+** PattEditClass.c
+** Copyright (C) 1995,96,97,98 Bernardo Innocenti
+** Pattern Editor gadget class
+#include <exec/memory.h>
+#include <exec/ports.h>
+#include <utility/tagitem.h>
+#include <utility/hooks.h>
+#include <devices/inputevent.h>
+#include <libraries/SongClass.h>
+#include <libraries/PattEditClass.h>
+#include <libraries/xmodule.h>
+#include <intuition/intuition.h>
+#include <intuition/intuitionbase.h>
+#include <intuition/classes.h>
+#include <intuition/classusr.h>
+#include <intuition/gadgetclass.h>
+#include <intuition/imageclass.h>
+#include <graphics/gfxbase.h>
+#include <graphics/gfxmacros.h>
+#include <graphics/text.h>
+#include <proto/exec.h>
+#include <proto/intuition.h>
+#include <proto/graphics.h>
+#include <proto/utility.h>
+#include <proto/keymap.h>
+#include "CompilerSpecific.h"
+#include "Debug.h"
+#include "ListMacros.h"
+#ifdef OS30_ONLY
+ #define WANTED_LIBVER 39
+ #define WANTED_LIBVER 37
+/* Some handy definitions missing in <devices/inputevent.h> */
+/* Scrolling control */
+#define SCROLLED_VERT 1
+/* Private class instance data */
+struct PattEditData
+ struct Pattern *Patt;
+ struct TextFont *EditorFont;
+ /* These are the actual Gadget position and size,
+ * regardless of any GREL_#? flag.
+ */
+ struct IBox GBounds;
+ /* These are the actual editing area position and size. */
+ struct IBox TBounds;
+ UWORD FontXSize;
+ UWORD FontYSize;
+ /* Pens used to draw various pattern editor elements */
+ ULONG TextPen;
+ ULONG LinesPen;
+ ULONG TinyLinesPen;
+ ULONG Flags; /* See definitions in <PattEditClass.h> */
+ /* Routine used to convert a note into its ASCII representation
+ * This routine is passed the pointer to the note and a buffer
+ * with <TrackChars> characters to fill in.
+ */
+ ASMCALL void (*Note2ASCIIFunc)(REG(a1, UBYTE *s), REG(a2, struct Note *note));
+ UWORD TrackWidth; /* Width of a track in pixels */
+ UWORD TrackChars; /* Width of a track in chars */
+ /* How many tracks and lines we can fit in the gadget bounds */
+ UWORD DisplayTracks;
+ UWORD DisplayLines;
+ WORD LeftTrack;
+ WORD TopLine;
+ /* Current cursor position */
+ WORD Track;
+ WORD Line;
+ WORD Column;
+ UWORD CurrentInst;
+ UWORD CursLinePos; /* Cursor line position (0 = not drawn) */
+ struct Rectangle CursRect; /* Cursor Position to erase it quickly. */
+ /* Cursor advancement */
+ WORD AdvanceTracks;
+ WORD AdvanceLines;
+ /* Range marking info */
+ UWORD RangeStartTrack;
+ UWORD RangeStartLine;
+ UWORD RangeEndTrack;
+ UWORD RangeEndLine;
+ /* Backup cursor position for mouse right button undo operation */
+ WORD BackupTrack;
+ WORD BackupLine;
+ WORD BackupColumn;
+ /* This variable holds a counter for the optimized scroller update.
+ * When the pattern is scrolling, updates are only sent after
+ * a specific amount of scrolling operations have occurred.
+ */
+ UWORD SliderCounter;
+ /* The following two are for track resizing. ResizeXStart
+ * is the horizontal mouse position when the resize operation
+ * was started. ResizeChars is the last number of chars set.
+ */
+ UWORD ResizeXStart;
+ UWORD ResizeChars;
+ struct Rectangle RangeRect; /* Backup of range rect to erase it quickly. */
+ /* Undo/Redo support */
+ ULONG Changes;
+ ULONG UndoCount;
+ ULONG UndoMem;
+ ULONG MaxUndoLevels;
+ ULONG MaxUndoMem;
+ struct MinList UndoList;
+ struct MinList RedoList;
+ /* For testing double/triple click */
+ ULONG DoubleClickSeconds;
+ ULONG DoubleClickMicros;
+ ULONG TripleClickSeconds;
+ ULONG TripleClickMicros;
+ /* Experimental: timer.device stuff */
+// struct timerequest TimerIO;
+// struct MsgPort TimerPort;
+// struct Interrupt TimerInt;
+/* This structure holds an entry for the Undo/Redo buffer. */
+struct UndoNode
+ struct MinNode Link;
+ UWORD Line,
+ Track;
+ struct Note OldNote;
+/* Function prototypes */
+static ULONG HOOKCALL PattEditDispatcher (
+ REG(a0, Class *cl),
+ REG(a2, struct ExtGadget *g),
+ REG(a1, Msg msg));
+static void GetGadgetBox (struct GadgetInfo *ginfo, struct ExtGadget *g, struct IBox *rect);
+static BOOL CalcDisplaySize (struct PattEditData *ped, struct ExtGadget *g, struct GadgetInfo *gpi);
+static void SaveUndo (struct PattEditData *ped);
+static BOOL UndoChange (struct PattEditData *ped);
+static BOOL RedoChange (struct PattEditData *ped);
+static void FreeUndoBuffers (struct PattEditData *ped, BOOL freeall);
+static BOOL MoveCursor (struct PattEditData *ped, WORD x, WORD y);
+static void EraseCursor (struct RastPort *rp, struct PattEditData *ped);
+static UWORD DrawCursor (struct RastPort *rp, struct PattEditData *ped, struct ExtGadget *g);
+static void DrawRange (struct RastPort *rp, struct PattEditData *ped);
+static void ClearRange (struct RastPort *rp, struct PattEditData *ped);
+static void RedrawAll (struct RastPort *rp, struct PattEditData *ped, struct ExtGadget *g);
+static void RedrawPattern (struct RastPort *rp, struct PattEditData *ped, struct ExtGadget *g);
+static void DrawTrackSeparators (struct RastPort *rp, struct PattEditData *ped, UWORD width);
+static void DrawTrackNumbers(struct RastPort *rp, struct PattEditData *ped);
+static void DrawPatternLines(struct RastPort *rp, struct PattEditData *ped, UWORD min, UWORD max);
+static void DrawNote (struct RastPort *rp, struct PattEditData *ped);
+void ASMCALL Note2ASCII (REG(a1, UBYTE *s), REG(a2, struct Note *note));
+void ASMCALL Note2ASCIIBlank0 (REG(a1, UBYTE *s), REG(a2, struct Note *note));
+static UWORD ScrollPattern (struct RastPort *rp, struct PattEditData *ped, struct ExtGadget *g,
+ UWORD lefttrack, UWORD topline);
+static void NotifyCursor (struct PattEditData *ped, struct ExtGadget *g, struct GadgetInfo *gi, ULONG flags);
+static void NotifyVSlider (struct PattEditData *ped, struct ExtGadget *g, struct GadgetInfo *gi, ULONG flags);
+static void NotifyHSlider (struct PattEditData *ped, struct ExtGadget *g, struct GadgetInfo *gi, ULONG flags);
+static void NotifySliders (struct PattEditData *ped, struct ExtGadget *g, struct GadgetInfo *gi, ULONG flags);
+//static void ASMCALL TimerIntServer (register REG(a1, struct ExtGadget *g));
+HOOKCALL struct ClassLibrary *_UserLibInit (REG(a6, struct ClassLibrary *mybase));
+HOOKCALL struct ClassLibrary *_UserLibCleanup (REG(a6, struct ClassLibrary *mybase));
+HOOKCALL Class *_GetEngine (REG(a6, struct ClassLibrary *mybase));
+/* Library data */
+const UBYTE LibName[] = LIBNAME;
+const UBYTE LibVer[] = { '$', 'V', 'E', 'R', ':', ' ' };
+const UBYTE LibId[] = LIBNAME " 2.1 (8.4.97) " BUILDMODE " © 1995,96,97 by Bernardo Innocenti\n";
+/* Local data */
+#ifdef PORTABLE
+static const ULONG TextNotes[MAXNOTES] =
+ ' - ',
+ 'C-0 ', 'C#0 ', 'D-0 ', 'D#0 ', 'E-0 ', 'F-0 ',
+ 'F#0 ', 'G-0 ', 'G#0 ', 'A-0 ', 'A#0 ', 'B-0 ',
+ 'C-1 ', 'C#1 ', 'D-1 ', 'D#1 ', 'E-1 ', 'F-1 ',
+ 'F#1 ', 'G-1 ', 'G#1 ', 'A-1 ', 'A#1 ', 'B-1 ',
+ 'C-2 ', 'C#2 ', 'D-2 ', 'D#2 ', 'E-2 ', 'F-2 ',
+ 'F#2 ', 'G-2 ', 'G#2 ', 'A-2 ', 'A#2 ', 'B-2 ',
+ 'C-3 ', 'C#3 ', 'D-3 ', 'D#3 ', 'E-3 ', 'F-3 ',
+ 'F#3 ', 'G-3 ', 'G#3 ', 'A-3 ', 'A#3 ', 'B-3 ',
+ 'C-4 ', 'C#4 ', 'D-4 ', 'D#4 ', 'E-4 ', 'F-4 ',
+ 'F#4 ', 'G-4 ', 'G#4 ', 'A-4 ', 'A#4 ', 'B-4 ',
+ 'C-5 ', 'C#5 ', 'D-5 ', 'D#5 ', 'E-5 ', 'F-5 ',
+ 'F#5 ', 'G-5 ', 'G#5 ', 'A-5 ', 'A#5 ', 'B-5 '
+#endif /* PORTABLE */
+/* Keyboard rawkeys -> notes conversion table */
+static const UBYTE KeyNotes0[10] = { 0, 26, 28, 0, 31, 33, 35, 0, 38, 40}; /* (1..0) */
+static const UBYTE KeyNotes1[10] = {25, 27, 29, 30, 32, 34, 36, 37, 39, 41}; /* (Q..]) */
+static const UBYTE KeyNotes2[10] = { 0, 14, 16, 0, 19, 21, 23, 0, 26, 28}; /* (A..') */
+static const UBYTE KeyNotes3[10] = {13, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22, 24, 25, 27, 29}; /* (Z../) */
+static const UBYTE HexValues[20] = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J'};
+static const UBYTE HexValuesNo0[20] = {' ','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J'};
+/* Cursor patterns - Used in EraseCursor() and DrawCursor() */
+static UWORD GhostPattern[] = { 0xAAAA, 0x5555 };
+static UWORD MarkPattern[] = { 0xFFFF, 0x0000 };
+/* Library bases */
+struct ExecBase *SysBase = NULL;
+struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase = NULL;
+struct GfxBase *GfxBase = NULL;
+struct UtilityBase *UtilityBase = NULL;
+struct Library *KeymapBase = NULL;
+static ULONG HOOKCALL PattEditDispatcher (
+ REG(a0, Class *cl),
+ REG(a2, struct ExtGadget *g),
+ REG(a1, Msg msg))
+/* PattEdit class dispatcher entrypoint. Handle BOOPSI messages.
+ */
+ struct RastPort *rp;
+ struct PattEditData *ped;
+ struct TagItem *ti;
+ ULONG result = 0;
+ switch (msg->MethodID)
+ {
+ ped = INST_DATA (cl, g);
+ if (!ped->Patt)
+ {
+ result = GMR_NOREUSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ g->Flags |= GFLG_SELECTED;
+ /* Render active cursor */
+ if (rp = ObtainGIRPort (((struct gpInput *)msg)->gpi_GInfo))
+ {
+ DrawCursor (rp, ped, g);
+ ReleaseGIRPort (rp);
+ }
+ /* Do not process InputEvent when the gadget has been
+ * activated by ActivateGadget().
+ */
+ if (!((struct gpInput *)msg)->gpi_IEvent)
+ {
+ result = GMR_MEACTIVE;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Note: The input event that triggered the gadget
+ * activation (usually a mouse click) should be passed
+ * to the GM_HANDLEINPUT method, so we fall down to it.
