use cgmath::conv::array4x4;
use cgmath::{Euler, Matrix4, Rad, SquareMatrix, Vector3, Vector4, Zero};
-use glium::glutin::VirtualKeyCode;
-use glium::glutin::WindowEvent::KeyboardInput;
-use glium::{Surface, uniform};
+use glium::glutin::event::{ self, Event, VirtualKeyCode, WindowEvent };
+use glium::glutin::event_loop::{ ControlFlow };
+use glium::{Display, Program, Surface, uniform};
use mandelwow_lib::*;
use std::f32::consts::PI;
-use crate::timer::Timer;
+use std::rc::Rc;
+use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
#[cfg(target_os = "emscripten")]
use std::os::raw::{c_int, c_void};
+const SEA_XSIZE: usize = 40;
+const SEA_ZSIZE: usize = 25;
+struct World<'a> {
+ display: Display,
+ mandelwow_program: Rc<Program>,
+ mandelwow_bounds: Cube,
+ mandelwow_bbox: BoundingBox,
+ bounding_box_enabled: bool,
+ shaded_cube: ShadedCube,
+ text: Text<'a>,
+ sea: [[Vector3<f32>; SEA_ZSIZE]; SEA_XSIZE],
+ // For the zoom animation synchronized to the drum-hits
+ hit_time: f32,
+ last_hit: f32,
+impl<'a> World<'a> {
+ pub fn new(display: glium::Display) -> World<'a> {
+ let mandelwow_program = Rc::new(mandelwow::program(&display));
+ let bounding_box_program = Rc::new(bounding_box::solid_fill_program(&display));
+ let shaded_program = Rc::new(shaded_cube::shaded_program(&display));
+ // These are the bounds for the 3D slice of the 4D Mandelwow
+ let mandelwow_bounds = Cube {
+ xmin: -2.0,
+ xmax: 0.7,
+ ymin: -1.0,
+ ymax: 1.0,
+ zmin: -1.1,
+ zmax: 1.1,
+ };
+ // Generate a wavy sea made of cubes
+ let sea_xmin = -20.0f32;
+ let sea_xmax = 20.0f32;
+ let sea_y = -2.5;
+ let sea_zmin = -2.0f32;
+ let sea_zmax = -27.0f32;
+ let sea_xstep = (sea_xmax - sea_xmin) / (SEA_XSIZE as f32);
+ let sea_zstep = (sea_zmax - sea_zmin) / (SEA_ZSIZE as f32);
+ println!("xstep={} ystep={:?}", sea_xstep, sea_zstep);
+ let mut sea = [[Vector3::zero(); SEA_ZSIZE]; SEA_XSIZE];
+ for x in 0..SEA_XSIZE {
+ for z in 0..SEA_ZSIZE {
+ sea[x][z] = Vector3 {
+ x: sea_xmin + (x as f32) * sea_xstep,
+ y: sea_y,
+ z: sea_zmin + (z as f32) * sea_zstep,
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ World {
+ mandelwow_program,
+ mandelwow_bbox: BoundingBox::new(
+ &display, &mandelwow_bounds, bounding_box_program.clone()),
+ mandelwow_bounds,
+ bounding_box_enabled: true,
+ shaded_cube: ShadedCube::new(&display, shaded_program.clone()),
+ text: text::Text::new(&display),
+ sea: sea,
+ hit_time: 0.0,
+ last_hit: 0.0,
+ display,
+ }
+ }
+ fn draw_frame(
+ &self,
+ camera: &support::camera::CameraState,
+ t: f32,
+ ) {
+ let perspview = camera.get_perspview();
+ let hit_delta = t - self.hit_time;
+ let hit_scale = 1. / (1. + hit_delta * hit_delta * 15.0) + 1.;
+ // Vary the wow factor to slice the Mandelwow along its 4th dimension.
+ let wmin = -0.8;
+ let wmax = 0.8;
+ let wsize = wmax - wmin;
+ let wow = (((t * 0.7).sin() + 1.0) / 2.0) * wsize + wmin;
+ //println!("t={} w={:?} camera={:?}", t, w, camera.get_pos());
+ let mut frame = self.display.draw();
+ frame.clear_color_and_depth((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 1.0);
+ let rotation = Matrix4::from(Euler {
+ x: Rad(t.sin() / 3.),
+ y: Rad(t.sin() / 2.),
+ z: Rad(t / 1.5),
+ });
+ let z_trans = -3.0; // Send the model back a little bit so it fits the screen.
