+description="Projects to measure different aspects of BeRTOS performance."
+description="Full working example projects."
+name = "Templates"
+ord = 0
+description = "Use these as a starting point for your BeRTOS project."
+description="Projects to measure different aspects of BeRTOS performance."
+name = "Templates"
+ord = 0
+description = "Use these as a starting point for your BeRTOS project."
+description="Projects to measure different aspects of BeRTOS performance."
+description="Full working example projects."
+name = "Templates"
+ord = 0
+description = "Use these as a starting point for your BeRTOS project."
+description="Projects to measure different aspects of BeRTOS performance."
+description="Full working example projects."
+name = "Templates"
+ord = 0
+description = "Use these as a starting point for your BeRTOS project."
+description="Projects to measure different aspects of BeRTOS performance."
+name = "Templates"
+ord = 0
+description = "Use these as a starting point for your BeRTOS project."
+description="Projects to measure different aspects of BeRTOS performance."
+name = "Templates"
+ord = 0
+description = "Use these as a starting point for your BeRTOS project."
-Triface is a board designed by <a href="http://www.develer.com">Develer</a> and is based on AVR ATmega128/ATmega1281 CPU. Visit the <a href="http://www.bertos.org/use/">Triface page</a> on BeRTOS site for more information.
+Triface is a board designed by <a href="http://www.develer.com">Develer</a> and is based on AVR ATmega128/ATmega1281 CPU. Visit the <a href="http://www.bertos.org/use/examples-projects/triface-plc-control-board/">Triface page</a> on BeRTOS site for more information.
+description="Projects to measure different aspects of BeRTOS performance."
-name = "Examples"
+description="Full working example projects."
+name = "Templates"
+ord = 0
+description = "Use these as a starting point for your BeRTOS project."