# Set to 1 for debug builds
at91sam7s_DEBUG = 1
-#This is an embedded project
-at91sam7s_EMBEDDED_TGT = 1
# Our target application
TRG += at91sam7s
include bertos/fonts/fonts.mk
include bertos/emul/emul.mk
-#Demo application is hosted
-demo_EMBEDDED_TGT = 0
# Set to 1 for debug builds
demo_DEBUG = 1
-# This is an embedded project
-triface_EMBEDDED_TGT = 1
# Set to 1 for debug builds
triface_DEBUG = 1
triface_PCSRC += bertos/drv/kdebug.c
-boot_EMBEDDED_TGT = 1
# Set to 1 for debug builds
boot_DEBUG = 0
define build_target
-ifeq ($$($(1)_EMBEDDED_TGT),1)
+ifneq ($$($(1)_CROSS),)
#use embedded specific map flags
#In embedded we need s19, hex and bin