The [[Pictures/vacation/japan_2009/Kyoto/UtanoHostel|Utano hostel]] in Kyoto would rival many
five star hotels I've seen. Sorry I couldn't take any photos in the [[ | Onsen]].
-Also have a look at the impressive [[Pictures/vacation/japan_2009/Kyoto/ShinKyoto|Kyoto station]].
{{Pictures/vacation/japan_2009/Kyoto/UtanoHostel/00005.jpg|the hostel provides a traditional goan too|maxwidth=800}}
+==== Impressive station ====
+The [[Pictures/vacation/japan_2009/Kyoto/ShinKyoto|Kyoto station]] is an impressive modern building,
+worth a visit by itself.
+{{Pictures/vacation/japan_2009/Kyoto/ShinKyoto/00015.jpg|Welcome to Kyoto!|maxwidth=800}}
==== Shinkansen tour ====
In a jounery report, the details of transportation are usually left out as uninteresting.
=== April 19th - Hakone day 2 ===
{{Pictures/vacation/japan_2009/Hakone/FujiSanBernieSan.jpg|The Fuji-san (left) with Bernie-san (right)|maxwidth=1024}}
**Update**: [[Pictures/vacation/japan_2009/Hakone|photos of the hostel]] are now available.
=== April 17th - Ghibli museum in Mitaka, Ginza ===
{{Pictures/vacation/japan_2009/GhibliMuseum/00005.jpg|Robot from the ancient city of Laputa|maxwidth=800}}