#![allow(dead_code)] extern crate genmesh; extern crate obj; use std::thread; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; use glium::{self, Display}; use glium::vertex::VertexBufferAny; pub mod camera; pub enum Action { Stop, Continue, } pub fn start_loop(mut callback: F) where F: FnMut() -> Action { let mut accumulator = Duration::new(0, 0); let mut previous_clock = Instant::now(); loop { match callback() { Action::Stop => break, Action::Continue => () }; let now = Instant::now(); accumulator += now - previous_clock; previous_clock = now; let fixed_time_stamp = Duration::new(0, 16666667); while accumulator >= fixed_time_stamp { accumulator -= fixed_time_stamp; // if you have a game, update the state here } thread::sleep(fixed_time_stamp - accumulator); } } /// Returns a vertex buffer that should be rendered as `TrianglesList`. pub fn load_wavefront(display: &Display, data: &[u8]) -> VertexBufferAny { #[derive(Copy, Clone)] struct Vertex { position: [f32; 3], normal: [f32; 3], texture: [f32; 2], } implement_vertex!(Vertex, position, normal, texture); let mut data = ::std::io::BufReader::new(data); let data = obj::Obj::load(&mut data); let mut vertex_data = Vec::new(); for object in data.object_iter() { for shape in object.group_iter().flat_map(|g| g.indices().iter()) { match shape { &genmesh::Polygon::PolyTri(genmesh::Triangle { x: v1, y: v2, z: v3 }) => { for v in [v1, v2, v3].iter() { let position = data.position()[v.0]; let texture = v.1.map(|index| data.texture()[index]); let normal = v.2.map(|index| data.normal()[index]); let texture = texture.unwrap_or([0.0, 0.0]); let normal = normal.unwrap_or([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]); vertex_data.push(Vertex { position: position, normal: normal, texture: texture, }) } }, _ => unimplemented!() } } } glium::vertex::VertexBuffer::new(display, &vertex_data).unwrap().into_vertex_buffer_any() }