+ */
+ {
+ struct InputEvent *ie = ((struct gpInput *)msg)->gpi_IEvent;
+ UWORD topline, lefttrack;
+ WORD MouseX, MouseY; /* Mouse coordinates relative to editing area bounds */
+ BOOL moved = FALSE,
+ change_note = FALSE,
+ scroll_pattern = FALSE;
+ UWORD scrolled = 0;
+ result = GMR_MEACTIVE;
+ ped = INST_DATA (cl, g);
+ /* MouseX and MouseY represent the mouse position inside the
+ * editing area of the gadget.
+ */
+ MouseX = ((struct gpInput *)msg)->gpi_Mouse.X + ped->GBounds.Left - ped->TBounds.Left;
+ MouseY = ((struct gpInput *)msg)->gpi_Mouse.Y + ped->GBounds.Top - ped->TBounds.Top;
+ switch (ie->ie_Class)
+ {
+ /* Timer events are used to keep scrolling
+ * when the mouse is outside the bounds of the
+ * gadget. When a timer event is recevied and
+ * the mouse button is pressed, we scroll the
+ * cursor.
+ */
+ if (ped->Flags & PEF_DRAGGING)
+ moved = MoveCursor (ped, MouseX, MouseY);
+ break;
+ {
+ BOOL double_click = FALSE, triple_click;
+ BOOL outside =
+ (MouseX < 0) || (MouseX >= ped->TBounds.Width) ||
+ (MouseY < 0) || (MouseY >= ped->TBounds.Height);
+ switch (ie->ie_Code)
+ {
+ case MENUDOWN:
+ /* Abort cursor dragging operation and restore
+ * old cursor position.
+ */
+ if (ped->Flags & PEF_DRAGGING)
+ {
+ ped->Line = ped->BackupLine;
+ ped->Track = ped->BackupTrack;
+ ped->Column = ped->BackupColumn;
+ moved = TRUE;
+ ped->Flags &= ~(PEF_DRAGGING | PEF_SCROLLING);
+ }
+ else if (ped->Flags & PEF_RESIZETRACKS)
+ {
+ if (rp = ObtainGIRPort (((struct gpInput *)msg)->gpi_GInfo))
+ {
+ SetDrMd (rp, COMPLEMENT);
+ DrawTrackSeparators (rp, ped, ped->ResizeChars * ped->FontXSize);
+ ReleaseGIRPort (rp);
+ }
+ ped->Flags &= ~PEF_RESIZETRACKS;
+ }
+ else result = GMR_REUSE;
+ break;
+ case SELECTUP:
+ /* Send final update to sliders */
+ if (ped->Flags & PEF_SCROLLING)
+ if (ped->Flags & PEF_RESIZETRACKS)
+ {
+ ped->TrackChars = ped->ResizeChars;
+ ped->TrackWidth = ped->TrackChars * ped->FontXSize;
+ CalcDisplaySize(ped, g, ((struct gpInput *)msg)->gpi_GInfo);
+ if (rp = ObtainGIRPort (((struct gpInput *)msg)->gpi_GInfo))
+ {
+ //SetDrMd (rp, COMPLEMENT);
+ //DrawTrackSeparators (rp, ped, ped->ResizeChars * ped->FontXSize);
+ DoMethod ((Object *)g, GM_RENDER, ((struct gpInput *)msg)->gpi_GInfo, rp,
+ ReleaseGIRPort (rp);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Stop scrolling, dragging, resizing tracks and
+ * adjustisting the scroll box.
+ */
+ ped->Flags &= ~(PEF_DRAGGING | PEF_SCROLLING |
+ break;
+ /* Check if mouse click is still over the gadget */
+ if (outside)
+ {
+ /* Click outside editing area box:
+ * Check if click is really outside gadget box.
+ * If it is, deactivate the gadget and reuse the event.
+ * Notify application if it is interested in
+ * hearing IDCMP_GADGETUP codes.
+ */
+ MouseX = ((struct gpInput *)msg)->gpi_Mouse.X;
+ MouseY = ((struct gpInput *)msg)->gpi_Mouse.Y;
+ if ((MouseX < 0) || (MouseX >= ped->GBounds.Width) ||
+ (MouseY < 0) || (MouseY >= ped->GBounds.Height))
+ result = GMR_REUSE | GMR_VERIFY;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (MouseX % ped->TrackWidth >= ped->TrackWidth - 2)
+ {
+ /* Start track resizing mode */
+ ped->Flags |= PEF_RESIZETRACKS;
+ ped->ResizeXStart = MouseX;
+ ped->ResizeChars = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Backup cursor position for undo feature */
+ ped->BackupLine = ped->Line;
+ ped->BackupTrack = ped->Track;
+ ped->BackupColumn = ped->Column;
+ /* Start cursor drag mode */
+ ped->Flags |= PEF_DRAGGING;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check for double click */
+ if (DoubleClick (ped->DoubleClickSeconds, ped->DoubleClickMicros,
+ ie->ie_TimeStamp.tv_secs, ie->ie_TimeStamp.tv_micro))
+ {
+ double_click = TRUE;
+ if (DoubleClick (ped->TripleClickSeconds, ped->TripleClickMicros,
+ ped->DoubleClickSeconds, ped->DoubleClickMicros))
+ triple_click = TRUE;
+ else
+ triple_click = FALSE;
+ ped->TripleClickSeconds = ped->DoubleClickSeconds;
+ ped->TripleClickMicros = ped->DoubleClickMicros;
+ }
+ ped->DoubleClickSeconds = ie->ie_TimeStamp.tv_secs;
+ ped->DoubleClickMicros = ie->ie_TimeStamp.tv_micro;
+ /* NOTE: I'm falling through here! */
+ default:
+ if ((ped->Flags & PEF_DRAGGING))
+ {
+ if (outside) ped->Flags |= PEF_SCROLLING;
+ else
+ {
+ if (ped->Flags & PEF_SCROLLING)
+ {
+ /* Last update to sync sliders */
+ ped->Flags &= ~PEF_SCROLLING;
+ }
+ moved = MoveCursor (ped, MouseX, MouseY);
+ }
+ /* if ((outside) && (ped->Flags & PEF_DRAGGING) && !(ped->Flags & PEF_SCROLLING))
+ {
+ ped->Flags |= PEF_SCROLLING;
+ ped->TimerIO.tr_node.io_Command = TR_ADDREQUEST;
+ ped->TimerIO.tr_time.tv_micro = 100000;
+ BeginIO ((struct IORequest *)&ped->TimerIO);
+ } */
+ }
+ else if (ped->Flags & PEF_RESIZETRACKS)
+ {
+ UWORD chars = ped->TrackChars +
+ (((MouseX - ped->ResizeXStart) / ped->FontXSize)
+ / ((ped->ResizeXStart / ped->TrackWidth) + 1));
+ if (chars != ped->ResizeChars)
+ {
+ if (rp = ObtainGIRPort (((struct gpInput *)msg)->gpi_GInfo))
+ {
+ SetDrMd (rp, COMPLEMENT);
+ /* Erase old lines */
+ DrawTrackSeparators (rp, ped, ped->ResizeChars * ped->FontXSize);
+ /* Redraw lines */
+ DrawTrackSeparators (rp, ped, chars * ped->FontXSize);
+ ped->ResizeChars = chars;
+ ReleaseGIRPort (rp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!moved && double_click)
+ {
+ if (ped->Flags & PEF_MARKING)
+ {
+ if (triple_click && !(ped->Flags & PEF_MARKFULLTRACKS)
+ && (ped->RangeStartLine == ped->RangeEndLine))
+ {
+ /* Start full track marking mode */
+ ped->RangeStartLine = 0;
+ ped->RangeEndLine = ped->Patt->Lines - 1;
+ moved = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ /* Stop marking mode */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Start normal marking mode */
+ ped->Flags |= PEF_MARKING;
+ ped->RangeStartLine = ped->Line;
+ ped->RangeStartTrack = ped->Track;
+ moved = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (!(ped->Flags & PEF_MARKING))
+ {
+ if (rp = ObtainGIRPort (((struct gpInput *)msg)->gpi_GInfo))
+ {
+ ClearRange (rp, ped);
+ ReleaseGIRPort (rp);
+ }
+ moved = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ } /* End switch (ie->ie_Code) */
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ie->ie_Code & IECODE_UP_PREFIX)
+ {
+ /* Send final update to slider */
+ if ((ie->ie_Code == (IECODE_UP_PREFIX | CURSORUP))
+ || (ie->ie_Code == (IECODE_UP_PREFIX | CURSORDOWN)))
+ scrolled = SCROLLED_VERT;
+ else if ((ie->ie_Code == (IECODE_UP_PREFIX | CURSORLEFT))
+ || (ie->ie_Code == (IECODE_UP_PREFIX | CURSORRIGHT)))
+ scrolled = SCROLLED_HORIZ;
+ }
+ else if ((ie->ie_Qualifier & IEQUALIFIER_COMMAND) && (ie->ie_Code != 0x67))
+ result = GMR_REUSE;
+ else switch (ie->ie_Code)
+ {
+ case CURSORUP:
+ if (ped->Line)
+ {
+ if (ie->ie_Qualifier & IEQUALIFIER_SHIFT)
+ {
+ if (ped->Line > ped->TopLine)
+ ped->Line = ped->TopLine;
+ else
+ if (ped->Line >= ped->DisplayLines - 1)
+ ped->Line -= ped->DisplayLines - 1;
+ else ped->Line = 0;
+ }
+ else if (ie->ie_Qualifier & IEQUALIFIER_ALT)
+ ped->Line = 0;
+ else if (ie->ie_Qualifier & IEQUALIFIER_CONTROL)
+ {
+ if (ped->TopLine + ped->DisplayLines < ped->Patt->Lines)
+ {
+ topline = ped->TopLine + 1;
+ lefttrack = ped->LeftTrack;
+ scroll_pattern = TRUE;
+ if (ped->Line < topline)
+ ped->Line++;
+ }
+ }
+ else ped->Line--; /* Cursor key without qualifiers */
+ moved = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (ped->Flags & PEF_VWRAP)
+ {
+ ped->Line = ped->Patt->Lines - 1;
+ moved = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (ped->Line < ped->Patt->Lines - 1)
+ {
+ if (ie->ie_Qualifier & IEQUALIFIER_SHIFT)
+ {
+ if (ped->Line < ped->TopLine + ped->DisplayLines - 1)
+ ped->Line = ped->TopLine + ped->DisplayLines - 1;
+ else
+ {
+ ped->Line += ped->DisplayLines - 1;
+ if (ped->Line > ped->Patt->Lines - 1)
+ ped->Line = ped->Patt->Lines - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (ie->ie_Qualifier & IEQUALIFIER_ALT)
+ ped->Line = ped->Patt->Lines - 1;
+ else if (ie->ie_Qualifier & IEQUALIFIER_CONTROL)
+ {
+ if (ped->TopLine > 1)
+ {
+ topline = ped->TopLine - 1;
+ lefttrack = ped->LeftTrack;
+ scroll_pattern = TRUE;
+ if (ped->Line >= (topline + ped->DisplayLines))
+ ped->Line--;
+ }
+ }
+ else ped->Line++; /* Cursor key without qualifiers */
+ moved = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (ped->Flags & PEF_VWRAP)
+ {
+ ped->Line = 0;
+ moved = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (ie->ie_Qualifier & IEQUALIFIER_SHIFT)
+ {
+ if (ped->Track)
+ {
+ ped->Track--;
+ moved = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (ped->Column)
+ {
+ ped->Column = 0;
+ moved = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (ie->ie_Qualifier & IEQUALIFIER_ALT)
+ {
+ if (ped->Track)
+ {
+ ped->Track = 0;
+ moved = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (ped->Column)
+ {
+ ped->Column = 0;
+ moved = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (ped->Column)
+ {
+ ped->Column--;
+ moved = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (ped->Track)
+ {
+ ped->Track--;
+ ped->Column = COL_COUNT-1;
+ moved = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!moved && (ped->Flags & PEF_HWRAP))
+ {
+ ped->Track = ped->Patt->Tracks - 1;
+ ped->Column = COL_COUNT-1;
+ moved = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (ie->ie_Qualifier & IEQUALIFIER_SHIFT)
+ {
+ if (ped->Track < ped->Patt->Tracks - 1)
+ {
+ ped->Track++;
+ moved = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (ped->Column != COL_COUNT-1)
+ {
+ ped->Column = COL_COUNT-1;
+ moved = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (ie->ie_Qualifier & IEQUALIFIER_ALT)
+ {
+ if (ped->Track != ped->Patt->Tracks - 1)
+ {
+ ped->Track = ped->Patt->Tracks - 1;
+ moved = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (ped->Column != COL_COUNT-1)
+ {
+ ped->Column = COL_COUNT-1;
+ moved = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (ped->Column < COL_COUNT-1)
+ {
+ ped->Column++;
+ moved = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (ped->Track < ped->Patt->Tracks - 1)
+ {
+ ped->Track++;
+ ped->Column = 0;
+ moved = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!moved && (ped->Flags & PEF_HWRAP))
+ {
+ ped->Track = 0;
+ ped->Column = 0;
+ moved = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x00: /* ESC */
+ case 0x5F: /* HELP */
+ result = GMR_REUSE;
+ break;
+ case 0x42: /* TAB */
+ if (ie->ie_Qualifier & IEQUALIFIER_ALT)
+ /* Deactivate gadget on ALT+TAB to allow
+ * window cycling in the application.
