Nadia shows plenty of design talent: she uses Sugar to create short stories featuring her friends. She
cookie-cuts their photos and uses Scratch to animate them on fantasy backgrounds with music, sound
effects and text. Recently, she started creating line-art versions of the photos using eToys, so her
-new creations look more like cartoons. To my surprise, Benedicto mentioned the Happy Tree Friends,
-a splatter-gore cartoon which makes even South Park seem politically correct. Appropriate for his
-age or not, it's a common hacker trait.
+new creations look more like cartoons. At this point, to my great surprise, Benedicto mentioned the
+[[ | Happy Tree Friends]], an innocently named Internet series which makes even
+South Park seem politically correct in comparison. (HTF is Flash-only and doesn't seem to work with
+Gnash -- we're above any criticism for it!)
Nadia also created a platform videogame in which a dog needs to jump around to find the way out from
each level, while a bouncing arrow chases him. Technically simple, but shows sensitive use of