Update TODO.
File bug against enigmail about lack of ability to create subkeys.
+Priviledge separation: monkeysphere user to handle authn keyring and
+ generate authorized_keys file (which would be moved into place by
+ root). Host keyring would be owned by root.
+Check permissions of authorized_user_ids file to be writable only by
+ user and root (same as authorized_keys)
+Improve function that sets owner trust for keys in server keychain.
Output a brief usage summary. `h' or `?' may be used in place of
+In order to start using the monkeysphere, there are a couple of things
+you need to do first. The first is to generate an OpenPGP key for the
+server and convert that key to an ssh key that can be used by ssh for
+host authentication. To do this, run the "gen-key" subcommand. Once
+that is done, publish the key to a keyserver with "publish-key"
+subcommand. Finally, you need to modify the sshd_config to tell sshd
+where the new server host key:
+HostKey /etc/monkeysphere/ssh_host_rsa_key
+If the server will also handle user authentication through
+monkeysphere-generated authorized_keys files, set the following:
+AuthorizedKeysFile /var/cache/monkeysphere/authorized_keys/%u
+Once those changes are made, restart the ssh server.
Monkeysphere GNUPG home directory.
+Copy of the host's private key in ssh format, suitable for use by sshd.
Server maintained authorized_user_ids files for users.
gpg --export "$keyID" | openpgp2ssh "$keyID" 2> /dev/null
+# output the ssh key for a given secret key ID
+gpgsecret2ssh() {
+ local keyID
+ #keyID="$1" #TMP
+ # only use last 16 characters until openpgp2ssh can take all 40 #TMP
+ keyID=$(echo "$1" | cut -c 25-) #TMP
+ gpg --export-secret-key "$keyID" | openpgp2ssh "$keyID" 2> /dev/null
# output known_hosts line from ssh key
ssh2known_hosts() {
local host
gpg --list-key --with-colons --fixed-list-mode \
- --with-fingerprint "$keyID" | grep "$keyID" | \
- grep '^fpr:' | cut -d: -f10
+ --with-fingerprint --with-fingerprint "$keyID" | \
+ grep '^fpr:' | grep "$keyID" | cut -d: -f10
trust_key() {
# get the key from the key server
if ! gpg --keyserver "$KEYSERVER" --recv-key "$keyID" ; then
- log "could not retrieve key '$keyID'"
- return 1
+ failure "Could not retrieve key '$keyID'."
# get key fingerprint
# import "full" trust for fingerprint into gpg
echo ${fingerprint}:5: | gpg --import-ownertrust
if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
- log "owner trust updated."
+ log "Owner trust updated."
- failure "there was a problem changing owner trust."
+ failure "There was a problem changing owner trust."
# dummy command so as not to publish fakes keys during testing
# eventually:
#gpg --keyserver "$KEYSERVER" --send-keys $(hostname -f)
- echo "NOT PUBLISHED (to avoid permanent publication errors during monkeysphere development).
+ failure "NOT PUBLISHED (to avoid permanent publication errors during monkeysphere development).
To publish manually, do: gpg --keyserver $KEYSERVER --send-keys $(hostname -f)"
- return 1
# set subkey defaults
cat <<EOF
local hostName
hostName=${1:-$(hostname --fqdn)}
+ service=${SERVICE:-"ssh"}
+ userID="${service}://${hostName}"
+ if gpg --list-key ="$userID" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+ failure "Key for '$userID' already exists"
+ fi
# set key defaults
cat <<EOF
Please specify how long the key should be valid.
0 = key does not expire
<n>m = key expires in n months
<n>y = key expires in n years
- read -p "Key is valid for? ($EXPIRE) " EXPIRE; EXPIRE=${EXPIRE:-"0"}
- USERID=${USERID:-"$SERVICE"://"$hostName"}
+ read -p "Key is valid for? ($KEY_EXPIRE) " KEY_EXPIRE; KEY_EXPIRE=${KEY_EXPIRE:-"0"}
# set key parameters
keyParameters=$(cat <<EOF
Key-Type: $KEY_TYPE
Key-Length: $KEY_LENGTH
Key-Usage: $KEY_USAGE
-Name-Real: $USERID
-Expire-Date: $EXPIRE
+Name-Real: $userID
+Expire-Date: $KEY_EXPIRE
# add the revoker field if requested
-# FIXME: the 1: below assumes that $REVOKER's key is an RSA key. why?
-# FIXME: why is this marked "sensitive"? how will this signature ever
-# be transmitted to the expected revoker?
+ # FIXME: the "1:" below assumes that $REVOKER's key is an RSA key. why?
+ # FIXME: why is this marked "sensitive"? how will this signature ever
+ # be transmitted to the expected revoker?
if [ "$REVOKER" ] ; then
keyParameters="${keyParameters}"$(cat <<EOF
echo "The following key parameters will be used:"
echo "$keyParameters"
- read -p "generate key? [Y|n]: " OK; OK=${OK:=Y}
+ read -p "Generate key? [Y|n]: " OK; OK=${OK:=Y}
if [ ${OK/y/Y} != 'Y' ] ; then
failure "aborting."
- if gpg --list-key ="$USERID" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- failure "key for '$USERID' already exists"
- fi
# add commit command
keyParameters="${keyParameters}"$(cat <<EOF
- log -n "generating server key... "
+ log "generating server key... "
echo "$keyParameters" | gpg --batch --gen-key
- loge "done."
- fingerprint_server_key
+ # output the server fingerprint
+ fingerprint_server_key "=${userID}"
+ # find the key fingerprint of the server primary key
+ keyID=$(gpg --list-key --with-colons --with-fingerprint "=${userID}" | \
+ grep '^fpr:' | head -1 | cut -d: -f10)
+ # write the key to the file
+ # NOTE: assumes that the primary key is the proper key to use
+ (umask 077 && gpgsecret2ssh "$keyID" > "${MS_HOME}/ssh_host_rsa_key")
+ log "Private SSH host key output to file: ${MS_HOME}/ssh_host_rsa_key"
+# gpg output key fingerprint
fingerprint_server_key() {
- gpg --fingerprint --list-secret-keys =ssh://$(hostname --fqdn)
+ local ID
+ if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
+ ID="$1"
+ else
+ ID="=ssh://$(hostname --fqdn)"
+ fi
+ gpg --fingerprint --list-secret-keys "$ID"
- fingerprint_server_key
+ fingerprint_server_key "$@"
cleanup() {
- echo -n "removing temp gpg home... "
+ echo -n "removing temp gpg home... " 1>&2
rm -rf $FOO
- echo "done."
+ echo "done." 1>&2
trap cleanup EXIT
GNUPGHOME="$FOO" gpg --edit-key $GPGID
-ln -s /dev/stdin "$FOO"/monkeysphere-key
+ln -s /dev/stdin "$FOO"/openpgp
-GNUPGHOME="$FOO" gpg --export-secret-key $GPGID | openpgp2ssh $GPGID | ssh-add -c /dev/stdin
+GNUPGHOME="$FOO" gpg --export-secret-key $GPGID | \
+ openpgp2ssh $GPGID | ssh-add -c "$FOO"/openpgp