+ */
+ result = GMR_REUSE;
+ else
+ {
+ if (ie->ie_Qualifier & IEQUALIFIER_SHIFT)
+ {
+ if (ped->Track > 0)
+ ped->Track--;
+ else
+ ped->Track = ped->Patt->Tracks - 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (ped->Track < ped->Patt->Tracks - 1)
+ ped->Track++;
+ else
+ ped->Track = 0;
+ }
+ ped->Column = COL_NOTE;
+ moved = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x0D: /* RETURN */
+ ped->Column = COL_NOTE;
+ if (ped->Line < ped->Patt->Lines - 1)
+ ped->Line++;
+ else if (ped->Flags & PEF_VWRAP)
+ ped->Line = 0;
+ moved = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case 0x46: /* DEL */
+ {
+ struct Note *note = &ped->Patt->Notes[ped->Track][ped->Line];
+ SaveUndo (ped);
+ change_note = TRUE;
+ if (ie->ie_Qualifier & IEQUALIFIER_SHIFT)
+ memset (note, 0, sizeof (struct Note));
+ else switch (ped->Column)
+ {
+ case COL_NOTE:
+ note->Note = 0;
+ note->Inst = 0;
+ break;
+ case COL_INSTH:
+ note->Inst &= 0x0F;
+ break;
+ case COL_INSTL:
+ note->Inst &= 0xF0;
+ break;
+ case COL_EFF:
+ note->EffNum = EFF_NULL;
+ break;
+ case COL_VALH:
+ note->EffVal &= 0x0F;
+ break;
+ case COL_VALL:
+ note->EffVal &= 0xF0;
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ struct Note *note = &ped->Patt->Notes[ped->Track][ped->Line];
+ UBYTE tmp = 0, keycode = 1;
+ /* Convert to hex number */
+ if (ped->Column != COL_NOTE)
+ {
+ if (MapRawKey (ie, &keycode, 1, NULL) == -1)
+ keycode = 0;
+ else
+ {
+ if (keycode >= '0' && keycode <= '9')
+ tmp = keycode - '0';
+ else if (keycode >= 'a' && keycode <= ((ped->Column == COL_EFF) ? 'j' : 'f'))
+ tmp = keycode - ('a' - 10);
+ else
+ keycode = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (keycode) switch (ped->Column)
+ {
+ case COL_NOTE:
+ /* Insert note */
+ if (ie->ie_Code >= 0x1 && ie->ie_Code <= 0x0A)
+ tmp = KeyNotes0[ie->ie_Code - 0x1];
+ else if (ie->ie_Code >= 0x10 && ie->ie_Code <= 0x19)
+ tmp = KeyNotes1[ie->ie_Code - 0x10];
+ else if (ie->ie_Code >= 0x20 && ie->ie_Code <= 0x29)
+ tmp = KeyNotes2[ie->ie_Code - 0x20];
+ else if (ie->ie_Code >= 0x31 && ie->ie_Code <= 0x39)
+ tmp = KeyNotes3[ie->ie_Code - 0x31];
+ if (tmp)
+ {
+ SaveUndo (ped);
+ change_note = TRUE;
+ note->Note = tmp;
+ note->Inst = ped->CurrentInst;
+ }
+ break;
+ case COL_INSTL:
+ SaveUndo (ped);
+ change_note = TRUE;
+ note->Inst = (note->Inst & 0xF0) | tmp;
+ break;
+ case COL_INSTH:
+ if (tmp < MAXINSTRUMENTS>>4)
+ {
+ SaveUndo (ped);
+ change_note = TRUE;
+ note->Inst = (note->Inst & 0x0F) | (tmp<<4);
+ }
+ break;
+ case COL_EFF:
+ SaveUndo (ped);
+ change_note = TRUE;
+ note->EffNum = tmp;
+ break;
+ case COL_VALL:
+ SaveUndo (ped);
+ change_note = TRUE;
+ note->EffVal = (note->EffVal & 0xF0) | tmp;
+ break;
+ case COL_VALH:
+ SaveUndo (ped);
+ change_note = TRUE;
+ note->EffVal = (note->EffVal & 0x0F) | (tmp<<4);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ } /* End switch (ie->ie_Code) */
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ } /* End switch (ie->ie_Class) */
+ if (moved || change_note || scroll_pattern)
+ {
+ if (rp = ObtainGIRPort (((struct gpInput *)msg)->gpi_GInfo))
+ {
+ if (scroll_pattern)
+ scrolled |= ScrollPattern (rp, ped, g, lefttrack, topline);
+ if (change_note)
+ {
+ EraseCursor (rp, ped);
+ DrawNote (rp, ped);
+ /* Advance cursor */
+ ped->Track += ped->AdvanceTracks;
+ ped->Line += ped->AdvanceLines;
+ if (ped->Flags & PEF_HWRAP)
+ ped->Track = ped->Track % ped->Patt->Tracks;
+ else
+ {
+ if (ped->Track < 0)
+ ped->Track = 0;
+ else if (ped->Track > ped->Patt->Tracks - 1)
+ ped->Track = ped->Patt->Tracks - 1;
+ }
+ if (ped->Flags & PEF_VWRAP)
+ ped->Line = ped->Line % ped->Patt->Lines;
+ else
+ {
+ if (ped->Line < 0)
+ ped->Line = 0;
+ else if (ped->Line > ped->Patt->Lines - 1)
+ ped->Line = ped->Patt->Lines - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ scrolled |= DrawCursor (rp, ped, g);
+ ReleaseGIRPort (rp);
+ }
+ /* Broadcast notification to our target object. */
+ NotifyCursor (ped, g, ((struct gpInput *)msg)->gpi_GInfo, (ie->ie_Code & IECODE_UP_PREFIX) ? 0 : OPUF_INTERIM);
+ }
+ if (scrolled & SCROLLED_VERT)
+ NotifyVSlider (ped, g, ((struct gpInput *)msg)->gpi_GInfo, (ie->ie_Code & IECODE_UP_PREFIX) ? 0 : OPUF_INTERIM);
+ if (scrolled & SCROLLED_HORIZ)
+ NotifyHSlider (ped, g, ((struct gpInput *)msg)->gpi_GInfo, (ie->ie_Code & IECODE_UP_PREFIX) ? 0 : OPUF_INTERIM);
+ break;
+ }
+ case GM_RENDER:
+ ped = INST_DATA (cl, g);
+ /* We do not support GREDRAW_TOGGLE */
+ switch (((struct gpRender *)msg)->gpr_Redraw)
+ {
+#ifndef OS30_ONLY
+ /* Recalculate the display size only on V37.
+ * As of V39, Intuition supports GM_LAYOUT, which
+ * allows a more optimized way to handle dynamic resizing.
+ */
+ if (IntuitionBase->LibNode.lib_Version < 39)
+ if (CalcDisplaySize (ped, g, ((struct gpRender *)msg)->gpr_GInfo))
+ NotifySliders (ped, g, ((struct gpRender *)msg)->gpr_GInfo, 0);
+#endif /* OS30_ONLY */
+ RedrawAll (((struct gpRender *)msg)->gpr_RPort, ped, g);
+ break;
+ /* Just redraw the notes, not the lines, etc. */
+ RedrawPattern (((struct gpRender *)msg)->gpr_RPort, ped, g);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case GM_HITTEST:
+ /* As we are rectangular shaped, we are always hit */
+ result = GMR_GADGETHIT;
+ break;
+ result = GMR_HELPHIT;
+ break;
+ ped = INST_DATA (cl, g);
+ g->Flags &= ~GFLG_SELECTED;
+ if (ped->Patt)
+ /* Render disabled cursor */
+ if (rp = ObtainGIRPort (((struct gpGoInactive *)msg)->gpgi_GInfo))
+ {
+ DrawCursor (rp, ped, g);
+ ReleaseGIRPort (rp);
+ }
+ break;
+ case GM_LAYOUT:
+ ped = INST_DATA (cl, g);
+ if (CalcDisplaySize (ped, g, ((struct gpLayout *)msg)->gpl_GInfo))
+ NotifySliders (ped, g, ((struct gpLayout *)msg)->gpl_GInfo, 0);
+ break;
+ case OM_UPDATE:
+ case OM_SET:
+ {
+ struct TagItem *tstate = ((struct opSet *)msg)->ops_AttrList;
+ BOOL redraw_all = FALSE,
+ redraw_pattern = FALSE,
+ move_cursor = FALSE,
+ scroll_pattern = FALSE,
+ change_note = FALSE,
+ do_super_method = FALSE;
+ WORD lefttrack, topline;
+ WORD line, track, column;
+ ped = INST_DATA (cl, g);
+ lefttrack = ped->LeftTrack;
+ topline = ped->TopLine;
+ line = ped->Line;
+ track = ped->Track;
+ column = ped->Column;
+ while (ti = NextTagItem(&tstate))
+ {
+ switch (ti->ti_Tag)
+ {
+ case PEA_CursTrack:
+ track = ti->ti_Data;
+ break;
+ case PEA_CursColumn:
+ column = ti->ti_Data;
+ break;
+ case PEA_CursLine:
+ line = ti->ti_Data;
+ break;
+ case PEA_LeftTrack:
+ if (lefttrack != ti->ti_Data)
+ {
+ lefttrack = ti->ti_Data;
+ track = lefttrack + (ped->DisplayTracks / 2);
+ scroll_pattern = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case PEA_TopLine:
+ if (topline != ti->ti_Data)
+ {
+ topline = ti->ti_Data;
+ line = topline + (ped->DisplayLines / 2);
+ scroll_pattern = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case PEA_Left:
+ if (lefttrack)
+ track = lefttrack - 1;
+ break;
+ case PEA_Right:
+ if (ped->Patt && (lefttrack + ped->DisplayTracks < ped->Patt->Tracks))
+ track = lefttrack + ped->DisplayTracks;
+ break;
+ case PEA_Up:
+ if (topline)
+ line = topline - 1;
+ break;
+ case PEA_Down:
+ if (ped->Patt && (topline + ped->DisplayLines < ped->Patt->Lines))
+ line = topline + ped->DisplayLines;
+ break;
+ case PEA_CursLeft:
+ if (track)
+ track--;
+ else if (ped->Flags & PEF_VWRAP)
+ track = ped->Patt->Tracks - 1;
+ break;
+ case PEA_CursRight:
+ if (ped->Patt && (track < ped->Patt->Tracks - 1))
+ track++;
+ else if (ped->Flags & PEF_HWRAP)
+ track = 0;
+ break;
+ case PEA_CursUp:
+ if (line)
+ line--;
+ else if (ped->Flags & PEF_VWRAP)
+ line = ped->Patt->Lines - 1;
+ break;
+ case PEA_CursDown:
+ if (ped->Patt && line < ped->Patt->Lines - 1)
+ line++;
+ else if (ped->Flags & PEF_VWRAP)
+ line = 0;
+ break;
+ case PEA_UndoChange:
+ if (((LONG)ti->ti_Data) < 0)
+ change_note |= RedoChange (ped);
+ else
+ change_note |= UndoChange (ped);
+ line = ped->Line;
+ track = ped->Track;
+ break;
+ case PEA_Changes:
+ ped->Changes = ti->ti_Data;
+ break;
+ case PEA_MarkRegion:
+ {
+ struct Rectangle *region = (struct Rectangle *)ti->ti_Data;
+ if (!region) /* End mark mode */
+ else if (region == (struct Rectangle *)-1) /* Toggle mark mode */
+ {
+ if (ped->Flags & PEF_MARKFULLTRACKS)
+ else if (ped->Flags & PEF_MARKING)
+ {
+ if (ped->RangeStartLine == ped->RangeEndLine)
+ {
+ ped->RangeStartLine = 0;
+ ped->RangeEndLine = ped->Patt->Lines - 1;
+ }
+ else
+ ped->Flags &= ~PEF_MARKING;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ped->Flags |= PEF_MARKING;
+ ped->RangeStartTrack = track;
+ ped->RangeStartLine = line;
+ }
+ }
+ else /* Start mark mode */
+ {
+ memcpy (&ped->RangeStartTrack, region, sizeof (struct Rectangle));
+ track = ped->Track = region->MaxX;
+ line = ped->Line = region->MaxY;
+ ped->Flags |= PEF_MARKING;
+ }
+ if (rp = ObtainGIRPort (((struct opSet *)msg)->ops_GInfo))
+ {
+ if (!(ped->Flags & PEF_MARKING))
+ ClearRange (rp, ped);
+ DrawCursor (rp, ped, g);
+ ReleaseGIRPort (rp);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case PEA_Flags:
+ {
+ ULONG oldflags = ped->Flags;
+ ped->Flags = (ped->Flags & 0xFFFF0000) | ti->ti_Data;
+ {
+ /* Select Note2ASCII func */
+ if (ped->Flags & PEF_BLANKZERO)
+ ped->Note2ASCIIFunc = Note2ASCIIBlank0;
+ else
+ ped->Note2ASCIIFunc = Note2ASCII;
+ if (!(ped->Flags & PEF_DOCURSORRULER))
+ ped->CursLinePos = 0;
+ /* Cause complete radraw */
+ redraw_all = TRUE;
+ }
+ if ((oldflags & PEF_DOCURSORRULER) !=
+ (ped->Flags & PEF_DOCURSORRULER))
+ move_cursor = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ case PEA_Pattern:
