=== Previous occupations ===
-While SugarLabs was being founded, I worked as a volunteer at
-[[http://olenepal.org | OLE Nepal]], taking care of the network infrastructure
-and communication with the Sugar developers.
+I worked at two OLPC deployments: [[http://paraguayeduca.org | Paraguay Educa]] and [[http://olenepal.org | OLE Nepal]],
+where I've been taking care of the network infrastructure, platform development and communication with the Sugar developers.
-In 2007, during my "sabbatical", I worked pro-bono in Boston for
-[[OneLaptopPerChild]] and in Brussels for [[OlpcEurope]].
+In 2007, during my "sabbatical", I worked pro-bono in Boston for [[OneLaptopPerChild]] and
+in Brussels for [[OlpcEurope]].