-name = 'SD Fat filesystem and INI parser.'
+name = 'SD card datalogger'
+<h1>SD card datalogger</h1>
+The purpose of this project is to create a temperature and pressure logger.
+The logger measures and stores temperature and pressure readings on a SD card
+using the FAT filesystem, so the user can easily download the stored data by
+plugging the SD card straight into a PC. Data can then be graphed, printed or
+exported to any other application.
+The user can also easily setup different parameters (like the logging rate, the
+filename that represents the log, etc.) without reporgramming the device,
+using the "BeRTOS ini reader" module.
+For schematics and up to date information on this project,
+check the <a href="http://www.bertos.org/use/examples-projects/at91sam7x-ek-datalogger">SD card datalogger</a>
+page on the BeRTOS site.
-name = 'DevelGPS demo application'
+name = 'DevelGPS'
+<p>The purpose of this project is to implement a portable GPS locator / geocaching
+finder with the Cortex-M3 based Luminary Micro LM3S1968 evaluation board.</p>
+<p>The device proposes a user interface to configure the GPS coordinates of a
+target location and shows on the OLED display the direction and distance to
+reach the target.</p>
+For schematics and up to date information on this project,
+check the <a href="http://www.bertos.org/use/examples-projects/ek-lm3s1968-develgps">DevelGPS page</a>
+on the BeRTOS site.
-name = 'Triface project'
+name = 'Generic I/O board'
+<h1>Generic I/O board</h1>
+Triface is a generic development board designed by Develer. The board mounts an
+AVR ATmega128/ATmega1281 processor and provides 8 digital input ports, 4
+analogic input ports, 8 output ports connected to relays (able to commutate a
+current of 5A) and 2 RS232 UART port.
+The purpose of this project is to implement an interactive shell on the UART
+port to manage all the devices present on the board.
+The user will be able to attach a terminal on the UART port and issue specific
+commands to read and change the state of the various devices.
+For schematics and up to date information on this project,
+check the <a href="http://www.bertos.org/use/examples-projects/triface-plc-control-board/">Triface project page</a>
+on the BeRTOS site.