* Google Search Infrastructure: High-throughput, high-availability, distributed web serving for billions of files
* [[https://amp.dev/ | Accelerated Mobile Pages]]: Lead of global CDN for news sites integrated with Google Search
* Instructor of advanced C++ and Linux programming courses for Tokyo and Taipei offices
+ * Conduct system design interviews, mentoring for new employee and intern hosting
==== Senior Systems Administrator, Free Software Foundation (Oct 2010 ~ Sep 2011) ====
* Develop and grow infrastructure comprising approx. 100 virtual machines and 50 domains
* Introduced version control and other best practices for software development
=== Volunteer / Pro-Bono ===
+ * [[https://gitlab.com/berniecodewiz/mandelwow | Mandelwow, a 3D fractal demo written in Rust and OpenGL
* [[http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Bernie|Fedora developer]]
* [[https://launchpad.net/~codewiz/+archive/ppa?field.series_filter=|Ubuntu packager]]
* GCC maintainer (mostly m68k backend)