+ ped->Patt = (struct Pattern *) ti->ti_Data;
+ redraw_pattern = TRUE;
+ FreeUndoBuffers (ped, TRUE);
+ if (ped->Patt == NULL)
+ {
+ static LONG tags[] = { GA_Disabled, TRUE, TAG_DONE };
+ lefttrack = topline = ped->DisplayTracks = ped->DisplayLines = 0;
+ redraw_all = TRUE;
+ DoMethod ((Object *)g, OM_UPDATE, tags, ((struct opUpdate *)msg)->opu_GInfo, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Recalculate pattern dimensions */
+ if (CalcDisplaySize (ped, g, ((struct opSet *)msg)->ops_GInfo))
+ {
+ NotifySliders (ped, g, ((struct opSet *)msg)->ops_GInfo, 0);
+ redraw_all = TRUE;
+ }
+ /* Force cursor inside pattern */
+ if (line >= ped->Patt->Lines)
+ {
+ line = ped->Patt->Lines - 1;
+ move_cursor = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (track >= ped->Patt->Tracks)
+ {
+ track = ped->Patt->Tracks - 1;
+ move_cursor = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (lefttrack + ped->DisplayTracks > ped->Patt->Tracks)
+ {
+ lefttrack = ped->Patt->Tracks - ped->DisplayTracks;
+ scroll_pattern = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (topline + ped->DisplayLines > ped->Patt->Lines)
+ {
+ topline = ped->Patt->Lines - ped->DisplayLines;
+ scroll_pattern = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (g->Flags & GFLG_DISABLED)
+ {
+ static ULONG tags[] = { GA_Disabled, FALSE, TAG_DONE };
+ DoMethod ((Object *)g, OM_UPDATE, tags, ((struct opUpdate *)msg)->opu_GInfo, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case PEA_CurrentInst:
+ ped->CurrentInst = ti->ti_Data;
+ break;
+ case PEA_MaxUndoLevels:
+ ped->MaxUndoLevels = ti->ti_Data;
+ FreeUndoBuffers (ped, FALSE);
+ break;
+ case PEA_MaxUndoMem:
+ ped->MaxUndoMem = ti->ti_Data;
+ /* Unlimited undo memory */
+ if (ped->MaxUndoMem == 0) ped->MaxUndoMem = ~0;
+ FreeUndoBuffers (ped, FALSE);
+ break;
+ case PEA_AdvanceCurs:
+ ped->AdvanceLines = ti->ti_Data & 0xFFFF;
+ ped->AdvanceTracks = ti->ti_Data >> 16;
+ break;
+ case PEA_CursWrap:
+ ped->Flags = (ped->Flags & (PEF_HWRAP | PEF_VWRAP)) | (ti->ti_Data & (PEF_HWRAP | PEF_VWRAP));
+ break;
+ case PEA_BGPen:
+ if (ped->BGPen != ti->ti_Data)
+ {
+ ped->BGPen = ti->ti_Data;
+ redraw_all = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case PEA_TextPen:
+ if (ped->TextPen != ti->ti_Data)
+ {
+ ped->TextPen = ti->ti_Data;
+ redraw_all = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case PEA_LinesPen:
+ if (ped->LinesPen != ti->ti_Data)
+ {
+ ped->LinesPen = ti->ti_Data;
+ redraw_all = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case PEA_TinyLinesPen:
+ if (ped->TinyLinesPen != ti->ti_Data)
+ {
+ ped->TinyLinesPen = ti->ti_Data;
+ redraw_all = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* This little optimization avoids forwarding the
+ * OM_SET method to our superclass then there are
+ * no unknown tags.
+ */
+ do_super_method = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ } /* End while (NextTagItem()) */
+ if (!move_cursor)
+ move_cursor = ((line != ped->Line) ||
+ (track != ped->Track) ||
+ (column != ped->Column));
+ if (do_super_method)
+ result = DoSuperMethodA (cl, (Object *)g, msg);
+ else
+ result = TRUE;
+ if (redraw_all || redraw_pattern || scroll_pattern || move_cursor || change_note)
+ {
+ WORD scrolled = 0;
+ if (rp = ObtainGIRPort (((struct opSet *)msg)->ops_GInfo))
+ {
+ if (redraw_all || redraw_pattern)
+ {
+ ped->LeftTrack = lefttrack;
+ ped->TopLine = topline;
+ ped->Line = line;
+ ped->Track = track;
+ ped->Column = column;
+ DoMethod ((Object *)g, GM_RENDER, ((struct opSet *)msg)->ops_GInfo, rp,
+ }
+ else if (scroll_pattern)
+ {
+ ped->Line = line;
+ ped->Track = track;
+ scrolled = ScrollPattern (rp, ped, g, lefttrack, topline);
+ }
+ else if (move_cursor || change_note)
+ {
+ ped->Line = line;
+ ped->Track = track;
+ ped->Column = column;
+ if (change_note)
+ {
+ EraseCursor (rp, ped);
+ DrawNote (rp, ped);
+ }
+ scrolled |= DrawCursor (rp, ped, g);
+ }
+ ReleaseGIRPort (rp);
+ }
+ /* TODO: avoid sending back updates to the sliders */
+ if (scrolled & SCROLLED_VERT)
+ NotifyVSlider (ped, g, ((struct opSet *)msg)->ops_GInfo, msg->MethodID == OM_UPDATE ? (((struct opUpdate *)msg)->opu_Flags) : 0);
+ if (scrolled & SCROLLED_HORIZ)
+ NotifyHSlider (ped, g, ((struct opSet *)msg)->ops_GInfo, msg->MethodID == OM_UPDATE ? (((struct opUpdate *)msg)->opu_Flags) : 0);
+ if (scrolled || move_cursor)
+ NotifyCursor (ped, g, ((struct opSet *)msg)->ops_GInfo, msg->MethodID == OM_UPDATE ? (((struct opUpdate *)msg)->opu_Flags) : 0);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case OM_GET:
+ ped = INST_DATA (cl, g);
+ result = TRUE;
+ switch (((struct opGet *) msg)->opg_AttrID)
+ {
+ case PEA_CursTrack:
+ *(((struct opGet *) msg)->opg_Storage) = (ULONG) ped->Track;
+ break;
+ case PEA_CursColumn:
+ *(((struct opGet *) msg)->opg_Storage) = (ULONG) ped->Column;
+ break;
+ case PEA_CursLine:
+ *(((struct opGet *) msg)->opg_Storage) = (ULONG) ped->Line;
+ break;
+ case PEA_LeftTrack:
+ *(((struct opGet *) msg)->opg_Storage) = (ULONG) ped->LeftTrack;
+ break;
+ case PEA_TopLine:
+ *(((struct opGet *) msg)->opg_Storage) = (ULONG) ped->TopLine;
+ break;
+ case PEA_Changes:
+ *(((struct opGet *) msg)->opg_Storage) = (ULONG) ped->Changes;
+ break;
+ case PEA_MarkRegion:
+ {
+ struct Rectangle *region = (struct Rectangle *) (((struct opGet *) msg)->opg_Storage);
+ region->MinX = min (ped->RangeStartTrack, ped->RangeEndTrack);
+ region->MaxX = max (ped->RangeStartTrack, ped->RangeEndTrack);
+ region->MinY = min (ped->RangeStartLine, ped->RangeEndLine);
+ region->MaxY = max (ped->RangeStartLine, ped->RangeEndLine);
+ break;
+ }
+ case PEA_Flags:
+ *(((struct opGet *) msg)->opg_Storage) = (ULONG) ped->Flags;
+ break;
+ case PEA_DisplayTracks:
+ *(((struct opGet *) msg)->opg_Storage) = (ULONG) ped->DisplayTracks;
+ break;
+ case PEA_DisplayLines:
+ *(((struct opGet *) msg)->opg_Storage) = (ULONG) ped->DisplayLines;
+ break;
+ case PEA_Pattern:
+ *(((struct opGet *) msg)->opg_Storage) = (ULONG) ped->Patt;
+ break;
+ default:
+ result = DoSuperMethodA (cl, (Object *)g, msg);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case OM_NEW:
+ if (result = DoSuperMethodA (cl, (Object *)g, msg))
+ {
+ ULONG tmp;
+ g = (struct ExtGadget *) result;
+ ped = INST_DATA (cl, g); /* Get pointer to instance data */
+ memset (ped, 0, sizeof (struct PattEditData));
+ /* We are going to use ScrollRaster() in this gadget... */
+ if (g->Flags & GFLG_EXTENDED)
+ /* Initialize our lists */
+ NEWLIST ((struct List *)&ped->UndoList);
+ NEWLIST ((struct List *)&ped->RedoList);
+ /* Open the timer.device */
+ NEWLIST (&ped->TimerPort.mp_MsgList);
+ ped->TimerPort.mp_Flags = PA_SOFTINT;
+ ped->TimerPort.mp_SoftInt = &ped->TimerInt;
+ ped->TimerInt.is_Node.ln_Type = NT_INTERRUPT;
+ ped->TimerInt.is_Data = g;
+ ped->TimerInt.is_Code = (void (*)())TimerIntServer;
+ ped->TimerIO.tr_node.io_Message.mn_ReplyPort = &ped->TimerPort;
+ if (OpenDevice (TIMERNAME, UNIT_VBLANK, (struct IORequest *)&ped->TimerIO, 0))
+ {
+ CoerceMethod (cl, g, OM_DISPOSE);
+ result = NULL;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Initialize attributes */
+ ped->Patt = (struct Pattern *) GetTagData (PEA_Pattern, NULL, ((struct opSet *)msg)->ops_AttrList);
+ ped->CurrentInst = GetTagData (PEA_CurrentInst, NULL, ((struct opSet *)msg)->ops_AttrList);
+ ped->EditorFont = (struct TextFont *) GetTagData (PEA_TextFont, (ULONG)GfxBase->DefaultFont, ((struct opSet *)msg)->ops_AttrList);
+ ped->BGPen = GetTagData (PEA_BGPen, 0, ((struct opSet *)msg)->ops_AttrList);
+ ped->TextPen = GetTagData (PEA_TextPen, 1, ((struct opSet *)msg)->ops_AttrList);
+ ped->LinesPen = GetTagData (PEA_LinesPen, 2, ((struct opSet *)msg)->ops_AttrList);
+ ped->TinyLinesPen = GetTagData (PEA_TinyLinesPen, 2, ((struct opSet *)msg)->ops_AttrList);
+ ped->MaxUndoLevels = GetTagData (PEA_MaxUndoLevels, 32, ((struct opSet *)msg)->ops_AttrList);
+ ped->MaxUndoMem = GetTagData (PEA_MaxUndoMem, 8192, ((struct opSet *)msg)->ops_AttrList);
+ ped->Flags = GetTagData (PEA_Flags, 0, ((struct opSet *)msg)->ops_AttrList);
+ ped->Flags |= GetTagData (PEA_CursWrap, ped->Flags, ((struct opSet *)msg)->ops_AttrList) & (PEF_HWRAP | PEF_VWRAP);
+ tmp = GetTagData (PEA_AdvanceCurs, 1, ((struct opSet *)msg)->ops_AttrList);
+ ped->AdvanceTracks = tmp << 16;
+ ped->AdvanceLines = tmp & 0xFFFF;
+ ped->Line = GetTagData (PEA_CursLine, 0, ((struct opSet *)msg)->ops_AttrList);
+ ped->Track = GetTagData (PEA_CursTrack, 0, ((struct opSet *)msg)->ops_AttrList);
+ ped->Column = GetTagData (PEA_CursColumn, 0, ((struct opSet *)msg)->ops_AttrList);
+ ped->FontXSize = ped->EditorFont->tf_XSize;
+ ped->FontYSize = ped->EditorFont->tf_YSize;
+ ped->TrackChars = 10;
+ ped->TrackWidth = ped->FontXSize * ped->TrackChars;
+ /* Select Note2ASCII func */
+ if (ped->Flags & PEF_BLANKZERO)
+ ped->Note2ASCIIFunc = Note2ASCIIBlank0;
+ else
+ ped->Note2ASCIIFunc = Note2ASCII;
+ /* Unlimited undo memory */
+ if (ped->MaxUndoMem == 0) ped->MaxUndoMem = ~0;
+ if (ped->Patt == NULL)
+ {
+ static LONG tags[] = { GA_Disabled, TRUE, TAG_DONE };
+ DoMethod ((Object *)g, OM_UPDATE, tags, NULL, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case OM_DISPOSE:
+ {
+ ped = INST_DATA (cl, g);
+ FreeUndoBuffers (ped, TRUE);
+// CloseDevice ((struct IORequest *)&ped->TimerIO);
+ /* NOTE: I'm falling through here! */
+ }
+ default:
+ /* Unsupported method: let our superclass's
+ * dispatcher take a look at it.
