// Wow. Such fractal. use cube::Cube; use glium; use glium::index::PrimitiveType; use glium::{Display, Program, Surface}; use support; /* fn mand(cx: f32, cy: f32) -> [f32; 3] { let maxiter = 64; let mut iter = maxiter; let mut zx = cx; let mut zy = cy; while iter > 0 { let zx2 = zx * zx; let zy2 = zy * zy; if zx2 + zy2 > 4.0 { return [iter as f32 / maxiter as f32, 1.0, 1.0]; } zy = zx * zy * 2.0 + cy; zx = zx2 - zy2 + cx; iter -= 1; } [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] } */ pub fn program(display: &Display) -> Program { Program::from_source( display, include_str!("shaders/mandelwow.vert"), include_str!("shaders/mandelwow.frag"), None) .unwrap() } fn mandel(display: &Display, frame: &mut glium::Frame, program: &Program, uniforms: &U, bounds: &Cube, z: [f32; 2]) where U: glium::uniforms::Uniforms { #[derive(Copy, Clone)] struct Vertex { position: [f32; 3], color: [f32; 3], } implement_vertex!(Vertex, position, color); let xmin = bounds.xmin; let xmax = bounds.xmax; let ymin = bounds.ymin; let ymax = bounds.ymax; let width = xmax - xmin; let height = ymax - ymin; let xres: usize = 1; let yres: usize = 1; let xstep = width / (xres as f32); let ystep = height / (yres as f32); let vb_size = (xres * 2 + 4) * yres; let mut v : Vec = Vec::with_capacity(vb_size); v.resize(vb_size, Vertex { position: [0.0, 0.0, -1.0], color: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] }); let mut i: usize = 0; let mut vy = ymin; let vz = z[1]; for _ in 0..yres { let mut vx = xmin; let c = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]; v[i] = Vertex { position: [vx, vy+ystep, vz], color: c }; i += 1; v[i] = Vertex { position: [vx, vy, vz], color: c }; i += 1; for _ in 0..xres { //let c = mand(vx, vy); v[i] = Vertex { position: [vx+xstep, vy+ystep, vz], color: c }; i += 1; v[i] = Vertex { position: [vx+xstep, vy, vz], color: c }; i += 1; vx += xstep; } v[i] = Vertex { position: [vx, vy, vz], color: c }; i += 1; v[i] = Vertex { position: [xmin, vy, vz], color: c }; i += 1; vy += ystep; } //let vb = glium::VertexBuffer::empty_persistent(display, width*height*3).unwrap(); let vb = glium::VertexBuffer::new(display, &v).unwrap(); let indices = glium::index::NoIndices(PrimitiveType::TriangleStrip); //let indices = glium::index::NoIndices(PrimitiveType::LineStrip); //let indices = glium::IndexBuffer::new(display, PrimitiveType::TrianglesList, // &[0u16, 1, 2]).unwrap(); let params = glium::DrawParameters { depth: glium::Depth { test: glium::draw_parameters::DepthTest::IfLess, write: true, ..Default::default() }, blend: glium::Blend::alpha_blending(), ..Default::default() }; frame.draw(&vb, &indices, program, uniforms, ¶ms).unwrap(); } pub fn draw(display: &Display, mut frame: &mut glium::Frame, program: &Program, model: [[f32; 4]; 4], camera: &support::camera::CameraState, bounds: &Cube, mandel_w: f32) { let mut z0 = [mandel_w, 0f32]; let zres = 30; let zmin = bounds.zmin; let zmax = bounds.zmax; let zstep = (zmax - zmin) / zres as f32; let mut zy = zmin; // zres + 1 to reach the other face of the cube (fencepost error) for _ in 0..(zres + 1) { z0[1] = zy; zy += zstep; let uniforms = uniform! { z0: z0, model: model, view: camera.get_view(), perspective: camera.get_perspective(), }; mandel(display, &mut frame, program, &uniforms, bounds, z0); } }