netif_add(&netif, &ipaddr, &netmask, &gw, NULL, ethernetif_init, tcpip_input);
- lcd_hx8347_blitBitmap24(10, 52, BMP_LOGO_WIDTH, BMP_LOGO_HEIGHT, bmp_logo);
- timer_delay(3000);
+static void sec_to_hms(uint32_t sec_time, uint32_t *h, uint32_t *m, uint32_t *s)
+ *m = sec_time / 60;
+ *h = (*m) / 60;
+ *s = sec_time - ((*m) * 60) - ((*h) * 3600);
static NORETURN void proc_displayRefresh(void)
while (1)
//LOG_INFO("Refresh display\n");
+ uint32_t m;
+ uint32_t h;
+ uint32_t s;
status.internal_temp = hw_convertToDegree(adc_read(ADC_TEMPERATURE_CH));
- status.up_time++;
+ status.up_time += 5;
+ sec_to_hms(status.up_time, &h, &m, &s);
+ text_xprintf(lcd_bitmap, 11, 0, TEXT_FILL, " ");
+ text_xprintf(lcd_bitmap, 11, 0, 0, "Board ip: %s", status.local_ip);
+ text_xprintf(lcd_bitmap, 12, 0, TEXT_FILL, " ");
+ text_xprintf(lcd_bitmap, 12, 0, 0, "Last connected ip: %s", status.last_connected_ip);
+ text_xprintf(lcd_bitmap, 13, 0, TEXT_FILL, " ");
+ text_xprintf(lcd_bitmap, 13, 0, 0, "Temperature: %d.%dC", status.internal_temp / 10, status.internal_temp % 10);
+ text_xprintf(lcd_bitmap, 14, 0, TEXT_FILL, " ");
+ text_xprintf(lcd_bitmap, 14, 0, 0, "Up time: %ldh %ldm %lds", h, m, s);
- timer_delay(1000);
+ lcd_hx8347_blitBitmap(lcd_bitmap);
+ lcd_hx8347_blitBitmap24(10, 0, BMP_LOGO_WIDTH, BMP_LOGO_HEIGHT, bmp_logo);
+ timer_delay(5000);
- uint32_t m = status.up_time / 60;
- uint32_t h = m / 60;
- uint32_t s = status.up_time - (m * 60) - (h * 3600);
+ uint32_t m;
+ uint32_t h;
+ uint32_t s;
+ sec_to_hms(status.up_time, &h, &m, &s);
sprintf((char *)tx_buf, "[\"%ldh %ldm %lds\"]", h, m, s);
return 0;
+#define CGI_MSG_CMD_KEY "msg"
+static int cgi_displayMsg(struct netconn *client, const char *name, char *recv_buf, size_t recv_len)
+ (void)recv_buf;
+ (void)recv_len;
+ (void)name;
+ char *query_str = strstr(name, "?") + 1;
+ size_t query_str_len = strlen(query_str);
+ int len = http_tokenizeGetRequest(query_str, query_str_len);
+ LOG_INFO("Found %d key/value pair\n", len);
+ if (http_getValue(query_str, query_str_len, CGI_MSG_CMD_KEY, key_value, sizeof(key_value)) < 0)
+ {
+ LOG_ERR("key %s, not found\n", CGI_MSG_CMD_KEY);
+ goto error;
+ }
+ LOG_INFO("Found key %s = %s\n", CGI_MSG_CMD_KEY, key_value);
+ text_xprintf(lcd_bitmap, 10, 0, TEXT_FILL, " ");
+ text_xprintf(lcd_bitmap, 10, 0, TEXT_CENTER, "%s", key_value);
+ http_sendOk(client, HTTP_CONTENT_JSON);
+ return 0;
+ http_sendInternalErr(client, HTTP_CONTENT_JSON);
+ return 0;
* Reply to client the request string.
return 0;
+ * Return to client a string that display the CHIP ID information.
+ * See datasheet for more detail.