+ let scale = Matrix4::from_diagonal(Vector4::new(hit_scale, hit_scale, hit_scale, 1.0));
+ let model2 = Matrix4::from_translation(Vector3::unit_z() * z_trans) * rotation * scale;
+ let model = array4x4(model2);
+ // Draw the bounding box before the fractal, when the Z-buffer is still clear,
+ // so the lines behind the semi-translucent areas will be drawn.
+ if self.bounding_box_enabled {
+ let uniforms = uniform! {
+ model: model,
+ view: camera.get_view(),
+ perspective: camera.get_perspective(),
+ };
+ self.mandelwow_bbox.draw(&mut frame, &uniforms);
+ }
+ let text_rot = Matrix4::from_angle_x(cgmath::Deg(-90.0f32));
+ let text_pos = Matrix4::from_translation(Vector3 {
+ x: 0.0,
+ y: 0.501,
+ z: 0.0f32,
+ }) * text_rot;
+ for x in 0..SEA_XSIZE {
+ for z in 0..SEA_ZSIZE {
+ let wave = ((x as f32 / SEA_XSIZE as f32 * PI * 5.0 + t * 2.0).sin()
+ + (z as f32 / SEA_ZSIZE as f32 * PI * 3.0 + t * 3.0).sin())
+ * 0.3;
+ let model = Matrix4::from_translation(
+ self.sea[x][z]
+ + Vector3 {
+ x: 0.,
+ y: wave,
+ z: 0.,
+ },
+ );
+ let uniforms = uniform! {
+ model: array4x4(model),
+ perspview: perspview,
+ col: [0., (1. - wave).abs() * 0.5, wave.abs()],
+ };
+ self.shaded_cube.draw(&mut frame, &uniforms);
+ let model = model * text_pos;
+ let c = (x + z * SEA_XSIZE) as u8 as char;
+ self.text.draw(&mut frame, c, &model, &perspview);
+ }
+ }
+ mandelwow::draw(
+ &self.display,
+ &mut frame,
+ &self.mandelwow_program,
+ model,
+ &camera,
+ &self.mandelwow_bounds,
+ wow,
+ );
+ frame.finish().unwrap();
+ }
#[cfg(target_os = "emscripten")]
type em_callback_func = unsafe extern "C" fn();
//extern crate gleam;
extern "C" {
fn emscripten_GetProcAddress(
name: *const ::std::os::raw::c_char,
) -> *const ::std::os::raw::c_void;
fn main() {
let mut soundplayer = sound::start();
- let mut events_loop = glium::glutin::EventsLoop::new();
- let window = glium::glutin::WindowBuilder::new()
+ let event_loop = glutin::event_loop::EventLoop::new();
+ //let fullscreen = Some(glutin::window::Fullscreen::Borderless(event_loop.primary_monitor()));
+ let window = glutin::window::WindowBuilder::new()
//.with_dimensions(1280, 720)
- .with_fullscreen(Some(events_loop.get_primary_monitor()));
+ //.with_fullscreen(fullscreen);
+ ;
- let context = glium::glutin::ContextBuilder::new()
+ let context = glutin::ContextBuilder::new()
- //.with_gl(glium::glutin::GlRequest::Specific(glium::glutin::Api::WebGl, (2, 0)))
- .with_gl(glium::glutin::GlRequest::Specific(
- glium::glutin::Api::OpenGlEs,
+ //.with_gl(glutin::GlRequest::Specific(glutin::Api::WebGl, (2, 0)))
+ .with_gl(glutin::GlRequest::Specific(
+ glutin::Api::OpenGlEs,
(3, 0),
- //.with_gl(glium::glutin::GlRequest::Specific(glium::glutin::Api::OpenGl, (4, 0)))
+ //.with_gl(glutin::GlRequest::Specific(glutin::Api::OpenGl, (4, 0)))
- let display = glium::Display::new(window, context, &events_loop).unwrap();
- gl_info(&display);
- let mut text = text::Text::new(&display, 'A');
- let mandelwow_program = mandelwow::program(&display);
- let bounding_box_program = bounding_box::solid_fill_program(&display);
- let shaded_program = shaded_cube::shaded_program(&display);
+ let display = glium::Display::new(window, context, &event_loop).unwrap();
+ gl_info(&display);
+ let mut world = World::new(display);
let mut timer = Timer::new();
let mut camera = support::camera::CameraState::new();
- let bounding_box_enabled = true;
let _fullscreen = true;
- // These are the bounds of the 3D Mandelwow section which we render in 3-space.
