My good old firend MicheleConsoleBattilana, CEO of CloantoCompany, recently sent me the latest edition of AmigaForever 2006 Premium Edition. While the OpenFirmware can't boot off a plain CD-ROM designed for the historical 16bit BIOS, it didn't take too much hacking before I could get the actual UAE binary to start from the Terminal activity: * Plug in a USB CD-ROM unit * Open the Terminal activity and type: {{{ sudo mount /dev/scd0 /mnt cd /mnt/Emulation/UAE ./uae -f af_boot.uaerc }}} You may want to configure the system for the very high resolution of the XO display: * Open the **System** disk * Open to **Prefs** drawer * Use the **Screen** preferences editor to set a higher screenmode (uaegfx:1152x864x16 is close to full-screen and neat) * Use the **Font** preferences editor to enlarge the Workbench and Screen fonts (Topaz-11 is a good choice) * Use the **ToolManager** preferences editor to enlarge the font of the Dock. The emulation is fast and smooth. I didn't have much success with the demos, mostly because I was unable to reach an adequate emulation speed on the Geode while running UAE with legacy 680x0 processors, which disables the JIT CPU emulator. [[OneAmigaPerChild/OneAmigaPerChildSmall.jpg]] [[OneAmigaPerChild/OneAmigaPerChildCloseup.jpg]]