lets me join the [[http://cte.dce.harvard.edu/elgg10/pg/groups/3901/exploring-educational-technologies-fall-2009/ | E-102 group]],
which is the main vehicle of online interaction with my instructors and classmates.
+=== Top-Ten ===
- * A [[http://delicious.com/BernieInnocenti/topten | Top Ten List]] of del.icio.us bookmakrs to help answer my research
- question: //"What technologies can be used for measuring knowledge acquisition of learners in a constructionist environment?"//
+I created a [[http://delicious.com/BernieInnocenti/topten | Top Ten List]] using
+[[http://delicious.com/ | del.icio.us]] bookmarks to help answer my research
+ question:
- * A [[LINK_MISSING | Concept/Mind Map]]
- * A [[portfolio/presentations/assessing-constructionist-learning.odp | presentation]] (OpenOffice Impres document)
+ "What technologies can be used for measuring knowledge acquisition of learners in a constructionist environment?"
+=== Mind Map ===
+The concept-map helps
+=== Presentation ===
+Using the [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pechakucha | Pecha Kucha]]
+Following [[portfolio/presentations/assessing-constructionist-learning.odp | presentation]] (OpenOffice Impres document)
* A [[http://isites.harvard.edu/fs/html/icb.topic601041/portfolio.html | Web Portfolio]] summarizing all my work, which is what you're reading right now.
* Blogging (links to some of them)