=== Skills ===
- * **Programming Languages**: C++23, Rust, C, Java, Go
- * **Dynamic/Scripting Languages**: Python, Java****Script, Type****Script, Bash, Perl, PHP, Lua
- * **Assembly**: x86, ARM, m68k, 6502, Z80
- * **Microcontrollers and DSPs**: NXP i.MX RT (ARM), Coldfire, M68705, TMS320
- * **Other Languages**: HTML, CSS, GLSL, SQL, LaTeX
+ * **Programming**: C++23, Rust, C, Java, Python, Go, Java****Script, Type****Script, PHP
+ * **Scripting**: Bash, Perl, Lua
+ * **Assembly**: ARM, x86, m68k, 6502, PowerPC, Z80
+ * **Microcontrollers**: NXP i.MX RT (ARMv7), Coldfire, M68705, TMS320 DSP
+ * **Other Languages**: HTML + CSS, GLSL, SQL, LaTeX
* **Natural Languages**: Italian (native), English (excellent), Spanish (fluent), Japanese (JLPT N3-N4)
* **Operating Systems**: Linux (Red Hat, Fedora, Arch, Ubuntu, Debian, uClinux), Android, macOS, Solaris, NetBSD, AmigaOS, Windows
* **Development Tools**: GCC (contributor), Clang, Visual Studio Code, GNU make, ninja, bazel
* **Execution domains**: realtime, event-driven, async/await, multithreading, client/server, GPU offload
* **Frameworks and APIs**: POSIX, Web****Assembly, Qt, OpenGL, Win32, Protobufs
- * **Version Control**: Git (self-hosted, [[https://gitlab.com/berniecodewiz | GitLab]] and [[https://github.com/codewiz | GitHub]]), Perforce, Subversion
+ * **Version Control**: Git ([[self-hosted | https://codewiz.org/gitweb/]], [[https://gitlab.com/berniecodewiz | GitLab]] and [[https://github.com/codewiz | GitHub]]), Perforce, Subversion
* **Network Protocols**: HTTP, QUIC, TLS, IPv6, TCP, UDP, DNS, DNSSEC, DHCP, TFTP, BGP
* **Sysadmin**: KVM, Docker, Puppet, Google Cloud, systemd, Nagios, Grafana