+ */
+ result = DoSuperMethodA (cl, (Object *)g, msg);
+ break;
+ }
+ return (result);
+static void SaveUndo (struct PattEditData *ped)
+ struct UndoNode *undo;
+ ped->Changes++;
+ /* Is undo feature disabled ? */
+ if (!ped->MaxUndoLevels) return;
+ /* Empty redo list */
+ while (undo = (struct UndoNode *) REMHEAD((struct List *)&ped->RedoList))
+ FreeMem (undo, sizeof (struct UndoNode));
+ FreeUndoBuffers (ped, FALSE);
+ while (ped->UndoCount >= ped->MaxUndoLevels || ped->UndoMem >= ped->MaxUndoMem)
+ if (undo = (struct UndoNode *) REMTAIL ((struct List *)&ped->UndoList))
+ {
+ FreeMem (undo, sizeof (struct UndoNode));
+ ped->UndoCount--;
+ ped->UndoMem -= sizeof (struct UndoNode);
+ }
+ /* Allocate a new undo buffer and save current note */
+ if (undo = AllocMem (sizeof (struct UndoNode), MEMF_ANY))
+ {
+ undo->Track = ped->Track;
+ undo->Line = ped->Line;
+ memcpy (&undo->OldNote, &ped->Patt->Notes[ped->Track][ped->Line],
+ sizeof (struct Note));
+ ADDHEAD ((struct List *)&ped->UndoList, (struct Node *)undo);
+ ped->UndoCount++;
+ ped->UndoMem += sizeof (struct UndoNode);
+ }
+static BOOL UndoChange (struct PattEditData *ped)
+ struct UndoNode *undo;
+ struct Note *note;
+ struct Note tmp_note;
+ if (undo = (struct UndoNode *) REMHEAD ((struct List *) &ped->UndoList))
+ {
+ ped->UndoCount--;
+ ped->UndoMem -= sizeof (struct UndoNode);
+ ped->Changes--;
+ ped->Track = undo->Track;
+ ped->Line = undo->Line;
+ note = &ped->Patt->Notes[ped->Track][ped->Line];
+ /* Swap undo buffer with note */
+ memcpy (&tmp_note, &undo->OldNote, sizeof (struct Note));
+ memcpy (&undo->OldNote, note, sizeof (struct Note));
+ memcpy (note, &tmp_note, sizeof (struct Note));
+ /* Move this node to the redo buffer */
+ ADDHEAD ((struct List *)&ped->RedoList, (struct Node *)undo);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static BOOL RedoChange (struct PattEditData *ped)
+ struct UndoNode *undo;
+ struct Note *note;
+ struct Note tmp_note;
+ if (undo = (struct UndoNode *) REMHEAD ((struct List *) &ped->RedoList))
+ {
+ ped->Track = undo->Track;
+ ped->Line = undo->Line;
+ note = &ped->Patt->Notes[ped->Track][ped->Line];
+ /* Swap undo buffer and note */
+ memcpy (&tmp_note, &undo->OldNote, sizeof (struct Note));
+ memcpy (&undo->OldNote, note, sizeof (struct Note));
+ memcpy (note, &tmp_note, sizeof (struct Note));
+ /* Move this node to the undo buffer */
+ ADDHEAD ((struct List *)&ped->UndoList, (struct Node *)undo);
+ ped->UndoCount++;
+ ped->Changes++;
+ ped->UndoMem += sizeof (struct UndoNode);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static void FreeUndoBuffers (struct PattEditData *ped, BOOL freeall)
+/* If <freeall> is TRUE, this routine will free all the undo buffers.
+ * Otherwhise, it will check for undo overflow and free enough nodes
+ * to keep the undo buffers inside the memory size and nodes count
+ * limits.
+ */
+ struct UndoNode *undo;
+ if (!freeall)
+ {
+ while (ped->UndoCount >= ped->MaxUndoLevels || ped->UndoMem >= ped->MaxUndoMem)
+ if (undo = (struct UndoNode *) RemTail ((struct List *)&ped->UndoList))
+ {
+ FreeMem (undo, sizeof (struct UndoNode));
+ ped->UndoCount--;
+ ped->UndoMem -= sizeof (struct UndoNode);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Free everything */
+ while (undo = (struct UndoNode *) REMHEAD ((struct List *)&ped->UndoList))
+ FreeMem (undo, sizeof (struct UndoNode));
+ while (undo = (struct UndoNode *) REMHEAD ((struct List *)&ped->RedoList))
+ FreeMem (undo, sizeof (struct UndoNode));
+ ped->UndoCount = 0; ped->UndoMem = 0;
+static void NotifyCursor (struct PattEditData *ped, struct ExtGadget *g, struct GadgetInfo *gi, ULONG flags)
+ static LONG tags[] =
+ {
+ PEA_CursLine, 0,
+ PEA_CursTrack, 0,
+ PEA_CursColumn, 0,
+ GA_ID, 0,
+ };
+ /* Always send notification if the gadget has the GACT_IMMEDIATE
+ * flag set. If it isn't, the editor will report its cursor
+ * position only on last cursor update.
+ */
+ if ((g->Activation & GACT_IMMEDIATE) || !(flags & OPUF_INTERIM))
+ {
+ tags[1] = ped->Line;
+ tags[3] = ped->Track;
+ tags[5] = ped->Column;
+ tags[7] = g->GadgetID;
+ DoMethod ((Object *)g, OM_NOTIFY, tags, gi, flags);
+ }
+static void NotifyVSlider (struct PattEditData *ped, struct ExtGadget *g, struct GadgetInfo *gi, ULONG flags)
+ static LONG tags[] =
+ {
+ PEA_TopLine, 0,
+// PEA_DisplayLines, 0,
+ GA_ID, 0,
+ };
+ /* Optimized slider update; only broadcast updates if one of
+ * these conditions is satisfied:
+ *
+ * - Final update (keyup or selectup),
+ * - SliderCounter reached,
+ * - Reached top/bottom of the pattern.
+ *
+ * In addition, notifications are not sent when the we receive OM_UPDATE messages
+ * from the sliders
+ */
+ if ((!(flags & OPUF_INTERIM)) || (ped->SliderCounter == 0) || (ped->TopLine == 0)
+ || (ped->TopLine + ped->DisplayLines >= ped->Patt->Lines))
+ {
+ ped->SliderCounter = 4;
+ tags[1] = ped->TopLine;
+// tags[3] = ped->DisplayLines;
+ tags[3] = g->GadgetID;
+ DoMethod ((Object *)g, OM_NOTIFY, tags, gi, flags);
+ }
+ ped->SliderCounter--;
+static void NotifyHSlider (struct PattEditData *ped, struct ExtGadget *g, struct GadgetInfo *gi, ULONG flags)
+ static LONG tags[] =
+ {
+ PEA_LeftTrack, 0,
+// PEA_DisplayTracks, 0,
+ GA_ID, 0,
+ };
+ /* Optimized slider update; only send updates if one of
+ * these conditions is satisfied:
+ *
+ * - Final update (keyup or selectup),
+ * - SliderCounter reached,
+ * - Reached left/right of pattern.
+ */
+ if ((!(flags & OPUF_INTERIM)) || (ped->SliderCounter == 0) || (ped->LeftTrack == 0)
+ || (ped->LeftTrack + ped->DisplayTracks >= ped->Patt->Tracks))
+ {
+ ped->SliderCounter = 3;
+ tags[1] = ped->LeftTrack;
+// tags[3] = ped->DisplayTracks;
+ tags[3] = g->GadgetID;
+ DoMethod ((Object *)g, OM_NOTIFY, tags, gi, flags);
+ }
+ ped->SliderCounter--;
+static void NotifySliders (struct PattEditData *ped, struct ExtGadget *g, struct GadgetInfo *gi, ULONG flags)
+ static LONG tags[] =
+ {
+ PEA_LeftTrack, 0,
+ PEA_DisplayTracks, 0,
+ PEA_TopLine, 0,
+ PEA_DisplayLines, 0,
+ GA_ID, 0,
+ };
+ tags[1] = ped->LeftTrack;
+ tags[3] = ped->DisplayTracks;
+ tags[5] = ped->TopLine;
+ tags[7] = ped->DisplayLines;
+ tags[9] = g->GadgetID;
+ DoMethod ((Object *)g, OM_NOTIFY, tags, gi, flags);
+static void GetGadgetBox (struct GadgetInfo *ginfo, struct ExtGadget *g, struct IBox *rect)
+/* This function gets the actual IBox where a gadget exists
+ * in a window. The special cases it handles are all the REL#?
+ * (relative positioning flags).
+ *
+ * The function takes a struct GadgetInfo pointer, a struct Gadget
+ * pointer, and a struct IBox pointer. It uses the window and
+ * gadget to fill in the IBox.
+ */
+ rect->Left = g->LeftEdge;
+ if (g->Flags & GFLG_RELRIGHT) rect->Left += ginfo->gi_Domain.Width - 1;
+ rect->Top = g->TopEdge;
+ if (g->Flags & GFLG_RELBOTTOM) rect->Top += ginfo->gi_Domain.Height - 1;
+ rect->Width = g->Width;
+ if (g->Flags & GFLG_RELWIDTH) rect->Width += ginfo->gi_Domain.Width;
+ rect->Height = g->Height;
+ if (g->Flags & GFLG_RELHEIGHT) rect->Height += ginfo->gi_Domain.Height;
+static BOOL CalcDisplaySize (struct PattEditData *ped, struct ExtGadget *g, struct GadgetInfo *ginfo)
+/* Calculate maximum number of tracks and lines that will fit in the gadget
+ * size. Returns TRUE if something has changed.
+ *
+ * GBounds are the bounds of the whole gadget and
+ * TBounds are the bounds of the portion where the cursor lives.
