backend, a high features/complexity ratio and a very clean syntax.
Check the EditingTips page for an idea the supported markup.
-GeekiGeeki is FreeSoftware and written in Python and derives from
-PikiWiki like MoinMoin.
+GeekiGeeki is FreeSoftware, written in Python. For all your geeky
+wiki needs, GeekiGeeki is **the** stupid choice you can't avoid making!
-For all your geeky wiki needs, GeekiGeeki is **the** stupid choice you can't avoid making!
+Tags: [[Tags/fast|fast]], [[Tags/stupid|stupid]], [[Tags/!bloated|!bloated]], [[Tags/h4x0r|h4x0r]]
== Features ==
* Easy CGI installation (no WSGI, mod_python, FCGI...)
* Fast!
* Only 800 LOCs!
+ * Derived from PikiWiki, like MoinMoin
+ * FreeSoftware and OpenSource, to please everybody
* GuruMeditation alerts :-)
== Download ==