[[!meta title="Download"]] # Downloading and Installing # Once you've installed the packages, please see the [documentation page](/doc) to read up on how to get started [as a regular user](/getting-started-user) or [as a systems administrator](/getting-started-admin). # Installing the Firefox (or Iceweasel) add-on # To use the Monkeysphere for website validation, you will need the Firefox (Iceweasel) add-on, the monkeysphere package and the validation agent. [Download and install the Firefox (Iceweasel) add-on](http://archive.monkeysphere.info/monkeysphere.xul) Once you have installed the add-on, you will need to restart your browser, and then proceed to install the monkeysphere package and validation agent below. # Installing the Monkeysphere package and validation agent # ## Dependencies ## Monkeysphere relies on: * [OpenSSH](http://openssh.com/) * [GnuPG](http://gnupg.org/) * [Perl](http://www.perl.org/) (including the [Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA](http://search.cpan.org/dist/Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA/) and [Digest::SHA](http://search.cpan.org/dist/Digest-SHA/) modules and their dependencies) ## Debian ## If you are running a [Debian](http://www.debian.org/) system, the [monkeysphere is available in the Debian archive](http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=monkeysphere&searchon=names§ion=all&suite=all) If you are running Debian unstable or testing install the latest monkeysphere version as follows: aptitude install monkeysphere If you are running Debian stable, you can get the monkeysphere package from [backports.org](http://backports.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=instructions) To get started using the Monkeysphere for website validation, you will need to install the Monkeysphere Validation Agent. Currently the perl version of the agent is available in Debian sid, or directly from our APT repository (see below): aptitude install msva-perl ## Debian derivatives (including Ubuntu) ## You can also install the Monkeysphere directly from the Monkeysphere APT repository. You can add this archive to your system by putting the following lines in `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/monkeysphere.list`: deb http://archive.monkeysphere.info/debian experimental monkeysphere deb-src http://archive.monkeysphere.info/debian experimental monkeysphere The repository is currently signed by [The Monkeysphere archive signing key](/archive-key), key id EB8AF314 (fingerprint: `2E8D D26C 53F1 197D DF40 3E61 18E6 67F1 EB8A F314`). To cryptographically verify the packages, you'll want to [add this key to your apt configuration after verifying its integrity](/archive-key). Note: Ubuntu shipped Monkeysphere 0.22 in their "Jaunty Jackalope" release (9.04). The Monkeysphere developers think that [Ubuntu shipping Monkeysphere 0.22-1 is a bad idea](https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/monkeysphere/+bug/345054). If you are an Ubuntu user, we would prefer that you install from the APT archive above rather than run 0.22, which we no longer consider supported. Ubuntu users running "Karmic Koala" (9.10) or later should see version 0.26-1 or later in the standard Ubuntu universe repository, so please use the regular Ubuntu repositories if you're running Karmic or later. ## FreeBSD ## There is [a FreeBSD port available](http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/ports.cgi?query=monkeysphere) for the Monkeysphere, built and tested against FreeBSD 7.1. You should be able to build and install the latest port with: cd /usr/ports/security/monkeysphere make package Enjoy! ## Slackware ## Silvio Rhatto has made [a SlackBuild script](http://slack.sarava.org/slackbuilds/net/misc/monkeysphere/) for the Monkeysphere, tested against Slackware 12.2. This is generated by [the mkbuild system](http://simplepkg.sarava.org) from [its .mkbuild source](http://slack.sarava.org/mkbuilds/net/misc/monkeysphere/). Thanks, rhatto! ## Source ## For those that would like to download the source directly, [the source is available](/community) via [git](http://git.or.cz/). The [latest tarball](http://archive.monkeysphere.info/debian/pool/monkeysphere/m/monkeysphere/monkeysphere_0.29.orig.tar.gz) is also available, and has these checksums:
Hash: SHA512

checksums for the monkeysphere 0.29 release:

009e26cc77d38e25697cdea06eecd5ab  monkeysphere_0.29.orig.tar.gz

db1074d6c5f424859ddec31cff0a0b6214789f16  monkeysphere_0.29.orig.tar.gz

0e3c683b7d8a07e6ceae80cb0d3acf647c3f8c74cbaab527f73608dcdd1b01fb  monkeysphere_0.29.orig.tar.gz
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
