* Competitive strategies against the TwoHundredDollarLaptop (TODO)
* Upgrading the OLPC bathrooms to BadVista (DONE)
* Porting Xorg 1.4 to the OLPC: XorgOlpcTasks (DONE)
- * Porting Xorg 1.4.99 to the OLPC: http://www.codewiz.org/pub/xorg1499/
- * Optimized glibc 2.7: http://www.codewiz.org/pub/glibc-geode-2.7/
+ * Porting Xorg 1.4.99 to the OLPC: http://www.codewiz.org/pub/olpc/xorg1499/
+ * Optimized glibc 2.7: http://www.codewiz.org/pub/olpc/glibc-geode-2.7/
* Localization: EthiopianLocale
* Sugarizing the XaoS activitiy: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/XaoS
* Sugarizing the Linux SoundTracker