'''Tip:''' as always, start from the bottom and proceed bottom up to keep time flowing in one direction.
+=== Tue, 8th ===
+This morning I sown up at OneLaptopPerChild's headquarters. It's again next to KendallSquare,
+in OneCambridgeCenter.
+JimGettys was very kind: he took me to LegalSeaFood for lunch, repaired my ExOh's keyboard (two
+keys were dead) and introduced me to the team members.
+They left me with the usual Holliwood formula: "don't call us, we'll call you".
+But in this particular case, I felt they were sincere :-)
+I hope to be soon a ember of the OLPC core team!
=== Mon, 7th ===
==== Alea Iacta Est ====
Camy: Mannaggia a voi due ( Bernie e Alberto ) siete cosi..."teneri". Come ho già detto tante volte a Bernie, è fortunato ad avere un babbo cosi! Lo so, lo so che non c'entra nulla con lo stile di questo blog, ma io sono cosi, impulsiva e Bernie lo sa e mi perdonerà.
A dire il vero anch'io sto in ansia per lui :-) speriamo bene...
+Bernie: Via, non fatemi venire il magone voi due :-)
=== Sun, 6th ===
==== International Dinner ====