* **Software Architecture and Design** -- All the "must-read" classics such as
GangOfFour's DesignPatterns, UmlDistilled and UmlDesignPatterns.
- * **Project Management** -- My favourite certainly is TheMythicalManMonth, but I've
- read a few others such as ExecutionPlainAndSimple.
+ * **Project Management** -- My favourites are TheMythicalManMonth and
+[[http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?AntiPatternsBook|AntiPatterns]], but I've also read
+[[ExecutionPlainAndSimple]] and a few others.
* **Technical Writing** -- TheElementsOfStyle and DonaldKnuth's TheTexBook are my
favourites on the topics of stylish writing and typesetting.
Nevertheless, I enjoyed reading DonaldKnuth's ConcreteMathematics and
CambridgeUniversityPress' NumericalRecipes.
- * **Database** -- Relational algebra, principles of schema normalization, SQL.
+ * **Database** -- Relational algebra, principles of schema normalization, SQL.
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