* Undergraduate courses of Education Technology and Mathematics (Harvard Extension School)
* Personal research in compilers, algorithms, operating systems, network protocols, 3D graphics
-=== Volunteer / Pro-Bono ===
+=== Personal Projects / Volunteer Activity ===
* [[https://gitlab.com/berniecodewiz/mandelwow | Mandelwow]], a 3D fractal demo written in Rust and OpenGL
- * [[GeekiGeeki]], the wiki engine powering this website
+ * [[GeekiGeeki]], a wiki engine backed by Git, powering this website
* [[http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Bernie|Fedora developer]]
- * [[https://launchpad.net/~codewiz/+archive/ppa?field.series_filter=|Ubuntu packager]]
+ * [[https://launchpad.net/~codewiz/+archive/ppa|Ubuntu packager]]
* GCC maintainer (mostly m68k backend)
* Linux kernel hacker
* Co-maintainer of [[http://bdm.sourceforge.net | Background Debug Module]] driver for Freescale Coldfire series