- let bounds = Cube {
- xmin: -2.0,
- xmax: 0.7,
- ymin: -1.0,
- ymax: 1.0,
- zmin: -1.1,
- zmax: 1.1,
- };
- let mandelwow_bbox = bounding_box::BoundingBox::new(&display, &bounds, &bounding_box_program);
- let shaded_cube = ShadedCube::new(&display, &shaded_program);
- const SEA_XSIZE: usize = 40;
- const SEA_ZSIZE: usize = 25;
- let sea_xmin = -20.0f32;
- let sea_xmax = 20.0f32;
- let sea_y = -2.5;
- let sea_zmin = -2.0f32;
- let sea_zmax = -27.0f32;
- let sea_xstep = (sea_xmax - sea_xmin) / (SEA_XSIZE as f32);
- let sea_zstep = (sea_zmax - sea_zmin) / (SEA_ZSIZE as f32);
- println!("xstep={} ystep={:?}", sea_xstep, sea_zstep);
- let mut sea = [[Vector3::zero(); SEA_ZSIZE]; SEA_XSIZE];
- for x in 0..SEA_XSIZE {
- for z in 0..SEA_ZSIZE {
- sea[x][z] = Vector3 {
- x: sea_xmin + (x as f32) * sea_xstep,
- y: sea_y,
- z: sea_zmin + (z as f32) * sea_zstep,
- };
- }
- }
- let mut last_hit = 0.0f32;
- let mut hit_time = 0.0f32;
- set_main_loop_callback(|| {
+ |event, _, control_flow| {
let t = timer.t;
let new_hit = sound::hit_event(&mut soundplayer);
- if new_hit > last_hit {
- hit_time = t;
+ if new_hit > world.last_hit {
+ world.hit_time = t;
- last_hit = new_hit;
- let hit_delta = t - hit_time;
- let hit_scale = 1. / (1. + hit_delta * hit_delta * 15.0) + 1.;
+ world.last_hit = new_hit;
- let perspview = camera.get_perspview();
- // Vary the wow factor to slice the Mandelwow along its 4th dimension.
- let wmin = -0.8;
- let wmax = 0.8;
- let wsize = wmax - wmin;
- let wow = (((t * 0.7).sin() + 1.0) / 2.0) * wsize + wmin;
- //println!("t={} w={:?} camera={:?}", t, w, camera.get_pos());
- let mut frame = display.draw();
- frame.clear_color_and_depth((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 1.0);
- let rotation = Matrix4::from(Euler {
- x: Rad(t.sin() / 3.),
- y: Rad(t.sin() / 2.),
- z: Rad(t / 1.5),
- });
- let z_trans = -3.0; // Send the model back a little bit so it fits the screen.
- let scale = Matrix4::from_diagonal(Vector4::new(hit_scale, hit_scale, hit_scale, 1.0));
- let model2 = Matrix4::from_translation(Vector3::unit_z() * z_trans) * rotation * scale;
- let model = array4x4(model2);
- // Draw the bounding box before the fractal, when the Z-buffer is still clear,
- // so the lines behind the semi-translucent areas will be drawn.
- if bounding_box_enabled {
- let uniforms = uniform! {
- model: model,
- view: camera.get_view(),
- perspective: camera.get_perspective(),
- };
- mandelwow_bbox.draw(&mut frame, &uniforms);
- }
- let text_rot = Matrix4::from_angle_x(cgmath::Deg(-90.0f32));
- let text_pos = Matrix4::from_translation(Vector3 {
- x: 0.0,
- y: 0.501,
- z: 0.0f32,
- }) * text_rot;
- for x in 0..SEA_XSIZE {
- for z in 0..SEA_ZSIZE {
- let wave = ((x as f32 / SEA_XSIZE as f32 * PI * 5.0 + t * 2.0).sin()
- + (z as f32 / SEA_ZSIZE as f32 * PI * 3.0 + t * 3.0).sin())
- * 0.3;
- let model = Matrix4::from_translation(
- sea[x][z]
- + Vector3 {
- x: 0.,
- y: wave,
- z: 0.,
- },
- );
- let uniforms = uniform! {
- model: array4x4(model),
- perspview: perspview,
- col: [0., (1. - wave).abs() * 0.5, wave.abs()],
- };
- shaded_cube.draw(&mut frame, &uniforms);
- text.model = model * text_pos;
- text.character = (x + z * SEA_XSIZE) as u8 as char;
- text.draw(&mut frame, &perspview);
- }
+ *control_flow = ControlFlow::WaitUntil(Instant::now() + Duration::from_nanos(16666667));
+ match event {
+ Event::NewEvents(cause) => {
+ match cause {
+ event::StartCause::ResumeTimeReached { .. } | event::StartCause::Init => {
+ world.draw_frame(&camera, t);
+ },
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ } _ => (),
- mandelwow::draw(