+ *
+ * +--Window--------------------+
+ * | |
+ * | +--GBounds----------------+|
+ * | | +--TBounds-----------+||
+ * | |001|C#2 1 000|B#2 2 C20 |||
+ * | |002|--- 0 000|A-2 2 C30 |||
+ * | |003|--- 0 000|C-2 2 C10 |||
+ * | |004|--- 0 000|C#2 3 000 |||
+ * | | +--------------------+||
+ * | +-------------------------+|
+ * +----------------------------+
+ */
+ UWORD old_displaytracks = ped->DisplayTracks,
+ old_displaylines = ped->DisplayLines,
+ numcol_width = ped->FontXSize * 4;
+ GetGadgetBox (ginfo, g, &ped->GBounds);
+ /* Setup DisplayTracks and DisplayLines */
+ if (ped->Patt)
+ {
+ ped->DisplayTracks = min ((ped->GBounds.Width - numcol_width) / ped->TrackWidth, ped->Patt->Tracks);
+ ped->DisplayLines = min (ped->GBounds.Height / ped->FontYSize, ped->Patt->Lines);
+ if (ped->TopLine + ped->DisplayLines > ped->Patt->Lines)
+ ped->TopLine = max (0, ped->Patt->Lines - ped->DisplayLines);
+ if (ped->LeftTrack + ped->DisplayTracks > ped->Patt->Tracks)
+ ped->LeftTrack = max (0, ped->Patt->Tracks - ped->DisplayTracks);
+ }
+ /* Setup Text Bounds */
+ ped->TBounds.Top = ped->GBounds.Top;
+ ped->TBounds.Left = ped->GBounds.Left + numcol_width;
+ ped->TBounds.Width = ped->DisplayTracks * ped->TrackWidth;
+ ped->TBounds.Height = ped->DisplayLines * ped->FontYSize;
+ return ((BOOL)((old_displaytracks != ped->DisplayTracks) || (old_displaylines != ped->DisplayLines)));
+static BOOL MoveCursor (struct PattEditData *ped, WORD x, WORD y)
+/* Moves the cursor to a given xy position. Checks whether the cursor has
+ * really moved and returns FALSE if there is no need to update its imagery.
+ */
+ WORD tmp;
+ BOOL moved = FALSE, maxtrack = FALSE;
+ /* X Position (Track) */
+ if (x < 0)
+ tmp = ped->LeftTrack - 1;
+ else
+ tmp = (x / ped->TrackWidth) + ped->LeftTrack;
+ if (tmp < 0) tmp = 0;
+ if (tmp >= ped->Patt->Tracks)
+ {
+ tmp = ped->Patt->Tracks - 1;
+ maxtrack = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (ped->Track != tmp)
+ {
+ moved = TRUE;
+ ped->Track = tmp;
+ }
+ /* X Position (Column) */
+ if (maxtrack)
+ tmp = ped->TrackChars - 1;
+ else
+ tmp = (x / ped->FontXSize) % ped->TrackChars;
+ if (tmp < 3) tmp = COL_NOTE;
+ else if (tmp == 3) tmp = COL_INSTH;
+ else if (tmp == 4) tmp = COL_INSTL;
+ else if (tmp < 7) tmp = COL_EFF;
+ else if (tmp == 7) tmp = COL_VALH;
+ else tmp = COL_VALL;
+ if (ped->Column != tmp)
+ {
+ moved = TRUE;
+ ped->Column = tmp;
+ }
+ /* Y Position */
+ tmp = (y / ped->FontYSize) + ped->TopLine;
+ if (tmp < 0) tmp = 0;
+ if (tmp >= ped->Patt->Lines)
+ tmp = ped->Patt->Lines - 1;
+ if (ped->Line != tmp)
+ {
+ moved = TRUE;
+ ped->Line = tmp;
+ }
+ return moved;
+static void EraseCursor (struct RastPort *rp, struct PattEditData *ped)
+ SetDrMd (rp,COMPLEMENT);
+ switch (ped->CursState)
+ {
+ SetAfPt (rp, GhostPattern, 1);
+ RectFill (rp, ped->CursRect.MinX, ped->CursRect.MinY,
+ ped->CursRect.MaxX, ped->CursRect.MaxY);
+ SetAfPt (rp, NULL, 0); /* Reset Area Pattern */
+ break;
+ case IDS_BUSY:
+ SetAfPt (rp, MarkPattern, 1);
+ RectFill (rp, ped->CursRect.MinX, ped->CursRect.MinY,
+ ped->CursRect.MaxX, ped->CursRect.MaxY);
+ SetAfPt (rp, NULL, 0); /* Reset Area Pattern */
+ break;
+ RectFill (rp, ped->CursRect.MinX, ped->CursRect.MinY,
+ ped->CursRect.MaxX, ped->CursRect.MaxY);
+ if (ped->CursLinePos)
+ {
+ /* Erase cursor line */
+ /* Question: Is RectFill faster than Move()+Draw()? Hmmm... */
+ RectFill (rp, ped->GBounds.Left, ped->CursRect.MaxY,
+ ped->TBounds.Left + ped->TBounds.Width - 1, ped->CursRect.MaxY);
+ // Move (rp, ped->GBounds.Left, ped->CursRect.MaxY);
+ // Draw (rp, ped->TBounds.Left + ped->TBounds.Width - 1, ped->CursRect.MaxY);
+ ped->CursLinePos = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* When the cursor is not rendered, its state
+ * will be IDS_NORMAL, so we won't erase it at all.
+ */
+ break;
+ }
+ ped->CursState = IDS_NORMAL;
+static UWORD DrawCursor (struct RastPort *rp, struct PattEditData *ped, struct ExtGadget *g)
+/* Draw the cursor image on the editor. If the cursor goes outside
+ * of the scrolling region, the view is scrolled to make
+ * it visible.
+ *
+ * 0 - no scrolling occurred,
+ * SCROLLED_VERT - vertical scroll occurred,
+ * SCROLLED_HORIZ - horizontal scroll occurred,
+ * SCROLLED_VERT|SCROLLED_HORIZ - scrolled in both directions.
+ */
+ /* Cursor offsets for each track column */
+ static UWORD ColumnOff[COL_COUNT] = { 0, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 };
+ struct Rectangle NewCurs;
+ UWORD NewState;
+ /* Do not attemt to draw a cursor if the editor is so small that
+ * it can't display anything,
+ */
+ if (!ped->DisplayTracks || !ped->DisplayLines)
+ return 0;
+ /* Check whether cursor is outside the display bounds and
+ * scroll pattern to make it visible if required.
+ */
+ {
+ if (ped->Line < ped->TopLine)
+ return ScrollPattern (rp, ped, g, ped->LeftTrack, ped->Line);
+ else if (ped->Line >= ped->TopLine + ped->DisplayLines)
+ return ScrollPattern (rp, ped, g, ped->LeftTrack, ped->Line - ped->DisplayLines + 1);
+ if (ped->Track < ped->LeftTrack)
+ return ScrollPattern (rp, ped, g, ped->Track, ped->TopLine);
+ else if (ped->Track >= ped->LeftTrack + ped->DisplayTracks)
+ return ScrollPattern (rp, ped, g, ped->Track - ped->DisplayTracks + 1, ped->TopLine);
+ }
+ /* Calculate new cursor rectangle */
+ NewCurs.MinX = ped->TBounds.Left +
+ (((ped->Track - ped->LeftTrack) * ped->TrackChars) + ColumnOff[ped->Column]) * ped->FontXSize;
+ NewCurs.MinY = ped->TBounds.Top + (ped->Line - ped->TopLine) * ped->FontYSize;
+ NewCurs.MaxX = NewCurs.MinX + ped->FontXSize - 1;
+ NewCurs.MaxY = NewCurs.MinY + ped->FontYSize - 1;
+ /* Note field is three characters wide */
+ if (ped->Column == COL_NOTE)
+ NewCurs.MaxX += ped->FontXSize * 2;
+ /* Set AreaPattern to show current cursor state */
+ if (!(g->Flags & GFLG_SELECTED))
+ {
+ NewState = IDS_DISABLED;
+ /* Set this pattern to draw an inactive cursor */
+ SetAfPt (rp, GhostPattern, 1);
+ }
+ else if (ped->Flags & PEF_MARKING)
+ {
+ NewState = IDS_BUSY;
+ /* Set this pattern to draw marking cursor */
+ SetAfPt (rp, MarkPattern, 1);
+ }
+ else NewState = IDS_SELECTED;
+ SetDrMd (rp, COMPLEMENT);
+ /* Draw cursor */
+ RectFill (rp, NewCurs.MinX, NewCurs.MinY,
+ NewCurs.MaxX, NewCurs.MaxY);
+ SetAfPt (rp, NULL, 0); /* Reset AreaFill Pattern */
+ if ((ped->Flags & PEF_DOCURSORRULER) && (NewState == IDS_SELECTED))
+ {
+ if (ped->CursLinePos != NewCurs.MaxY)
+ {
+ /* Draw horizontal line */
+ /* Question: Is RectFill faster than Move()+Draw()? Hmmm... */
+ RectFill (rp, ped->GBounds.Left, NewCurs.MaxY,
+ ped->TBounds.Left + ped->TBounds.Width - 1, NewCurs.MaxY);
+ // Move (rp, ped->GBounds.Left, NewCurs.MaxY);
+ // Draw (rp, ped->TBounds.Left + ped->TBounds.Width - 1, NewCurs.MaxY);
+ }
+ /* Cause EraseCursor() to leave the old line alone */
+ else ped->CursLinePos = 0;
+ }
+ /* Erase old cursor */
+ EraseCursor (rp, ped);
+ if (ped->Flags & PEF_MARKING)
+ /* Update the range */
+ DrawRange (rp, ped);
+ /* Store new position and state */
+ ped->CursRect = NewCurs;
+ ped->CursState = NewState;
+ if ((ped->Flags & PEF_DOCURSORRULER) && (NewState == IDS_SELECTED))
+ ped->CursLinePos = NewCurs.MaxY;
+ return FALSE;
+static void DrawRange (struct RastPort *rp, struct PattEditData *ped)
+ UWORD tmin, tmax, lmin, lmax;
+ struct Rectangle newrange;
+ ped->RangeEndTrack = ped->Track;
+ if (!(ped->Flags & PEF_MARKFULLTRACKS))
+ ped->RangeEndLine = ped->Line;
+ if (ped->RangeStartTrack < ped->RangeEndTrack)
+ {
+ tmin = ped->RangeStartTrack;
+ tmax = ped->RangeEndTrack;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tmin = ped->RangeEndTrack;
+ tmax = ped->RangeStartTrack;
+ }
+ if (ped->RangeStartLine < ped->RangeEndLine)
+ {
+ lmin = ped->RangeStartLine;
+ lmax = ped->RangeEndLine;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lmin = ped->RangeEndLine;
+ lmax = ped->RangeStartLine;
+ }
+ /* Limit to visible portion of range rectangle */
+ if (tmin < ped->LeftTrack)
+ tmin = ped->LeftTrack;
+ if (tmin >= ped->LeftTrack + ped->DisplayTracks)
+ tmin = ped->LeftTrack + ped->DisplayTracks - 1;
+ if (tmax < ped->LeftTrack)
+ tmax = ped->LeftTrack;
+ if (tmax >= ped->LeftTrack + ped->DisplayTracks)
+ tmax = ped->LeftTrack + ped->DisplayTracks - 1;
+ if (lmin < ped->TopLine)
+ lmin = ped->TopLine;
+ if (lmin >= ped->TopLine + ped->DisplayLines)
+ lmin = ped->TopLine + ped->DisplayLines - 1;
+ if (lmax < ped->TopLine)
+ lmax = ped->TopLine;
+ if (lmax >= ped->TopLine + ped->DisplayLines)
+ lmax = ped->TopLine + ped->DisplayLines - 1;
+ newrange.MinX = ped->TBounds.Left + (tmin - ped->LeftTrack) * ped->TrackWidth;
+ newrange.MinY = ped->TBounds.Top + (lmin - ped->TopLine) * ped->FontYSize;
+ newrange.MaxX = ped->TBounds.Left + ((tmax - ped->LeftTrack + 1) * ped->TrackWidth) - 1;
+ newrange.MaxY = ped->TBounds.Top + ((lmax - ped->TopLine + 1) * ped->FontYSize) - 1;
+#ifdef OS30_ONLY
+ SetWriteMask (rp, ped->TextPen | ped->BGPen);
+ SafeSetWriteMask (rp, ped->TextPen | ped->BGPen);
+#endif /* OS30_ONLY */
+ SetDrMd (rp, COMPLEMENT);
+ if (ped->RangeRect.MaxX == 0)
+ {
+ RectFill (rp, newrange.MinX,
+ newrange.MinY,
+ newrange.MaxX,
+ newrange.MaxY);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Incremental range box update. We only draw changes relative to last
+ * ranged box. As the range box is drawn complementing bitplane 1,
+ * complementing it again will erase it, so we do not care if the box
+ * has grown or shrinked; we just complemnt delta boxes.
