== About this web site == This web site is powered by my own minimalistic wiki engine called [[GeekiGeeki]]. Anonymous changes are allowed, you can edit this page by clicking on the EditPage button in the navbar. I host here my personal [[pictures | photos]] and my [[BrainDump | blog]]. Why would someone host my own wiki, blog and photo sharing when there are dozens of free-beer alternatives online? It's a matter of remaining [[http://autonomo.us/about/ | autonomous]] from online services as much as possible. Call me a fundamentalist, but I find it very disturbing to give up my online identity to services whose conditions are established and changed unilaterally. The [[http://opendefinition.org/ definition of open knowledge]] is still a subject of discussion. At this time, I generally boycot any online web services that make it intentionally hard bulk access to data created collaboratively by their users. Examples of badly behaving sites are [[http://www.imdb.com | IMDB]] and [[http://flickr.com | Flickr]]. My current personal policy is to use these services in read-only mode, without helping them collect even more information. Call me a fundamentalist for going through these hoops, but I believe I'm acting in my best personal interest. I //do// care about my meta-self, and you?