[package] name = "mandelwow" version = "0.7.0" authors = ["Bernie Innocenti "] license = "GPL-3.0+" [profile.release] lto = true # the crate `bitflags` is compiled with the panic strategy `abort` which is incompatible with this crate's strategy of `unwind` panic = "unwind" opt-level = 3 [dependencies] cgmath = "*" glium = "0.17.0" glutin = "0.9" image = { version = "0.14.0", features = ["png_codec"], optional = true } libxm = "1.0.0" rust-rocket = { path = "rust-rocket", optional = true } rand = "*" sdl2 = "*" [features] default = ["image", "logging"] min = [] logging = [] editor = ["rust-rocket"] #[replace] #"glutin:0.7.4" = { path = "/home/bernie/src/glutin" } #"glium:0.16.0" = { path = "/home/bernie/src/glium" } [target.armv7-linux-androideabi] ar = "$ANDROID_NDK_HOME/arm/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-ar" linker = "$ANDROID_NDK_HOME/arm/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-clang" [lib] name = "mandelwow_lib" path = "lib.rs" [[bin]] name = "mandelwow" path = "main.rs"