let mut fullscreen = false;
event_loop.run(move |event, _, control_flow| {
- timer.update();
let t = timer.t;
let new_hit = sound::hit_event(&mut soundplayer);
if new_hit > world.last_hit {
*control_flow = ControlFlow::WaitUntil(timer.now + Duration::from_nanos(16_666_667));
match event {
Event::MainEventsCleared => {
+ timer.update();
world.draw_frame(&display, &camera, t);
Event::NewEvents(cause) => {
VirtualKeyCode::PageUp => timer.t += 0.1,
VirtualKeyCode::PageDown => timer.t -= 0.2,
VirtualKeyCode::F10 => screenshot::take_screenshot(&display),
- VirtualKeyCode::F | VirtualKeyCode::F11 | VirtualKeyCode::Return => {
+ VirtualKeyCode::F11 | VirtualKeyCode::Return => {
fullscreen ^= true;
let fs = if fullscreen {
// let monitor_handle = display.gl_window().window()
pub struct Timer {
- pub t: f32,
- pub now: Instant,
- frame: u32,
+ pub t: f32, /// Simulation time (starts from 0 and does not advance while on pause).
+ pub now: Instant, /// Wall time, use instead of Instant::now() for frame-consistent time.
+ prev_time: Instant, /// Time of previous frame.
+ frame: u32, /// Frame count, starts from 0 and does not increment while on pause.
last_report_time: Instant,
last_report_frame: u32,
Timer {
t: 0.0,
+ prev_time: now,
frame: 0,
last_report_time: now,
last_report_frame: 0,
+ // To be called once per frame, just before rendering
pub fn update(&mut self) {
+ self.prev_time = self.now;
self.now = Instant::now();
- self.poll_rocket();
if !self.pause {
- // Increment time
- self.t += 0.01;
+ // Increment simulation time
+ let frame_time = self.now - self.prev_time;
+ self.t += frame_time.as_secs_f32();
self.frame += 1;
+ self.poll_rocket();