* Thi module provide a simple api to controll a DC motor in direction and
* speed, to allow this we use a Back-EMF technique.
- *
- * TODO: write a brief..
+ * This technique is basid on the capability of the DC motor to became generator
+ * of voltage when we turn off its supply. This happend every time we turn off the
+ * DC motor supply, and it continue to rotate for a short time thanks its mechanical
+ * energy. Using this idea we can turn off the motor for a very short time, and
+ * going to read the volage value from DC motor supply pins. This voltage say to us
+ * the actual speed of the motor.
+ * Sampling the DC motor speed we are able to controll its speed.
* \author Daniele Basile <asterix@develer.com>
#include <algo/pid_control.h>
#include <drv/timer.h>
-#include <drv/adc.h>
#include <kern/proc.h>
#include <string.h>
+ * Define status bit for DC motor device.
+ */
+#define DC_MOTOR_ACTIVE BV(0) ///< DC motor enable or disable flag.
+#define DC_MOTOR_DIR BV(1) ///< Spin direction of DC motor.
+ * Some utility macro for motor directions
+ */
+#define POS_DIR 1
+#define NEG_DIR 0
+#define DC_MOTOR_POS_DIR(x) ((x) |= DC_MOTOR_DIR) // Set directions status positive
+#define DC_MOTOR_NEG_DIR(x) ((x) &= ~DC_MOTOR_DIR) // Set directions status negative
+// Update the status with current direction
+#define DC_MOTOR_SET_STATUS_DIR(status, dir) \
+ (dir == POS_DIR ? DC_MOTOR_POS_DIR(status) : DC_MOTOR_NEG_DIR(status))
* DC motor definition.
static DCMotor dcm_all[CONFIG_NUM_DC_MOTOR];
+static int dcm_registered_num;
-/// Stack process for DC motor poll.
-static cpu_stack_t dc_motor_poll_stack[1024];
+// Stack process for DC motor poll.
+static PROC_DEFINE_STACK(dc_motor_poll_stack, 400);
-///< Sample period for all DC motor.
+// Sample period for all DC motor.
static mtime_t sample_period;
// Only for Debug
LOG_INFOB(static int debug_msg_delay = 0;);
-//Forward declaration
-static void dc_motor_do(int index);
+INLINE dc_speed_t dc_motor_readSpeed(int index)
+ DCMotor *dcm = &dcm_all[index];
+ LOG_INFO("DC motor[%d]\n", index);
+ return HW_DC_MOTOR_READ_VALUE(dcm->cfg->adc_ch, dcm->cfg->adc_min, dcm->cfg->adc_max);
+ * Read the target speed from select device.
+ */
+dc_speed_t dc_motor_readTargetSpeed(int index)
+ DCMotor *dcm = &dcm_all[index];
+ LOG_INFO("DC motor[%d]\n", index);
+ * Sampling a signal on DC motor and compute
+ * a new value of speed according with PID control.
+ */
+static void dc_motor_do(int index)
+ DCMotor *dcm = &dcm_all[index];
+ dc_speed_t curr_pos = 0;
+ pwm_duty_t new_pid;
+ //If select DC motor is not active we return
+ if (!(dcm->status & DC_MOTOR_ACTIVE))
+ return;
+ //Compute next value for reaching target speed from current position
+ if (dcm->cfg->pid_enable)
+ {
+ curr_pos = dc_motor_readSpeed(index);
+ new_pid = pid_control_update(&dcm->pid_ctx, dcm->tgt_speed, curr_pos);
+ }
+ else
+ new_pid = dcm->tgt_speed;
+ LOG_INFOB(if (debug_msg_delay == 20)
+ {
+ LOG_INFO("DC Motor[%d]: curr_speed[%d],curr_pos[%d],tgt[%d]\n", dcm->index,
+ curr_pos, curr_pos, dcm->tgt_speed);
+ debug_msg_delay = 0;
+ }
+ debug_msg_delay++;
+ kputs("\n"););
+ //Apply the compute duty value
+ pwm_setDuty(dcm->cfg->pwm_dev, new_pid);
+ //Restart dc motor
+ pwm_enable(dcm->cfg->pwm_dev, true);
+ DC_MOTOR_ENABLE(dcm->index);
+ * Check if the DC motor run time is expired, if this happend
+ * we turn off motor and reset status.
+ */
+INLINE bool check_timerIsExpired(int index)
+ if (((dcm_all[index].expire_time - timer_clock()) < 0) &&
+ (dcm_all[index].expire_time != DC_MOTOR_NO_EXPIRE))
+ {
+ dc_motor_enable(index, false, DC_MOTOR_IDLE_MODE);
+ dcm_all[index].expire_time = DC_MOTOR_NO_EXPIRE;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
* Process to poll DC motor status.
* For all DC motor we read and process output singal,
* and choose the max value to off time
- for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_NUM_DC_MOTOR; i++)
+ for (i = 0; i < dcm_registered_num; i++)
- dc_motor_do(i);
- max_sample_delay = MAX(max_sample_delay, dcm_all[i].cfg->sample_delay);
+ if (check_timerIsExpired(i))
+ {
+ dc_motor_do(i);
+ max_sample_delay = MAX(max_sample_delay, dcm_all[i].cfg->sample_delay);
+ }
+ /*
+ * If we read speed from trimmer we update the target
+ * speed value when motor is running so we can make
+ * dc motor speed regulation.
