use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; #[cfg(feature = "editor")] use rust_rocket; #[cfg(feature = "editor")] type Rocket = rust_rocket::Rocket; #[cfg(not(feature = "editor"))] type Rocket = (); #[cfg(feature = "editor")] const BPS: f32 = 10.0; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Timer { pub t: f32, /// Simulation time (starts from 0 and does not advance while on pause). pub now: Instant, /// Wall time, use instead of Instant::now() for frame-consistent time. prev_time: Instant, /// Time of previous frame. frame: u32, /// Frame count, starts from 0 and does not increment while on pause. last_report_time: Instant, last_report_frame: u32, accum_draw_time: Duration, accum_idle_time: Duration, pub pause: bool, pub rocket: Option, } impl Timer { pub fn new() -> Self { let now = Instant::now(); Timer { t: 0.0, now, prev_time: now, frame: 0, last_report_time: now, last_report_frame: 0, accum_draw_time: Duration::default(), accum_idle_time: Duration::default(), pause: false, rocket: Timer::init_rocket(), } } // To be called once per frame, just before rendering pub fn update(&mut self) { self.prev_time =; = Instant::now(); if !self.pause { // Increment simulation time let frame_time = - self.prev_time; self.t += frame_time.as_secs_f32(); self.frame += 1; } self.poll_rocket(); self.maybe_report(); } #[cfg(not(feature = "logging"))] fn maybe_report(&mut self) {} #[cfg(feature = "logging")] fn maybe_report(&mut self) { if - self.last_report_time > Duration::from_secs(5) {; self.last_report_time =; self.last_report_frame = self.frame; self.accum_draw_time = Duration::new(0, 0); self.accum_idle_time = Duration::new(0, 0); } } #[cfg(feature = "logging")] fn report(&self, now: Instant) { fn millis(d : Duration) -> f32 { d.as_secs() as f32 * 1e3 + d.subsec_nanos() as f32 / 1e6 } let frames_done = self.frame - self.last_report_frame; let fps = frames_done as f32 / (now - self.last_report_time).as_secs() as f32; let avg_draw_time = millis(self.accum_draw_time / frames_done); let avg_idle_time = millis(self.accum_idle_time / frames_done); println!("fps={:.1} draw={:.1}ms idle={:.1}ms", fps, avg_draw_time, avg_idle_time); } #[cfg(not(feature = "editor"))] fn init_rocket() -> Option { None } #[cfg(not(feature = "editor"))] fn poll_rocket(&mut self) {} #[cfg(feature = "editor")] fn init_rocket() -> Option { Rocket::new().ok() } #[cfg(feature = "editor")] fn poll_rocket(&mut self) { match self.rocket { Some(ref mut rocket) => { let current_row = (self.t * BPS) as u32; if let Some(event) = rocket.poll_events() { match event { rust_rocket::Event::SetRow(row) => { println!("SetRow (row: {:?})", row); self.t = row as f32 / BPS; } rust_rocket::Event::Pause(_) => { let track1 = rocket.get_track_mut("test"); println!("Pause (value: {:?}) (row: {:?})", track1.get_value(current_row as f32), current_row); } _ => (), } println!("{:?}", event); } } None => () } } }