+ */
+static int cgi_chipInfo(struct netconn *client, const char *name, char *recv_buf, size_t recv_len)
+ (void)recv_buf;
+ (void)recv_len;
+ (void)name;
+ sprintf((char *)tx_buf, "{ \"core_name\":\"%s\", \"arch_name\":\"%s\", \"sram_size\":\"%s\",\"flash_size\":\"%s\", \"mem_boot_type\":\"%s\" }",
+ chipid_eproc_name(CHIPID_EPRCOC()),
+ chipid_archnames(CHIPID_ARCH()),
+ chipid_sramsize(CHIPID_SRAMSIZ()),
+ chipid_nvpsize(CHIPID_NVPSIZ()),
+ chipid_nvptype(CHIPID_NVTYP()));
+ http_sendOk(client, HTTP_CONTENT_JSON);
+ netconn_write(client, tx_buf, strlen((char *)tx_buf), NETCONN_COPY);
+ return 0;
+static int cgi_error(struct netconn *client, const char *name, char *recv_buf, size_t recv_len)
+ (void)client;
+ (void)name;
+ (void)recv_buf;
+ (void)recv_len;
+ return -1;
return 0;
- * Return to client a string that display the CHIP ID information.
- * See datasheet for more detail.
- */
-static int cgi_chipInfo(struct netconn *client, const char *name, char *recv_buf, size_t recv_len)
- (void)recv_buf;
- (void)recv_len;
- (void)name;
- sprintf((char *)tx_buf, "{ \"core_name\":\"%s\", \"arch_name\":\"%s\", \"sram_size\":\"%s\",\"flash_size\":\"%s\", \"mem_boot_type\":\"%s\" }",
- chipid_eproc_name(CHIPID_EPRCOC()),
- chipid_archnames(CHIPID_ARCH()),
- chipid_sramsize(CHIPID_SRAMSIZ()),
- chipid_nvpsize(CHIPID_NVPSIZ()),
- chipid_nvptype(CHIPID_NVTYP()));
- http_sendOk(client, HTTP_CONTENT_JSON);
- netconn_write(client, tx_buf, strlen((char *)tx_buf), NETCONN_COPY);
- return 0;
-static int cgi_error(struct netconn *client, const char *name, char *recv_buf, size_t recv_len)
- (void)client;
- (void)name;
- (void)recv_buf;
- (void)recv_len;
- return -1;
* Static cgi table where we associate callback to page.
static HttpCGI cgi_table[] =
- { CGI_MATCH_WORD, "echo", cgi_echo },
+ { CGI_MATCH_NAME, "echo", cgi_echo },
{ CGI_MATCH_NAME, "get_temperature", cgi_temp },
{ CGI_MATCH_NAME, "get_uptime", cgi_uptime },
{ CGI_MATCH_NAME, "get_resistor", cgi_resistor },
{ CGI_MATCH_NAME, "set_led", cgi_led },
{ CGI_MATCH_NAME, "get_ledStatus", cgi_ledStatus },
{ CGI_MATCH_NAME, "error", cgi_error },
- { CGI_MATCH_WORD, "status", cgi_status },
+ { CGI_MATCH_NAME, "status", cgi_status },
{ CGI_MATCH_NAME, "get_chipinfo", cgi_chipInfo },
+ { CGI_MATCH_NAME, "display", cgi_displayMsg },
{ CGI_MATCH_NAME, "bertos_logo_jpg", cgi_logo },
while (!netif.ip_addr.addr)
- kprintf("dhcp ok: ip = %d.%d.%d.%d\n", IP_ADDR_TO_INT_TUPLE(netif.ip_addr.addr));
+ sprintf(status.local_ip, "%d.%d.%d.%d", IP_ADDR_TO_INT_TUPLE(netif.ip_addr.addr));
+ sprintf(status.last_connected_ip, "%d.%d.%d.%d", IP_ADDR_TO_INT_TUPLE(0));
+ kprintf("dhcp ok: ip = %s", status.local_ip);
+ text_xprintf(lcd_bitmap, 12, 0, 0, "Board ip: %s", status.local_ip);
+ lcd_hx8347_blitBitmap(lcd_bitmap);
+ lcd_hx8347_blitBitmap24(12, 0, BMP_LOGO_WIDTH, BMP_LOGO_HEIGHT, bmp_logo);
server = netconn_new(NETCONN_TCP);
netconn_bind(server, IP_ADDR_ANY, 80);