+ */
+ /* range box
+ * +---+-----+
+ * |###| |
+ * |###| |
+ * |###| <-+-- unchanged
+ * |###| |
+ * +---+-----+
+ * ^---------- changed
+ */
+ if (newrange.MinX != ped->RangeRect.MinX)
+ RectFill (rp, min (ped->RangeRect.MinX, newrange.MinX),
+ newrange.MinY,
+ max (ped->RangeRect.MinX, newrange.MinX) - 1,
+ newrange.MaxY);
+ /* +-----+---+
+ * | |###|
+ * | |###|
+ * | |###|
+ * | |###|
+ * +-----+---+
+ */
+ if (newrange.MaxX != ped->RangeRect.MaxX)
+ RectFill (rp, min (ped->RangeRect.MaxX, newrange.MaxX) + 1,
+ newrange.MinY,
+ max (ped->RangeRect.MaxX, newrange.MaxX),
+ newrange.MaxY);
+ /* +---------+
+ * |#########|
+ * +---------+
+ * | |
+ * | |
+ * +---------+
+ */
+ if (newrange.MinY != ped->RangeRect.MinY)
+ RectFill (rp, ped->RangeRect.MinX,
+ min (ped->RangeRect.MinY, newrange.MinY),
+ ped->RangeRect.MaxX,
+ max (ped->RangeRect.MinY, newrange.MinY) - 1);
+ /* +---------+
+ * | |
+ * | |
+ * +---------+
+ * |#########|
+ * +---------+
+ */
+ if (newrange.MaxY != ped->RangeRect.MaxY)
+ RectFill (rp, ped->RangeRect.MinX,
+ min (ped->RangeRect.MaxY, newrange.MaxY) + 1,
+ ped->RangeRect.MaxX,
+ max (ped->RangeRect.MaxY, newrange.MaxY));
+ }
+ /* Copy new values */
+ ped->RangeRect = newrange;
+#ifdef OS30_ONLY
+ SetWriteMask (rp, ~0);
+ SafeSetWriteMask (rp, (UBYTE)~0);
+#endif /* OS30_ONLY */
+static void ClearRange (struct RastPort *rp, struct PattEditData *ped)
+#ifdef OS30_ONLY
+ SetWriteMask (rp, ped->TextPen | ped->BGPen);
+ SafeSetWriteMask (rp, ped->TextPen | ped->BGPen);
+#endif /* OS30_ONLY */
+ SetDrMd (rp, COMPLEMENT);
+ RectFill (rp, ped->RangeRect.MinX, ped->RangeRect.MinY,
+ ped->RangeRect.MaxX, ped->RangeRect.MaxY);
+ memset (&ped->RangeRect, 0, sizeof (ped->RangeRect));
+#ifdef OS30_ONLY
+ SetWriteMask (rp, ~0);
+ SafeSetWriteMask (rp, (UBYTE)~0);
+#endif /* OS30_ONLY */
+static void RedrawAll (struct RastPort *rp, struct PattEditData *ped, struct ExtGadget *g)
+ UWORD HOffset,
+ tmp;
+ ULONG i;
+ /* Erase the whole gadget imagery */
+ SetAPen (rp, ped->BGPen);
+ SetDrMd (rp, JAM2);
+ if (!ped->Patt)
+ {
+ /* Clear everything */
+ RectFill (rp, ped->GBounds.Left, ped->GBounds.Top,
+ ped->GBounds.Left + ped->GBounds.Width - 1, ped->GBounds.Top + ped->GBounds.Height - 1);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (rp->BitMap->Depth > 1)
+ {
+ /* Do not clear the bitplanes used by the text because they will
+ * be completely redrawn later.
+ */
+#ifdef OS30_ONLY
+ SetWriteMask (rp, ~ped->TextPen);
+ SafeSetWriteMask (rp, (UBYTE)~ped->TextPen);
+#endif /* OS30_ONLY */
+ /* +------------+
+ * |********* |
+ * |*Cleared* |
+ * |********* |
+ * | |
+ * +------------+
+ */
+ RectFill (rp, ped->GBounds.Left, ped->GBounds.Top,
+ ped->TBounds.Left + ped->TBounds.Width - 1, ped->TBounds.Top + ped->TBounds.Height - 1);
+ /* Restore the Mask */
+#ifdef OS30_ONLY
+ SetWriteMask (rp, ~0);
+ SafeSetWriteMask (rp, (UBYTE)~0);
+#endif /* OS30_ONLY */
+ }
+ /* Now clear the area at the right and bottom side of
+ * the editing field.
+ */
+ /* +------------+
+ * | ***|
+ * | ***|
+ * | ***|
+ * | |
+ * +------------+
+ */
+ if (ped->TBounds.Left + ped->TBounds.Width < ped->GBounds.Left + ped->GBounds.Width)
+ RectFill (rp, ped->TBounds.Left + ped->TBounds.Width, ped->GBounds.Top,
+ ped->GBounds.Left + ped->GBounds.Width - 1, ped->TBounds.Top + ped->TBounds.Height - 1);
+ /* +------------+
+ * | |
+ * | |
+ * | |
+ * |************|
+ * +------------+
+ */
+ if (ped->TBounds.Top + ped->TBounds.Height < ped->GBounds.Top + ped->GBounds.Height)
+ RectFill (rp, ped->GBounds.Left, ped->TBounds.Top + ped->TBounds.Height,
+ ped->GBounds.Left + ped->GBounds.Width - 1, ped->GBounds.Top + ped->GBounds.Height - 1);
+ /* Cursor shouldn't be deleted again since everything has been cleared */
+ ped->CursState = IDS_NORMAL;
+ ped->CursLinePos = 0;
+ if (!(ped->Patt)) return;
+ /* Draw track separator lines */
+ SetAPen (rp, ped->LinesPen);
+ DrawTrackSeparators (rp, ped, ped->TrackWidth);
+ /* Draw tiny vertical separator lines */
+ if (ped->Flags & PEF_DOTINYLINES)
+ {
+ SetAPen (rp, ped->TinyLinesPen);
+ SetDrPt (rp, 0xCCCC);
+ HOffset = ped->TBounds.Left - 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < ped->DisplayTracks; i++, HOffset += ped->TrackWidth)
+ {
+ Move (rp, tmp = HOffset + ped->FontXSize * 3, ped->GBounds.Top);
+ Draw (rp, tmp, ped->GBounds.Top + ped->GBounds.Height - 1);
+ Move (rp, tmp = HOffset + ped->FontXSize * 5, ped->GBounds.Top);
+ Draw (rp, tmp, ped->GBounds.Top + ped->GBounds.Height - 1);
+ Move (rp, tmp = HOffset + ped->FontXSize * 7, ped->GBounds.Top);
+ Draw (rp, tmp, ped->GBounds.Top + ped->GBounds.Height - 1);
+ }
+ SetDrPt (rp, 0xFFFF);
+ }
+ RedrawPattern (rp, ped, g);
+ DrawTrackNumbers (rp, ped);
+static void DrawTrackSeparators (struct RastPort *rp, struct PattEditData *ped, UWORD width)
+ UWORD i, HOffset = ped->TBounds.Left - 1;
+ for (i = 0; i <= ped->DisplayTracks; i++, HOffset += width)
+ {
+ /* Never draw outside gadget bounds */
+ if (HOffset >= ped->GBounds.Left + ped->GBounds.Width + 1) break;
+ RectFill (rp, HOffset - 1, ped->GBounds.Top, HOffset, ped->GBounds.Top + ped->GBounds.Height - 1);
+ }
+static void DrawTrackNumbers (struct RastPort *rp, struct PattEditData *ped)
+ struct TextFont *oldfont = rp->Font;
+ UWORD HOffset = ped->TBounds.Left + ped->FontXSize * 5;
+ UWORD i;
+ UBYTE ch;
+#ifndef OS30_ONLY
+ if (GfxBase->LibNode.lib_Version < 39)
+ {
+ rp->Mask = ped->LinesPen;
+ SetAPen (rp, ped->LinesPen);
+ SetBPen (rp, ped->BGPen);
+ SetDrMd (rp, JAM2); /* JAM1 or JAM2... Which one is faster? */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#endif /* !OS30_ONLY */
+ SetWrMsk (rp, ped->LinesPen);
+ SetABPenDrMd (rp, ped->LinesPen, ped->BGPen, JAM2);
+#ifndef OS30_ONLY
+ }
+#endif /* !OS30_ONLY */
+ SetFont (rp, ped->EditorFont);
+ for (i = 0; i < ped->DisplayTracks; i++, HOffset += ped->TrackWidth)
+ {
+ Move (rp, HOffset, ped->GBounds.Top + ped->EditorFont->tf_Baseline);
+ ch = HexValuesNo0[((i+ped->LeftTrack)>>4) & 0xF];
+ Text (rp, &ch, 1);
+ Move (rp, HOffset, ped->GBounds.Top + ped->FontXSize + ped->EditorFont->tf_Baseline);
+ ch = HexValues[(i+ped->LeftTrack) & 0xF];
+ Text (rp, &ch, 1);
+ }
+ SetFont (rp, oldfont);
+static void RedrawPattern (struct RastPort *rp, struct PattEditData *ped, struct ExtGadget *g)
+ EraseCursor (rp, ped);
+ /* Redraw all lines */
+ if (ped->DisplayLines)
+ DrawPatternLines (rp, ped, 0, ped->DisplayLines - 1);
+ if (ped->Flags & PEF_MARKING)
+ /* Clear the range rectangle bounds so the next call
+ * to DrawCursor() will redraw all the range box.
+ */
+ memset (&ped->RangeRect, 0, sizeof (ped->RangeRect));
+ DrawCursor (rp, ped, g);
+static void DrawPatternLines (struct RastPort *rp, struct PattEditData *ped, UWORD min, UWORD max)
+/* Draws Pattern display lines. Only lines from <min> to <max> are drawn.
+ * To redraw all the display, pass min = 0 and max = ped->DisplayLines - 1.
+ */
+ struct Pattern *patt;
+ struct TextFont *oldfont = rp->Font;
+ UBYTE *l;
+ UWORD i, j;
+ UWORD VOffset = ped->TBounds.Top + ped->EditorFont->tf_Baseline
+ + min * ped->FontYSize;
+ /* Note well: I've put 32 and not MAXTRACKS here because 255 tracks would
+ * have used too much stack. :-(
+ */
+ if (!(patt = ped->Patt)) return;
+ SetFont (rp, ped->EditorFont);
+#ifndef OS30_ONLY
+ if (GfxBase->LibNode.lib_Version >= 39)
+ {
+#endif /* !OS30_ONLY */
+ SetWriteMask (rp, ped->TextPen | ped->BGPen);
+ SetABPenDrMd (rp, ped->TextPen, ped->BGPen, JAM2);
+#ifndef OS30_ONLY
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rp->Mask = ped->TextPen | ped->BGPen;
+ SetAPen (rp, ped->TextPen);
+ SetBPen (rp, ped->BGPen);
+ SetDrMd (rp, JAM2); /* JAM1 or JAM2... Which one is faster? */
+ }
+#endif /* !OS30_ONLY */
+ for (i = min; i <= max; i++)
+ {
+ l = line;
+ /* Write Line Numbers column */
+ if (ped->Flags & PEF_HEXMODE)
+ {
+ *l++ = HexValues[((i+ped->TopLine)>>8) & 0xF];
+ *l++ = HexValues[((i+ped->TopLine)>>4) & 0xF];
+ *l++ = HexValues[((i+ped->TopLine) & 0xF)];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *l++ = HexValues[((i+ped->TopLine) / 100) % 10];
+ *l++ = HexValues[((i+ped->TopLine) / 10) % 10];
+ *l++ = HexValues[((i+ped->TopLine) % 10)];
+ }
+ *l++ = ' ';
+ for (j = 0; j < ped->DisplayTracks; j++, l += ped->TrackChars)
+ ped->Note2ASCIIFunc (l, &patt->Notes[j+ped->LeftTrack][i+ped->TopLine]);
+ Move (rp, ped->GBounds.Left, VOffset);
+ Text (rp, line, ped->DisplayTracks * ped->TrackChars + 4);
+ VOffset += ped->FontYSize;
+ }
+#ifdef OS30_ONLY
+ SetWriteMask (rp, ~0);
+ SafeSetWriteMask (rp, (UBYTE)~0);
+#endif /* OS30_ONLY */
+ SetFont (rp, oldfont);
+static void DrawNote (struct RastPort *rp, struct PattEditData *ped)
+/* Draws the note under the cursor. DrawNote() won't draw if the cursor
+ * is outside of the editing area. Range marking mode is also taken into
+ * account and the colors of the note will be reversed when the note must
+ * be hilighted.
