# Bugs #
-This is Monkeysphere's bug list. You can also browse our [completed bugs](done).
+The Monkeysphere is moving to a [new issue tracking
+hosted at [Riseup Labs](https://labs.riseup.net/code). We're leaving
+this old bug list up during the transition.
-If you don't have commit access to the public repo, we'd appreciate
-you reporting bugs on [the monkeysphere mailing list](/community).
+If you use [Debian](htt[://debian.org), please consider submitting
+your bug to the [Debian BTS](http://bugs.debian.org/monkeysphere).
+You can also browse our [completed bugs](done).
+Please feel free to also ask any questions on the [the monkeysphere
+mailing list](/community).
[[inline pages="./bugs/* and !./bugs/done and !link(done)
and !*/Discussion" actions=yes postform=yes show=0]]