.word __msp_end /* Initial stack pointer */
.word __init /* The reset handler */
.word default_isr /* The NMI handler */
- .word default_isr /* The hard fault handler */
- .word default_isr /* The MPU fault handler */
- .word default_isr /* The bus fault handler */
- .word default_isr /* The usage fault handler */
- .word 0 /* Reserved */
- .word 0 /* Reserved */
- .word 0 /* Reserved */
- .word 0 /* Reserved */
- .word default_isr /* SVCall handler */
- .word default_isr /* Debug monitor handler */
- .word 0 /* Reserved */
- .word default_isr /* The PendSV handler */
- .word default_isr /* The SysTick handler */
+ .word default_isr /* The hard fault handler */
* This IRQ vector table will be replaced by another one in RAM after the IRQ
* module initialization and the reset handler disables IRQ at the very