+++ /dev/null
- * \file
- * <!--
- * Copyright 2003,2004 Develer S.r.l. (http://www.develer.com/)
- * Copyright 2000,2001,2002 Bernardo Innocenti <bernie@codewiz.org>
- * This file is part of DevLib - See devlib/README for information.
- * -->
- *
- * \brief Definition of handy debug macros. These macros are no-ops
- * when the preprocessor symbol _DEBUG isn't defined.
- *
- * \version $Id$
- *
- * \author Bernardo Innocenti <bernie@develer.com>
- */
- *#* $Log$
- *#* Revision 1.6 2004/08/25 14:12:08 rasky
- *#* Aggiornato il comment block dei log RCS
- *#*
- *#* Revision 1.5 2004/08/24 16:19:08 bernie
- *#* kputchar(): New public function; Add missing dummy inlines for \!_DEBUG.
- *#*
- *#* Revision 1.4 2004/07/30 14:26:33 rasky
- *#* Semplificato l'output dell'ASSERT
- *#* Aggiunta ASSERT2 con stringa di help opzionalmente disattivabile
- *#*
- *#* Revision 1.3 2004/06/03 11:27:09 bernie
- *#* Add dual-license information.
- *#*
- *#* Revision 1.2 2004/05/23 18:21:53 bernie
- *#* Trim CVS logs and cleanup header info.
- *#*
- *#* Revision 1.1 2004/05/23 18:10:11 bernie
- *#* Import drv/ modules.
- *#*
- *#*/
-#ifndef KDEBUG_H
-#define KDEBUG_H
-#include "compiler.h"
-/* Avoid name clashes with Win32 headers */
-#ifdef ASSERT
-#undef ASSERT
-#if defined(_DEBUG)
- void kdbg_init(void);
- void kputchar(char c);
- void kdump(const void *buf, size_t len);
- #ifdef __AVR__
- #include <avr/pgmspace.h>
- void kputs_P(const char *PROGMEM str);
- void kprintf_P(const char *PROGMEM fmt, ...) FORMAT(__printf__, 1, 2);
- int __assert_P(const char *PROGMEM cond, const char *PROGMEM file, int line);
- int __invalid_ptr_P(void *p, const char *PROGMEM name, const char *PROGMEM file, int line);
- #define kputs(str) kputs_P(PSTR(str))
- #define kprintf(fmt, ...) kprintf_P(PSTR(fmt) ,## __VA_ARGS__)
- #define __assert(cond, file, line) __assert_P(PSTR(cond), PSTR(file), (line))
- #define __invalid_ptr(p, name, file, line) __invalid_ptr_P((p), PSTR(name), PSTR(file), (line))
- #else
- void kputs(const char *str);
- void kprintf(const char * fmt, ...) FORMAT(__printf__, 1, 2);
- int __assert(const char *cond, const char *file, int line);
- int __invalid_ptr(void *p, const char *name, const char *file, int line);
- #endif
- void __init_wall(long *wall, int size);
- int __check_wall(long *wall, int size, const char *name, const char *file, int line);
- #define THIS_FILE __FILE__
- #define ASSERT(x) ((x) ? 0 : __assert(#x, THIS_FILE, __LINE__))
- #define ASSERT2(x, help) ((x) ? 0 : __assert(help " (" #x ")", THIS_FILE, __LINE__))
- #else
- #define ASSERT(x) ((x) ? 0 : __assert("", THIS_FILE, __LINE__))
- #define ASSERT2(x, help) ASSERT(x)
- #endif
- #define ASSERT_VALID_PTR(p) ((p >= 0x200) ? 0 : __invalid_ptr(p, #p, THIS_FILE, __LINE__))
- #define ASSERT_VALID_PTR_OR_NULL(p) (((p == NULL) || (p >= 0x200)) ? 0 : __invalid_ptr(p, #p, THIS_FILE, __LINE__))
- #define TRACE kprintf("%s()\n", __FUNCTION__)
- #define TRACEMSG(msg,...) kprintf("%s(): " msg "\n", __FUNCTION__, ## __VA_ARGS__)
- #define DB(x) x
- /* Walls to detect data corruption */
- #define WALL_SIZE 8
- #define WALL_VALUE (long)0xABADCAFEL
- #define DECLARE_WALL(name,size) static long name[(size) / sizeof(long)];
- #define INIT_WALL(name) __init_wall((name), countof(name))
- #define CHECK_WALL(name) __check_wall((name), countof(name), #name, THIS_FILE, __LINE__)
-#else /* !_DEBUG */
- #define ASSERT(x) do {} while(0)
- #define ASSERT2(x, help) do {} while(0)
- #define ASSERT_VALID_PTR(p) do {} while(0)
- #define ASSERT_VALID_PTR_OR_NULL(p) do {} while(0)
- #define TRACE do {} while(0)
- #define TRACEMSG(x,...) do {} while(0)
- #define DB(x) /* nothing */
- #define DECLARE_WALL(name, size)
- #define INIT_WALL(name)
- #define CHECK_WALL(name)
- INLINE void kdbg_init(void) { /*nop*/ }
- INLINE void kputchar(UNUSED(char, c)) { /*nop*/ }
- INLINE void kputs(UNUSED(const char*, str)) { /*nop*/ }
- INLINE void kprintf(UNUSED(const char*, fmt), ...) { /*nop*/ }
-#endif /* !_DEBUG */
-#endif /* KDEBUG_H */