+ */
+ if (dcm_all[i].cfg->enable_dev_speed)
+ dc_motor_setSpeed(i, dc_motor_readTargetSpeed(i));
//Wait for next sampling
timer_delay(sample_period - max_sample_delay);
- for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_NUM_DC_MOTOR; i++)
+ for (i = 0; i < dcm_registered_num; i++)
+ check_timerIsExpired(i);
if (dcm_all[i].status & DC_MOTOR_ACTIVE)
- * Sampling a signal on DC motor and compute
- * a new value of speed according with PID control.
- */
-static void dc_motor_do(int index)
- DCMotor *dcm = &dcm_all[index];
- dc_speed_t curr_pos;
- pwm_duty_t new_pid;
- //If select DC motor is not active we return
- if (!(dcm->status & DC_MOTOR_ACTIVE))
- return;
- //Acquire the output signal
- curr_pos = ADC_RANGECONV(adc_read(dcm->cfg->adc_ch), dcm->cfg->adc_min, dcm->cfg->adc_max);
- //Compute next value for reaching target speed from current position
- new_pid = pid_control_update(&dcm->pid_ctx, dcm->tgt_speed, curr_pos);
- LOG_INFOB(if (debug_msg_delay == 20)
- {
- LOG_INFO("DCmt[%d]>curr_speed[%d],tgt[%d]\n", dcm->index, curr_pos, dcm->tgt_speed);
- LOG_INFO("%d,", curr_pos);
- debug_msg_delay = 0;
- }
- debug_msg_delay++;
- kputs("\n"););
- LOG_WARN("tg[%d], new_pid[%d], pos[%d]\n", dcm->tgt_speed, new_pid, curr_pos);
- //Apply the compute duty value
- pwm_setDuty(dcm->cfg->pwm_dev, new_pid);
- //Restart dc motor
- pwm_enable(dcm->cfg->pwm_dev, true);
- DC_MOTOR_ENABLE(dcm->index);
* Set spin direction of DC motor.
DCMotor *dcm = &dcm_all[index];
- if (dir != (dcm->status & DC_MOTOR_DIR))
- {
- //Reset previous direction flag, and set new
- dcm->status &= ~DC_MOTOR_DIR;
- dcm->status |= DC_MOTOR_DIR;
- /*
- * To set dc motor direction we must also set the
- * PWM polarity according with dc motor driver chip
- */
- pwm_setPolarity(dcm->cfg->pwm_dev, dir);
- DC_MOTOR_SET_DIR(index, dir);
- }
+ /*
+ * To set dc motor direction we must also set the
+ * PWM polarity according with dc motor driver chip
+ */
+ pwm_setPolarity(dcm->cfg->pwm_dev, dir);
+ DC_MOTOR_SET_DIR(dcm->index, dir);
+ DC_MOTOR_SET_STATUS_DIR(dcm->status, dir);
void dc_motor_setSpeed(int index, dc_speed_t speed)
- dcm_all[index].tgt_speed = speed;
+ DCMotor *dcm = &dcm_all[index];
+ dcm->tgt_speed = speed;
+ LOG_INFO("DC Motor[%d]: Tspeed[%d]\n", index, dcm->tgt_speed);
- * Enable or disable dc motor
+ * Set among of time that dc motor should run.
-void dc_motor_enable(int index, bool state)
+ void dc_motor_setTimer(int index, mtime_t on_time)
+ {
+ dcm_all[index].expire_time = DC_MOTOR_NO_EXPIRE;
+ if (on_time != DC_MOTOR_NO_EXPIRE)
+ dcm_all[index].expire_time = timer_clock() + ms_to_ticks(on_time);
+ }
+ * Enable or disable dc motor.
+ *
+ * There are two \a mode to disable the dc motor:
+ *
+ * The DC_MOTOR_DISABLE_MODE shut down the DC motor and
+ * leave it floating to rotate.
+ * The DC_MOTOR_IDLE does not shut down DC motor, but put
+ * its supply pin in short circuite, in this way the motor result
+ * braked from intentional rotation.
+ */
+void dc_motor_enable(int index, bool state, int mode)
DCMotor *dcm = &dcm_all[index];
pwm_enable(dcm->cfg->pwm_dev, false);
- DC_MOTOR_DISABLE(dcm->index);
dcm->status &= ~DC_MOTOR_ACTIVE;
+ if (mode == DC_MOTOR_DISABLE_MODE)
+ DC_MOTOR_DISABLE(dcm->index);
+ else /* DC_MOTOR_IDLE_MODE */
+ DC_MOTOR_IDLE(dcm->index);
dcm->index = index;
+ /*
+ * By default the motor run forever..
+ */
+ dcm->expire_time = DC_MOTOR_NO_EXPIRE;
+ /*
+ * Clear the status.
+ */
+ dcm->status = 0;
+ // Update registered motors.
