* You MUST reserve couches and rooms in advance on the [[https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=d9ldj4obvhs85p23v4ds9pn66k%40group.calendar.google.com | house calendar]]. First-come, first-served.
- * Long-term guests (more than a few days) should contribute to the rent.
+ * Guests staying multiple days should contribute to the house rent (usually $50 per day or $200 per week).
- * If you give your guests a copy of the front door key, remind them to return it (we keep loosing them)
+ * If you give your guests a copy of the front door key, remind them to return it (we keep loosing them!)
- * This is really important: afrer your guests are gone, there must be no trace of their passage other than gifts.
+ * This is really important: after your guests are gone, **there must be no trace of their passage** (well, other than gifts, of course :-).
Wash any sheets and towels you gave them, tidy up the room/couch they used. Seriously!
* You can throw parties in the house or in the backyard! Just let the others know and make sure you