* **Sysadmin**: KVM, Docker, Puppet, Google Cloud, systemd, Nagios, Munin
* **Server software**: Apache, Nginx, BIND, Postfix, Exim, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Mediawiki, Asterisk
-=== Experience ===
- * Diploma in Mathematics, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering (Firenze, Italy)
- * Undergraduate student of Software Engineering (Università degli Studi di Firenze)
- * Undergraduate courses of Education Technology and Mathematics (Harvard Extension School)
- * Personal research in compilers, algorithms, operating systems, network protocols, 3D graphics
-=== Experience ===
+=== Work Experience ===
==== Software Engineer, Google (Sep 2011 to present) ===
* Android Core Networking: Lead developer of the [[https://source.android.com/devices/architecture/modular-system/dns-resolver#dns-q | DNS resolver]], including monitoring and experiments system
* Software, firmware and driver developer for laboratory instruments: photometers, hematology, incubators
* Introduced version control and other best practices for software development
+=== Education ===
+ * Diploma in Mathematics, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering (Firenze, Italy)
+ * Undergraduate student of Software Engineering (Università degli Studi di Firenze)
+ * Undergraduate courses of Education Technology and Mathematics (Harvard Extension School)
+ * Personal research in compilers, algorithms, operating systems, network protocols, 3D graphics
=== Volunteer / Pro-Bono ===
* [[https://gitlab.com/berniecodewiz/mandelwow | Mandelwow, a 3D fractal demo written in Rust and OpenGL
* [[http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Bernie|Fedora developer]]