+ */
+ struct Pattern *patt;
+ struct TextFont *oldfont = rp->Font;
+ if (!(patt = ped->Patt)) return;
+ /* Is the cursor outside the editing area? */
+ if ((ped->Line < ped->TopLine) || (ped->Line >= ped->TopLine + ped->DisplayLines) ||
+ (ped->Track < ped->LeftTrack) || (ped->Track >= ped->LeftTrack + ped->DisplayTracks))
+ return;
+ SetFont (rp, ped->EditorFont);
+#ifndef OS30_ONLY
+ if (GfxBase->LibNode.lib_Version >= 39)
+ {
+#endif /* OS30_ONLY */
+ SetWriteMask (rp, ped->TextPen | ped->BGPen);
+ if (ped->Flags & PEF_MARKING)
+ SetABPenDrMd (rp, ped->BGPen, ped->TextPen, JAM2);
+ else
+ SetABPenDrMd (rp, ped->TextPen, ped->BGPen, JAM2);
+#ifndef OS30_ONLY
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rp->Mask = ped->TextPen | ped->BGPen;
+ if (ped->Flags & PEF_MARKING)
+ {
+ SetAPen (rp, ped->BGPen);
+ SetBPen (rp, ped->TextPen);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SetAPen (rp, ped->TextPen);
+ SetBPen (rp, ped->BGPen);
+ }
+ SetDrMd (rp, JAM2);
+ }
+#endif /* OS30_ONLY */
+ ped->Note2ASCIIFunc (buf, &patt->Notes[ped->Track][ped->Line]);
+ Move (rp, ped->TBounds.Left + ((ped->Track - ped->LeftTrack) * ped->TrackWidth),
+ ped->TBounds.Top + ped->EditorFont->tf_Baseline + (ped->Line - ped->TopLine) * ped->FontYSize);
+ Text (rp, buf, ped->TrackChars);
+#ifdef OS30_ONLY
+ SetWriteMask (rp, (UBYTE)~0);
+ SafeSetWriteMask (rp, (UBYTE)~0);
+#endif /* OS30_ONLY */
+ SetFont (rp, oldfont);
+#ifdef PORTABLE
+void ASMCALL Note2ASCIIBlank0 (REG(a1, UBYTE *s), REG(a2, struct Note *note))
+/* Fill buffer <s> with the ASCII representation of a
+ * Note structure. <s> will be able to hold at
+ * least <ped->TrackChars> characters.
+ */
+ *((ULONG *)s) = TextNotes[note->Note];
+ if (note->Inst)
+ {
+ s[3] = HexValuesNo0[note->Inst>>4];
+ s[4] = HexValues[note->Inst & 0x0F];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s[3] = ' ';
+ s[4] = '-';
+ }
+ s[5] = ' ';
+ if (note->EffNum || note->EffVal)
+ {
+ s[6] = HexValues[note->EffNum];
+ s[7] = HexValues[note->EffVal>>4];
+ s[8] = HexValues[note->EffVal & 0xF];
+ s[9] = ' ';
+ }
+ else
+ *((ULONG *)(s+6)) = ' . ';
+void ASMCALL Note2ASCII (REG(a1, UBYTE *s), REG(a2, struct Note *note))
+/* Fill buffer <s> with the ASCII representation of a
+ * Note structure. <s> will be able to hold at
+ * least <ped->TrackChars> characters.
+ */
+ *((ULONG *)s) = note->Note ? TextNotes[note->Note] : '--- ';
+ s[3] = HexValuesNo0[note->Inst>>4];
+ s[4] = HexValues[note->Inst & 0x0F];
+ s[5] = ' ';
+ s[6] = HexValues[note->EffNum];
+ s[7] = HexValues[note->EffVal>>4];
+ s[8] = HexValues[note->EffVal & 0xF];
+ s[9] = ' ';
+#endif /* PORTABLE */
+static UWORD ScrollPattern (struct RastPort *rp, struct PattEditData *ped, struct ExtGadget *g, UWORD lefttrack, UWORD topline)
+ * Scroll the display to the new position <lefttrack>, <topline>.
+ *
+ * 0 - no scrolling occurred,
+ * SCROLLED_VERT - vertical scroll occurred,
+ * SCROLLED_HORIZ - horizontal scroll occurred,
+ * SCROLLED_VERT | SCROLLED_HORIZ - scrolled in both directions.
+ */
+ if (ped->LeftTrack != lefttrack)
+ {
+ UWORD retval = SCROLLED_HORIZ | ped->TopLine != topline;
+ ped->LeftTrack = lefttrack;
+ ped->TopLine = topline;
+ EraseCursor (rp, ped);
+ DrawTrackNumbers (rp, ped);
+ RedrawPattern (rp, ped, g);
+ return retval;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ UWORD scroll_lines = abs(ped->TopLine - topline);
+ /* Redraw everything if more than an half of the screen
+ * has scrolled. When in mark mode, the scroll limit is set
+ * to two thirds of the display, because redrawing the mark
+ * region takes up a lot of time.
+ */
+ //if (scroll_lines > ((ped->Flags & PEF_MARKING) ? ((ped->DisplayLines * 3) >> 1) : (ped->DisplayLines >> 1)))
+ if (scroll_lines > (ped->DisplayLines * 3) >> 1)
+ {
+ ped->LeftTrack = lefttrack;
+ ped->TopLine = topline;
+ EraseCursor (rp, ped);
+ RedrawPattern (rp, ped, g);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ WORD scroll_dy = (topline - ped->TopLine) * ped->FontYSize;
+ EraseCursor (rp, ped);
+ /* Scroll range rectangle */
+ ped->RangeRect.MinY -= scroll_dy;
+ ped->RangeRect.MaxY -= scroll_dy;
+ if (ped->RangeRect.MinY < ped->TBounds.Top)
+ ped->RangeRect.MinY = ped->TBounds.Top;
+ if (ped->RangeRect.MaxY >= ped->TBounds.Top + ped->TBounds.Height)
+ ped->RangeRect.MaxY = ped->TBounds.Top + ped->TBounds.Height - 1;
+ /* We use ClipBlit() to scroll the pattern because it doesn't clear
+ * the scrolled region like ScrollRaster() would do. Unfortunately,
+ * ClipBlit() does not scroll along the damage regions, so we also
+ * call ScrollRaster() with the mask set to 0, which will scroll the
+ * layer damage regions without actually modifying the display.
+ */
+#ifdef OS30_ONLY
+ SetWriteMask (rp, ped->TextPen | ped->BGPen);
+ SafeSetWriteMask (rp, ped->TextPen | ped->BGPen);
+#endif /* OS30_ONLY */
+ if (scroll_dy > 0)
+ /* Scroll Down */
+ ClipBlit (rp, ped->GBounds.Left, ped->TBounds.Top + scroll_dy,
+ rp, ped->GBounds.Left, ped->TBounds.Top,
+ ped->TBounds.Width + (ped->TBounds.Left - ped->GBounds.Left), ped->TBounds.Height - scroll_dy,
+ 0x0C0);
+ else
+ /* Scroll Up */
+ ClipBlit (rp, ped->GBounds.Left, ped->TBounds.Top,
+ rp, ped->GBounds.Left, ped->TBounds.Top - scroll_dy,
+ ped->TBounds.Width + (ped->TBounds.Left - ped->GBounds.Left), ped->TBounds.Height + scroll_dy,
+ 0x0C0);
+ /* This will scroll the layer damage regions without actually
+ * scrolling the display.
+ */
+ if (rp->Layer->Flags & LAYERSIMPLE)
+ {
+#ifdef OS30_ONLY
+ SetWriteMask (rp, 0);
+ SafeSetWriteMask (rp, 0);
+#endif /* OS30_ONLY */
+ ScrollRaster (rp, 0, scroll_dy,
+ ped->GBounds.Left, ped->TBounds.Top,
+ ped->TBounds.Left + ped->TBounds.Width - 1,
+ ped->TBounds.Top + ped->TBounds.Height - 1);
+ }
+ ped->LeftTrack = lefttrack;
+ ped->TopLine = topline;
+ if (scroll_dy > 0)
+ /* Scroll down */
+ DrawPatternLines (rp, ped, ped->DisplayLines - scroll_lines, ped->DisplayLines-1);
+ else
+ /* Scroll up */
+ DrawPatternLines (rp, ped, 0, scroll_lines - 1);
+#ifdef OS30_ONLY
+ SetWriteMask (rp, ~0);
+ SafeSetWriteMask (rp, (UBYTE)~0);
+#endif /* OS30_ONLY */
+ DrawCursor (rp, ped, g);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+#if 0
+INTCALL static void TimerIntServer (REG(a1) struct ExtGadget *g)
+ struct PattEditData *ped = INST_DATA (OCLASS(g), g); /*!*/
+ /* Remove TimerIO for further usage */
+ GetMsg (&ped->TimerPort);
+ if ((ped->Flags & PEF_SCROLLING) && ped->TopLine)
+ {
+ SetGadgetAttrs (g, ped->MyWindow, NULL,
+ PEA_Up, 1,
+ /* Send another request for next scroll */
+ ped->TimerIO.tr_node.io_Command = TR_ADDREQUEST;
+ ped->TimerIO.tr_time.tv_micro = 500000;
+ BeginIO ((struct IORequest *)&ped->TimerIO);
+ }
+ * Class library support functions
+ */
+HOOKCALL struct ClassLibrary * _UserLibInit (REG(a6, struct ClassLibrary *mybase))
+ SysBase = *((struct ExecBase **)4); /* Initialize SysBase */
+ IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *) OpenLibrary ("intuition.library", WANTED_LIBVER);
+ GfxBase = (struct GfxBase *) OpenLibrary ("graphics.library", WANTED_LIBVER);
+ UtilityBase = (struct UtilityBase *) OpenLibrary ("utility.library", WANTED_LIBVER);
+ KeymapBase = OpenLibrary ("keymap.library", 36); /* Kick V37 has keymap V36! */
+ if (!(IntuitionBase && GfxBase && UtilityBase && KeymapBase))
+ {
+ _UserLibCleanup (mybase);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (mybase->cl_Class = MakeClass (PATTEDITCLASS, GADGETCLASS, NULL, sizeof (struct PattEditData), 0))
+ {
+ mybase->cl_Class->cl_Dispatcher.h_Entry = (ULONG (*)()) PattEditDispatcher;
+ AddClass (mybase->cl_Class);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _UserLibCleanup (mybase);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return mybase;
+HOOKCALL struct ClassLibrary * _UserLibCleanup (REG(a6, struct ClassLibrary *mybase))
+ if (mybase->cl_Class)
+ if (!FreeClass (mybase->cl_Class))
+ return NULL;
+ /* The tests against NULL are needed here because CloseLibrary()
+ * in V34 crashes when passed a NULL pointer, and this
+ * function might get called when someone tries to load this
+ * library on an 1.3 system.
+ */
+ if (KeymapBase) CloseLibrary ((struct Library *)KeymapBase);
+ if (UtilityBase) CloseLibrary ((struct Library *)UtilityBase);
+ if (GfxBase) CloseLibrary ((struct Library *)GfxBase);
+ if (IntuitionBase) CloseLibrary ((struct Library *)IntuitionBase);
+ return mybase;
+HOOKCALL Class * _GetEngine (REG(a6, struct ClassLibrary *mybase))
+ return (mybase->cl_Class);