Short: Picture In Picture window/boopsi class (binary + C source) Author: (Bernardo Innocenti) Uploader: (Bernardo Innocenti) Type: dev/src Version: 2.6 Replaces: dev/src/PIPWin.lha PIPWin opens a window on any public screen which shows the contents of a user selected public screen. You can resize and scroll by dragging inside the window or using the cursor keys. The source code demonstrates how to: * Building a `boopsi' class on top of the gadgetclass * Writing a `boopsi' dispatcher with complex input handling * Using `boopsi' sysiclass images * Connecting `boopsi' objects together using the icclass * Overlaying the buttongclass to make a scrollbutton * Creating a sizeable window with sliders * Making a C program with no startup and no need to link with static libraries such as amiga.lib * Using the timer.device * Making Amiga specific code which works with SAS/C, GCC and StormC. * Correctly opening/closing libraries, devices and other system resources * Parsing command line arguments with ReadArgs()