+ dcm_registered_num++;
pwm_setFrequency(dcm->cfg->pwm_dev, dcm->cfg->freq);
- pwm_setPolarity(dcm->cfg->pwm_dev, dcm->cfg->pol);
pwm_enable(dcm->cfg->pwm_dev, false);
//Init pid control
//Set default direction for DC motor
DC_MOTOR_SET_DIR(dcm->index, dcm->cfg->dir);
+ DC_MOTOR_SET_STATUS_DIR(dcm->status, dcm->cfg->dir);
- LOG_INFO("DC motort[%d]:\n", dcm->index);
- LOG_INFO("> PID: kp[%lf],ki[%lf],kd[%lf]\n", dcm->cfg->pid_cfg.kd, dcm->cfg->pid_cfg.ki, dcm->cfg->pid_cfg.kd);
+ LOG_INFO("DC motor[%d]:\n", dcm->index);
+ LOG_INFO("> PID: kp[%f],ki[%f],kd[%f]\n", dcm->cfg->pid_cfg.kp, dcm->cfg->pid_cfg.ki, dcm->cfg->pid_cfg.kd);
LOG_INFO("> PWM: pwm_dev[%d], freq[%ld], sample[%ld]\n", dcm->cfg->pwm_dev, dcm->cfg->freq, dcm->cfg->sample_delay);
LOG_INFO("> ADC: adc_ch[%d], adc_max[%d], adc_min[%d]\n", dcm->cfg->adc_ch, dcm->cfg->adc_max, dcm->cfg->adc_min);
LOG_INFO("> DC: dir[%d], speed[%d]\n", dcm->cfg->dir, dcm->cfg->speed);
- * Init DC motor
+ * Init DC motor.
+ * \a priority: sets the dc motor process priority.
-void dc_motor_init(void)
+void dc_motor_init(int priority)
+ struct Process *dc_motor;
memset(dcm_all, 0, sizeof(dcm_all));
- //Init a sample period
+ // Init a sample period
sample_period = 0;
+ // Count how much motor we have to manage.
+ dcm_registered_num = 0;
//Create a dc motor poll process
- proc_new(dc_motor_poll, NULL, sizeof(dc_motor_poll_stack), dc_motor_poll_stack);
+ dc_motor = proc_new_with_name("DC_Motor", dc_motor_poll, NULL, sizeof(dc_motor_poll_stack), dc_motor_poll_stack);
+ proc_setPri(dc_motor, priority);
* \brief DC motor driver.
- *
- * \version $Id$
- *
* \author Daniele Basile <asterix@develer.com>
* $WIZ$ module_name = "dc_motor"
#include <drv/timer.h>
#include <drv/adc.h>
- * Define status bit for DC motor device.
+ * DC motor mode stop.
-#define DC_MOTOR_ACTIVE BV(0) ///< DC motor enable or disable flag.
-#define DC_MOTOR_DIR BV(1) ///< Spin direction of DC motor.
+#define DC_MOTOR_DISABLE_MODE 0 ///< Disable the DC motor shutting down the driver
+#define DC_MOTOR_IDLE_MODE 1 ///< Put the motor pins in short circuit
+#define DC_MOTOR_NO_EXPIRE -1 ///< The DC motor runs do not expire, so it runs forever.
* Type for DC motor.
typedef struct DCMotorConfig
PidCfg pid_cfg; ///< Pid control.
+ bool pid_enable; ///< Flag to disable or enable pid control.
PwmDev pwm_dev; ///< Pwm channel.
pwm_freq_t freq; ///< Pwm waveform frequency.
- bool pol; ///< Pwm waveform polarity.
adc_ch_t adc_ch; ///< ADC channel.
adcread_t adc_max; ///< ADC max scale value.
mtime_t sample_delay; ///< Delay before to sampling.
bool dir; ///< Default direction for select DC motor.
- int speed_trm_id; ///< Index of trimmer to set speed.
- dc_speed_t speed; ///< Default speed value for select DC motor.
+ dc_speed_t speed; ///< Fixed speed value for select DC motor, if enable_dev_speed flag is false.
+ adc_ch_t speed_dev_id; ///< Index of the device where read speed.
+ bool enable_dev_speed; ///< If this flag is true read target speed from device, otherwise use fixed speed.
} DCMotorConfig;
int index; ///< DC motor id.
uint32_t status; ///< Status of select DC motor
+ dc_speed_t zero_speed; ///< Start value for motor speed (Value read from adc when motor is off)
dc_speed_t tgt_speed; ///< Target speed for select DC motor
+ ticks_t expire_time; ///< Among of time that dc motor run
} DCMotor;
void dc_motor_setDir(int index, bool dir);
-void dc_motor_enable(int index, bool state);
+void dc_motor_enable(int index, bool state, int mode);
void dc_motor_setSpeed(int index, dc_speed_t speed);
+void dc_motor_setTimer(int index, mtime_t on_time);
void dc_motor_setup(int index, DCMotorConfig *cfg);
-void dc_motor_init(void);
+dc_speed_t dc_motor_readTargetSpeed(int index);
+void dc_motor_init(int priority);
#endif /* DRV_DC_MOTOR_H */