcert" ] ; then
+ failure "Revocation canceled."
+ fi
+ ## ok, now we have the revocation certificate. Print it, and
+ ## offer to publish if originally requested:
+ printf "%s\n" "$revcert"
- GNUPGHOME="$GNUPGHOME_HOST" gpg --no-greeting --quiet --armor --gen-revoke "0x${HOST_FINGERPRINT}!"
+ if [ "${publish/y/Y}" = 'Y' ] ; then
+ printf "\n" >&2
+ read -p "Really publish this cert to $KEYSERVER ? (Y/n) " really
+ if [ "${really/n/N}" = 'N' ] ; then
+ printf "Not publishing.\n" >&2
+ else
+ local newhome=$(mkmstempdir)
+ GNUPGHOME="$newhome" gpg --no-tty --quiet --import < "$HOST_KEY_FILE"
+ GNUPGHOME="$newhome" gpg --no-tty --quiet --import <<< "$revcert"
+ GNUPGHOME="$newhome" gpg --keyserver "$KEYSERVER" --send "0x${HOST_FINGERPRINT}!"
+ rm -rf "$newhome"
+ fi
+ fi
+# does not respond to the HKP port, so this should cause
+# any keyserver connection attempts that do happen (they shouldn't!)
+# to hang, so we'll notice them:
# (this would normally be done via keyservers)
echo "##################################################"
echo "### certifying server host key..."
-GNUPGHOME="$MONKEYSPHERE_SYSCONFIGDIR"/host gpg --armor --export "$HOSTKEYID" | gpgadmin --import
+< "$MONKEYSPHERE_SYSCONFIGDIR"/ gpgadmin --import
echo y | gpgadmin --command-fd 0 --sign-key "$HOSTKEYID"
# FIXME: add revoker?
echo "### ssh connection test for server authentication denial..."
ssh_test 255
chmod o-w "$TESTHOME"/.monkeysphere/authorized_user_ids
+monkeysphere-authentication update-users $(whoami)
# FIXME: addtest: remove admin as id-certifier and check ssh failure
# FIXME: addtest: add hostname on host key
# FIXME: addtest: revoke hostname on host key and check ssh failure
-# FIXME: addtest: revoke the host key and check ssh failure
+# addtest: revoke the host key and check ssh failure
+# test to make sure things are OK after the previous tests:
+echo "##################################################"
+echo "### ssh connection test for server with revoked key..."
+# generate the revocation certificate and feed it directly to the test
+# user's keyring (we're not publishing to the keyservers)
+monkeysphere-host revoke-key | gpg --import
+ssh_test 255