#include <kern/proc.h>
#include <kern/monitor.h>
+#include <net/http.h>
#include <netif/ethernetif.h>
#include <lwip/ip.h>
static struct ip_addr ipaddr, netmask, gw;
static struct netif netif;
-// SD fat filesystem context
-static Sd sd;
-static FATFS fs;
-static FatFile in_file;
typedef struct BoardStatus
char local_ip[sizeof("")];
static BoardStatus status;
static void init(void)
/* Enable all the interrupts */
-static void get_fileName(char *revc_buf, char *name, size_t len)
+#define IP_ADDR_TO_INT_TUPLE(addr) \
+ (int)((addr) >> 0 & 0xff), \
+ (int)((addr) >> 8 & 0xff), \
+ (int)((addr) >> 16 & 0xff), \
+ (int)((addr) >> 24 & 0xff)
+static uint8_t tx_buf[1024];
+static int cgi_status(char *revc_buf, struct netconn *client)
- char *p = strstr(revc_buf, "GET");
- if (p)
- {
- //skip the "/" in get string request
- p += sizeof("GET") + 1;
- for (size_t i = 0; *p != ' '; i++,p++)
- {
- if (i > len)
- break;
- name[i] = *p;
- }
- }
+ (void)revc_buf;
-static const char http_html_hdr_200[] = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n";
-static const char http_html_hdr_404[] = "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n";
+ //Update board status.
+ sprintf(status.last_connected_ip, "%d.%d.%d.%d", IP_ADDR_TO_INT_TUPLE(client->pcb.ip->remote_ip.addr));
+ sprintf(status.local_ip, "%d.%d.%d.%d", IP_ADDR_TO_INT_TUPLE(client->pcb.ip->local_ip.addr));
+ sprintf((char *)tx_buf, "[ %s, %s, %d.%d, %ld, %d ]", status.local_ip, status.last_connected_ip,
+ status.internal_temp / 10, status.internal_temp % 10,
+ status.up_time, status.tot_req);
-static const char http_file_not_found[] = "\
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN\"> \
-<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\"> \
-<title>404 Not Found</title></head><body><img src=\"bertos_logo_jpg.jpg\"><h1>404 Not Found</h1>\
-<p>The requested URL was not found on this server.</p><hr>\
-<address>BeRTOS simple HTTP server</address></body></html>";
+ status.tot_req++;
+ http_sendOk(client);
+ netconn_write(client, tx_buf, strlen((char *)tx_buf), NETCONN_COPY);
+ return 0;
-static const char http_sd_not_present[] = " \
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN\"> \
-<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\"> \
-<title>BeRTOS simple HTTP Server</title></head><body><img src=\"bertos_logo_jpg.jpg\"> \
-<h1>BeRTOS simple HTTP Server</h1><p>Simple Http server, the site's pages are stored on SD card, check it if is present.</p><hr>\
-<a href=\"http://www.bertos.org\">www.BeRTOS.org</a></body></html> \
+static int cgi_logo(char *revc_buf, struct netconn *client)
+ (void)revc_buf;
-static uint8_t tx_buf[2048];
+ http_sendOk(client);
+ netconn_write(client, bertos_logo_jpg, bertos_logo_jpg_len, NETCONN_NOCOPY);
+ return 0;
-#define IP_ADDR_TO_INT_TUPLE(addr) \
- (int)((addr) >> 0 & 0xff), \
- (int)((addr) >> 8 & 0xff), \
- (int)((addr) >> 16 & 0xff), \
- (int)((addr) >> 24 & 0xff)
+static HttpCGI cgi_table[] =
+ { "status", cgi_status },
+ { "bertos_logo_jpg.jpg", cgi_logo },
+ { NULL, NULL }
-static char file_name[80];
int main(void)
struct netconn *server;
- FRESULT result;
/* Hardware initialization */
while (1)
- struct netconn *client;
- struct netbuf *rx_buf_conn;
- char *rx_buf;
- u16_t len;
- client = netconn_accept(server);
- if (!client)
- continue;
- //Update board status.
- sprintf(status.last_connected_ip, "%d.%d.%d.%d", IP_ADDR_TO_INT_TUPLE(client->pcb.ip->remote_ip.addr));
- sprintf(status.local_ip, "%d.%d.%d.%d", IP_ADDR_TO_INT_TUPLE(client->pcb.ip->local_ip.addr));
- status.tot_req++;
- rx_buf_conn = netconn_recv(client);
- if (rx_buf_conn)
- {
- netbuf_data(rx_buf_conn, (void **)&rx_buf, &len);
- if (rx_buf)
- {
- memset(file_name, 0, sizeof(file_name));
- memset(tx_buf, 0, sizeof(tx_buf));
- get_fileName(rx_buf, file_name, sizeof(file_name));
- kprintf("%s\n", file_name);
- if (strlen(file_name) == 0)
- strcpy(file_name, "index.htm");
- if (!strcmp("bertos_logo_jpg.jpg", file_name))
- {
- netconn_write(client, bertos_logo_jpg, bertos_logo_jpg_len, NETCONN_NOCOPY);
- }
- else if (!strcmp("status", file_name))
- {
- sprintf((char *)tx_buf, "[ %s, %s, %d.%d, %ld, %d ]", status.local_ip, status.last_connected_ip,
- status.internal_temp / 10, status.internal_temp % 10,
- status.up_time, status.tot_req);
- netconn_write(client, tx_buf, strlen((char *)tx_buf), NETCONN_COPY);
- }
- else if (SD_CARD_PRESENT())
- {
- bool sd_ok = sd_init(&sd, NULL, 0);
- if (sd_ok)
- {
- kprintf("Mount FAT filesystem.\n");
- result = f_mount(0, &fs);
- if (result != FR_OK)
- {
- kprintf("Mounting FAT volumes error[%d]\n", result);
- sd_ok = false;
- f_mount(0, NULL);
- }
- if (sd_ok)
- {
- result = fatfile_open(&in_file, file_name, FA_OPEN_EXISTING | FA_READ);
- size_t count = 0;
- if (result == FR_OK)
- {
- kprintf("Opened file '%s' size %ld\n", file_name, in_file.fat_file.fsize);
- netconn_write(client, http_html_hdr_200, sizeof(http_html_hdr_200) - 1, NETCONN_NOCOPY);
- while (count < in_file.fat_file.fsize)
- {
- int len = kfile_read(&in_file.fd, tx_buf, sizeof(tx_buf));
- netconn_write(client, tx_buf, len, NETCONN_COPY);
- count += len;
- }
- kfile_flush(&in_file.fd);
- kfile_close(&in_file.fd);
- kprintf("Sent: %d\n", count);
- }
- else
- {
- kprintf("Unable to open file: '%s' error[%d]\n", file_name, result);
- netconn_write(client, http_html_hdr_404, sizeof(http_html_hdr_404) - 1, NETCONN_NOCOPY);
- netconn_write(client, http_file_not_found, sizeof(http_file_not_found) - 1, NETCONN_NOCOPY);
- }
- }
- }
- f_mount(0, NULL);
- kprintf("Umount FAT filesystem.\n");
- }
- else
- {
- netconn_write(client, http_html_hdr_404, sizeof(http_html_hdr_404) - 1, NETCONN_NOCOPY);
- netconn_write(client, http_sd_not_present, sizeof(http_sd_not_present), NETCONN_NOCOPY);
- }
- }
- netconn_close(client);
- netbuf_delete(rx_buf_conn);
- }
- netconn_delete(client);
+ http_server(server, cgi_table);