- &display,
- &mut frame,
- &mandelwow_program,
- model,
- &camera,
- &bounds,
- wow,
- );
- frame.finish().unwrap();
- let mut action = support::Action::Continue;
- events_loop.poll_events(|event| {
- if let glium::glutin::Event::WindowEvent { event, .. } = event {
- camera.process_input(&event);
- match event {
- glium::glutin::WindowEvent::CloseRequested => action = support::Action::Stop,
- KeyboardInput { input, .. } => {
- if input.state == glium::glutin::ElementState::Pressed {
- if let Some(key) = input.virtual_keycode {
- match key {
- VirtualKeyCode::Escape | VirtualKeyCode::Q => {
- action = support::Action::Stop;
- }
- _ => (),
+ if let Event::WindowEvent { event, .. } = event {
+ camera.process_input(&event);
+ match event {
+ WindowEvent::CloseRequested => *control_flow = ControlFlow::Exit,
+ WindowEvent::KeyboardInput { input, .. } => {
+ if input.state == event::ElementState::Pressed {
+ if let Some(key) = input.virtual_keycode {
+ match key {
+ VirtualKeyCode::Escape | VirtualKeyCode::Q => {
+ *control_flow = ControlFlow::Exit;
+ _ => (),
- /*
- KeyboardInput { input: glutin::KeyboardInput { state: Pressed, virtual_keycode: Some(VirtualKeyCode::Escape), .. } } |
- KeyboardInput { input: glutin::KeyboardInput { state: Pressed, virtual_keycode: Some(VirtualKeyCode::Q), .. } } => {
- return support::Action::Stop
- },
- KeyboardInput { state: Pressed, virtual_keycode: Some(VirtualKeyCode::B) } => {
- bounding_box_enabled ^= true;
- },
- KeyboardInput { state: Pressed, virtual_keycode: Some(VirtualKeyCode::P) } => {
- timer.pause ^= true;
- },
- KeyboardInput { state: Pressed, virtual_keycode: Some(VirtualKeyCode::PageUp) } => {
- timer.t += 0.01;
- },
- KeyboardInput { state: Pressed, virtual_keycode: Some(VirtualKeyCode::PageDown) } => {
- timer.t -= 0.01;
- },
- KeyboardInput { state: Pressed, virtual_keycode: Some(VirtualKeyCode::F10) } => {
- screenshot(&display);
- },
- KeyboardInput { state: Pressed, virtual_keycode: Some(VirtualKeyCode::F11) } => {
- fullscreen ^= true;
- if fullscreen {
- // Not implemented on Linux
- glutin::WindowBuilder::new()
- .with_fullscreen(glutin::get_primary_monitor())
- .with_depth_buffer(24)
- .rebuild_glium(&display).unwrap();
- } else {
- glutin::WindowBuilder::new()
- .rebuild_glium(&display).unwrap();
- }
- },
- */
- _ => (),
+ /*
+ KeyboardInput { input: glutin::KeyboardInput { state: Pressed, virtual_keycode: Some(VirtualKeyCode::Escape), .. } } |
+ KeyboardInput { input: glutin::KeyboardInput { state: Pressed, virtual_keycode: Some(VirtualKeyCode::Q), .. } } => {
+ *control_flow = ControlFlow::Exit;
+ },
+ KeyboardInput { state: Pressed, virtual_keycode: Some(VirtualKeyCode::B) } => {
+ bounding_box_enabled ^= true;
+ },
+ KeyboardInput { state: Pressed, virtual_keycode: Some(VirtualKeyCode::P) } => {
+ timer.pause ^= true;
+ },
+ KeyboardInput { state: Pressed, virtual_keycode: Some(VirtualKeyCode::PageUp) } => {
+ timer.t += 0.01;
+ },
+ KeyboardInput { state: Pressed, virtual_keycode: Some(VirtualKeyCode::PageDown) } => {
+ timer.t -= 0.01;
+ },
+ KeyboardInput { state: Pressed, virtual_keycode: Some(VirtualKeyCode::F10) } => {
+ screenshot(&display);
+ },
+ KeyboardInput { state: Pressed, virtual_keycode: Some(VirtualKeyCode::F11) } => {
+ fullscreen ^= true;
+ if fullscreen {
+ // Not implemented on Linux
+ glutin::WindowBuilder::new()
+ .with_fullscreen(glutin::get_primary_monitor())
+ .with_depth_buffer(24)
+ .rebuild_glium(&display).unwrap();
+ } else {
+ glutin::WindowBuilder::new()
+ .rebuild_glium(&display).unwrap();
+ }
+ },
+ */
+ _ => (),
- });
+ }
- action