extern crate glutin; use glutin::ElementState::{Pressed, Released}; use glutin::Event::{KeyboardInput, MouseMoved}; use glutin::VirtualKeyCode; use support::vec3::Vec3; use support::vec3::norm; use std::f32; //use glutin::Event; //use VirtualKeyCode; #[derive(Default)] pub struct CameraState { aspect_ratio: f32, pos: Vec3, dir: Vec3, moving_up: bool, moving_left: bool, moving_down: bool, moving_right: bool, moving_forward: bool, moving_backward: bool, turning_up: bool, turning_left: bool, turning_down: bool, turning_right: bool, mouse_x: i32, mouse_y: i32, rel_x: i32, rel_y: i32, } impl CameraState { pub fn new() -> CameraState { CameraState { aspect_ratio: 600.0 / 600.0, pos: Vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), dir: Vec3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0), .. Default::default() } } pub fn set_pos(&mut self, pos: Vec3) { self.pos = pos; } pub fn get_pos(&self) -> Vec3 { self.pos } pub fn set_dir(&mut self, dir: Vec3) { self.dir = dir; } pub fn get_perspective(&self) -> [[f32; 4]; 4] { let fov: f32 = 3.141592 / 2.0; let zfar = 1024.0; let znear = 0.1; let f = 1.0 / (fov / 2.0).tan(); // note: remember that this is column-major, so the lines of code are actually columns [ [f / self.aspect_ratio, 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0], [ 0.0 , f , 0.0 , 0.0], [ 0.0 , 0.0, (zfar+znear)/(zfar-znear) , 1.0], [ 0.0 , 0.0, -(2.0*zfar*znear)/(zfar-znear), 0.0], ] } pub fn get_view(&self) -> [[f32; 4]; 4] { let f = norm(&self.dir); let up = Vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0); let s = Vec3(f.1 * up.2 - f.2 * up.1, f.2 * up.0 - f.0 * up.2, f.0 * up.1 - f.1 * up.0); let sn = norm(&s); let u = (sn.1 * f.2 - sn.2 * f.1, sn.2 * f.0 - sn.0 * f.2, sn.0 * f.1 - sn.1 * f.0); let p = (-self.pos.0 * s.0 - self.pos.1 * s.1 - self.pos.2 * s.2, -self.pos.0 * u.0 - self.pos.1 * u.1 - self.pos.2 * u.2, -self.pos.0 * f.0 - self.pos.1 * f.1 - self.pos.2 * f.2); // note: remember that this is column-major, so the lines of code are actually columns [ [sn.0, u.0, f.0, 0.0], [sn.1, u.1, f.1, 0.0], [sn.2, u.2, f.2, 0.0], [p.0, p.1, p.2, 1.0], ] } pub fn update(&mut self) { let f = norm(&self.dir); let up = Vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0); let s = Vec3(f.1 * up.2 - f.2 * up.1, f.2 * up.0 - f.0 * up.2, f.0 * up.1 - f.1 * up.0); let s = norm(&s); let u = Vec3(s.1 * f.2 - s.2 * f.1, s.2 * f.0 - s.0 * f.2, s.0 * f.1 - s.1 * f.0); let walk_speed = 0.01; let strife_speed = 0.02; let pan_speed = 0.01; if self.moving_up { self.pos += u * strife_speed; } if self.moving_down { self.pos -= u * strife_speed; } if self.moving_left { self.pos -= s * strife_speed; } if self.moving_right { self.pos += s * strife_speed; } if self.moving_forward { self.pos += f * walk_speed; } if self.moving_backward { self.pos -= f * walk_speed; } if self.turning_left { self.rel_x -= 2; } if self.turning_right { self.rel_x += 2; } if self.turning_up { self.rel_y -= 2; } if self.turning_down { self.rel_y += 2; } let vx = -pan_speed * self.rel_x as f32; let vy = -pan_speed * self.rel_y as f32; self.dir = Vec3(f.0 * vx.cos() + f.2 * vx.sin(), f.1 * vy.cos() - f.2 * vy.sin(), f.1 * vy.sin() - f.0 * vx.sin() + f.2 * vx.cos() * vy.cos()); self.rel_x = 0; self.rel_y = 0; //println!("camera_pos = {:?}", self.pos); //println!("camera_dir = {:?}", self.dir); } pub fn process_input(&mut self, event: &glutin::Event) { match event { &MouseMoved(x, y) => { self.rel_x += x - self.mouse_x; self.rel_y += y - self.mouse_y; self.mouse_x = x; self.mouse_y = y; } &KeyboardInput(Pressed, _, Some(VirtualKeyCode::Up)) => { self.moving_up = true; }, &KeyboardInput(Released, _, Some(VirtualKeyCode::Up)) => { self.moving_up = false; }, &KeyboardInput(Pressed, _, Some(VirtualKeyCode::Down)) => { self.moving_down = true; }, &KeyboardInput(Released, _, Some(VirtualKeyCode::Down)) => { self.moving_down = false; }, &KeyboardInput(Pressed, _, Some(VirtualKeyCode::Left)) => { self.moving_left = true; }, &KeyboardInput(Released, _, Some(VirtualKeyCode::Left)) => { self.moving_left = false; }, &KeyboardInput(Pressed, _, Some(VirtualKeyCode::Right)) => { self.moving_right = true; }, &KeyboardInput(Released, _, Some(VirtualKeyCode::Right)) => { self.moving_right = false; }, &KeyboardInput(Pressed, _, Some(VirtualKeyCode::A)) => { self.turning_left = true; }, &KeyboardInput(Released, _, Some(VirtualKeyCode::A)) => { self.turning_left = false; }, &KeyboardInput(Pressed, _, Some(VirtualKeyCode::D)) => { self.turning_right = true; }, &KeyboardInput(Released, _, Some(VirtualKeyCode::D)) => { self.turning_right = false; }, &KeyboardInput(Pressed, _, Some(VirtualKeyCode::W)) => { self.moving_forward = true; }, &KeyboardInput(Released, _, Some(VirtualKeyCode::W)) => { self.moving_forward = false; }, &KeyboardInput(Pressed, _, Some(VirtualKeyCode::S)) => { self.moving_backward = true; }, &KeyboardInput(Released, _, Some(VirtualKeyCode::S)) => { self.moving_backward = false; }, &KeyboardInput(Pressed, _, Some(VirtualKeyCode::R)) => { self.turning_up = true; }, &KeyboardInput(Released, _, Some(VirtualKeyCode::R)) => { self.turning_up = false; }, &KeyboardInput(Pressed, _, Some(VirtualKeyCode::F)) => { self.turning_down = true; }, &KeyboardInput(Released, _, Some(VirtualKeyCode::F)) => { self.turning_down = false; }, _ => {} } } }